A lozenge


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry am I not giving you the chance to type Chicago and "what about black on black violence" or the other bullshit you usually ham fist the keyboard with.

This is what you call a contribution to the politics section?

"The news is that a new black member party member got a clue that police were necessary after he needed them.

I can post good shit that police do all day just like Bearkat can post bad shit police do all day...

Well, not today, I got to go make money..."

Do you see why we enjoy picking on you so much?

Lets see. There was no personal attack in that post, it was on topic and reinforced the reason that I posted it in the first place (after of course the obligatory personal attacks from the usual suspects). And then I mentioned I was employed.

Which part made you mad?


Well-Known Member
Lets see. There was no personal attack in that post, it was on topic and reinforced the reason that I posted it in the first place (after of course the obligatory personal attacks from the usual suspects). And then I mentioned I was employed.

Which part made you mad?
the part where you act like anyone cares about anything you have to say.


Well-Known Member
So you have nothing to say about the supreme courts recent ruling but you're outraged over the mineral rights on the moon?

Can't make this shit up.
This thread was about holes in Hillary Clintons head and lozenges I may or may not say something about the supreme courts ruling at some point.


Well-Known Member
Holy shnikes, I hadn't seen that shit before. Not too surprising none of the libs commented on that after you posted it. I haven't seen a seizure like that since Reverend Smith in Deadwood.

Right? I couldn't even fucking tell how much was the real seizure?

I hate to tell you people this..seizures are never a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Right? I couldn't even fucking tell how much was the real seizure?

I hate to tell you people this..seizures are never a good thing.
It looked like it was going on even while she was trying to mask it with a completely unbelievable and unexplainable laughing fit.

I guess there might be a silver lining to this whole thing. At this point, I don't think there's any one that actually believes she hasn't been bought and paid for by foreign powers and Wallstreet heavy hitters a hundred times over. If she's that fucked up or terminal, maybe she won't be worried about honoring her benefactors' wishes?


Well-Known Member
It looked like it was going on even while she was trying to mask it with a completely unbelievable and unexplainable laughing fit.

I guess there might be a silver lining to this whole thing. At this point, I don't think there's any one that actually believes she hasn't been bought and paid for by foreign powers and Wallstreet heavy hitters a hundred times over. If she's that fucked up or terminal, maybe she won't be worried about honoring her benefactors' wishes?
If this was a non cheating election, media would have been all over this.

And they're concerned about Trump tax returns?

The soon-to-be anointed leader of the free world is having public seizures and no one says anything?

Dear God in heaven..


Well-Known Member
this is the type of desperation that sets in when your racist orange hero is about 8-10 points down in the polls and fighting for georgia and arizona.


Well-Known Member
this is the type of desperation that sets in when your racist orange hero is about 8-10 points down in the polls and fighting for georgia and arizona.

Trump will never win. You're as dumb as Bearcat to even consider him a contender.

I'm a registered 3rd party who doesn't even have the right to vote. I have no dog in this fight. I know that squashes your trolling, sorry.

I like mocking Hillary because I like watching you melt.


Well-Known Member
Trump will never win. You're as dumb as Bearcat to even consider him a contender.

I'm a registered 3rd party who doesn't even have the right to vote. I have no dog in this fight. I know that squashes your trolling, sorry.

I like mocking Hillary because I like watching you melt.
sorry, not buying it. you lie way too often for me to lend any credence to any of the shit that drops out of your mouth. sheskunk.