Obama paid $400 million ransom for hostages and then covered it up.

I wont quarrel with your expertise on steaming crap. But the world views Mr. Trump as a bumbling narcissist. President Obama by contrast is viewed favorably throughout the world. He is both supported and respected by world leaders. Mr.Trump is mocked and derided on a daily basis across the planet.[/QUOTE
I wont quarrel with your expertise on steaming crap. But the world views Mr. Trump as a bumbling narcissist. President Obama by contrast is viewed favorably throughout the world. He is both supported and respected by world leaders. Mr.Trump is mocked and derided on a daily basis across the planet.
I seriously disagree with on that and I'm going to name you the countries I have friends living in right now being Norway Sweden Switzerland France Germany Spain Portugal Slovenia Slovakia Poland Russia Ukraine Netherlands Greece Ireland Scotland Canada Japan Australia Venezuela New Zealand Zimbabwe Mexico Thailand the Philippines and Argentina I hope I haven't left any out and believe me their view of Obama and this country although they find Obama entertaining and sometimes socially delightful their view in general of our president and our country has gone down since Obama has taken office and they see him as weak and not a strong president.
Your opinions match with many uneducated, fearful, and emotionally thwarted americans.
When times are changing folks who are being left behind get angry, change or go extinct.

President Obama is and has been the most powerful man in the world for 8 years. Mr Trump is embroiled in petty scandals, faux pas and is being humiliated in his bid to be even taken seriously. Seems like you might be vicariously trying to manage your emotional wounds through Mr. Trump's bid for potus.
And I've got news for you when times do change it won't be because of people like you it will be because of good, kind, intelligent, generous, accepting, loving, and humble people that are growing mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Those who can envision a better world and a better place for all people not a world filled with the anger, like the anger and bitterness that spews out you and your buddies. Truth is the growth of our species will not occur because of the likes of people such as yourself and your goons who are filled with so much anger, hatred and bitterness. You are total contradictions of the word growth, and we as a species will definitely regress with people similar to you and your hateful buddies...
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And I've got news for you when times do change it won't be because of people like you it will be because of good, kind, intelligent, generous, accepting, loving, and humble people that are growing mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Those who can envision a better world and a better place for all people not a world filled with the anger, like the anger and bitterness that spews out you and your buddies. Truth is the growth of our species will not occur because of the likes of people such as yourself and your goons who are filled with so much anger, hatred and bitterness. You are total contradictions of the word growth, and we as a species will definitely regress with people similar to you and your hateful buddies...

You haven't got "news for me" you have a wing nut reaction to the raw spot I exposed. Using hate as an excuse for the failure of your beliefs to have legitimacy is deplorable. Truth is not the product of your wishes or fears. Your rant about decency, contradictions and hate are particularly odious in light of the fact that you are viewed as quite a racist.
They're working for Clintons by undermining trump. Even with those muslim parents that lost their son that spoke at the dnc. You know having them up there was strategic because they knew how trump would react. They were not trying to show anything about Hillary. Between every speaker was an attack ads against trump. I haven't seen a single attack ads against Hillary just stupid tweets.
Oh, that is rich. They knew Trump couldn't hold himself back from insulting gold star parents, so it's "their fault" that Trump melted down. Wow, talk about shifting responsibility for ones own acts onto others. So, you want a guy for prez that is this easy to direct into a self destructive melt down. This makes no sense at all.
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Why do you think 5 #trees have to be so big? Why did you think that?

The last 5 pounder I saw was that big it was Malawi. When. A 6 foot plant only produces short of a pound .do the math or grow some outdoor and see for yourself. If you read the rest of that thread. The guy said he doesn't harvest til October so he really doesn't know how much he has. Plus his plant is 36 feet wide.
I haven't seen a single attack ads against Hillary just stupid tweets.

Get ready for the Trump attack ad assault. He so completely mismanaged the campaign that he had no money for placing ads. Even now, he's late to the game and can't place ads during prime time because the spots are already sold, most to Hillary. Now that he has some cash, maybe he will place late night infomercials between Ronco and timeshare product pitches like Ross Perot did. Too funny this

First off, your complaint sucks because you are saying you say you want attack ads. While they are effective, most people really don't like them, yet you whinge about not seeing them. What a dick.

Second, the lack of those fucking ads from Trump only highlight his ineptitude as a leader. He didn't listen to advisors who I'm sure were telling him early on to rev up fundraising for the general election. Then he dismissed the need for TV ads. Now it's glaringly obvious that he is a complete idiot as a leader and you whinge about "just stupid tweets." @hyroot you are brainless dipshit who complains about everything but Trump's own bad management skills and his own missed steps in the election.

Third, I look forward to hearing you say on Nov. 9, "the election was rigged", something a serial loser narcissist would say.. Aaaaaahahaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaa, what a dick.
This hyroot clown also said that if the marijuana legalization Prop 19 had passed in 2010, that all growers would be in jail! :roll:

Looney Tunes! :lol:


Yeah go back and read the initiative. It made it a felony to transport anything and anything over an ounce would have been a felony. All dispensaries would have been shut down.

Just like auma will get people locked up for more than 6 plants or more than 1 oz and more than 8 grams of concentrates. 6 months in jail and a $500 fine.. of Jan 1 2018. Doctors can't give out recs or face prosecution otherwise. So that will end prop 215 if auma passes

Read the initaitive not the cliff notes
The last 5 pounder I saw was that big it was Malawi. When. A 6 foot plant only produces short of a pound .do the math or grow some outdoor and see for yourself. If you read the rest of that thread. The guy said he doesn't harvest til October so he really doesn't know how much he has. Plus his plant is 36 feet wide.
You're a fucking idiot I've grown a 4 pounder that was 6 feet tall. Maybe you should stop repeating things some guy tells you, its making you look like a dumbass. I guarantee you my outdoor looks better then your midgrade indoor, thats because I know what im doing.
A 5 pound plant would be 25 feet tall and 25 feet wide.