Donald Trump

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Americans are finally seeing the dumpster for what he really is A loud mouthed POS racist bastard thank God his POS father is dead, hopefully on the tip of Lucifers dick, I don't think this country could take it if you think the dumpster is bad thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with his father Fred.

In the 70's slumlords and other cretins of housing were being thrown into jail left and right those who had money (Trump) settled and paid a fine and was forced to hand over a list a vacant property and those that didn't have the money...well you know what happened.

Trump was a POS 43 years ago when he was all over the news outlets in NYC when I first heard of him and still is one today.
Yep those guys worked for low pay under a racist banner. Now there is irony for you.

On the other hand, practically every US citizen benefits from low prices for groceries that couldn't be sold for at current prices without field workers who make less than minimum wage. A lot of this is due to people who know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. I'm guilty of that too, I have to admit.

What chaps me is how those field workers, many of whom are illegal immigrants get treated like dirt when they are doing the necessary labor. We never see the old union bumper stickers that were around in the '60's -- honor labor.

That's why I'm trying to grow my own food and break away from this bullshit. I want to have 4 chickens 2 goats in the future. Milk eggs meat and cheese.

Marijuana is the Gateway Drug To Gardening.

Just harvested my first 9 jalapeno plants from Wal-Mart bags. Got about 30 San Marzano tomatoe plants and I got corn coming up.
Always creepy, ignorant, witless, racist, you're everything that is sickeneing and that you dont want to see in an older person. You would be the smelly racist granny at most folk's family events. But at (@StevieBevie 's) your own family's rallies you can sit back and bloat with white pride.

Except this granny shits out of both ends.
Always creepy, ignorant, witless, racist, you're everything that is sickeneing and that you dont want to see in an older person. You would be the smelly racist granny at most folk's family events. But at (@StevieBevie 's) your own family's rallies you can sit back and bloat with white pride.
Just a Buckybud hate monger with nothing but insults to sling...lololol. Nothing of any value or worth to say?
...yep make up some more hate filled speech...all you are good for..
I laugh at little puny self ego... and the best way to deal with hate mongers like you is put you on ignore you can hang out with Buckybud in private and make yourself up a 5th ID so you can stalk me some more because you obviously get off on
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Just a Buckybud hate monger with nothing but insults to sling...lololol. Nothing of any value or worth to say?
...yep make up some more hate filled speech...all you are good for..
I laugh at little puny self ego...

Do cuck fantasies in Scandinavia involve St Nick and Black Pete?
This, if true, would be absolutely glorious.

I've had a strong suspicion that The dumpster might be a Manchurian candidate for Hillary all along.

Trump has pushed all the right buttons and was able to corner all the crazys out there.

I'm far from being a conspiracy theorist but his behavior is bizarre and there's no way he can win being so upside down with key demographic populace Blacks, Latinos, Women and the latest being Independents especially educated ones.

The elections are a little more than 90 days out, he won't be able to pull out a win he's dead and stinking.

Get ready to start saying Madam President.

Come to think of it,that movie is about a sociopath that wanted to be President and launch nukes and a guy stopping him,was it a preview to a Trump Presidency?
Nation with crumbling bridges and roads excited to build giant wall.

The estimated cost of a border wall with Mexico is five billion dollars,” he said. “We could easily blow the same amount of money on infrastructure repairs and have nothing to show for it but functioning highways.”
Five billion? I've heard estimates from more believable sources set the tag at 40 billion. Here is Jones Oliver's take on the wall. A discussion on how Trump kept upping his own estimate time and time again. The bit is funny throughout but the commentary about cost is found at 1:40 - 4:55 in the video posted below:
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