Seeds vs Clones pros and cons


Well-Known Member
Now I know with a clone you k ow exactly what your getting. But do seed plants grow faster? Do they tend to yield more? I've got a few different seeds that I could potentially run next batch and I don't know if I should go with my old reliable cuttings or try something else. Typically from the time I get cuttings till I'm ready to flower it's 6-8 weeks. That's establishing roots in the cloner cubes, going into solos for a few weeks, then into their big pots for a few weeks, then flower.

From seed what's standard time till flower? I know it depends on condition and preferences on plant size. I flower in 7 gallon pots and usually induce flower when they are 18-20 inches tall and bushy as hell.

Thank you for your time

Btw the seeds I have are either Banana Kush crossed with Chem dog or Bubba Berry Bling. I've got enough to do a batch of each.


Well-Known Member
Now I know with a clone you k ow exactly what your getting. But do seed plants grow faster? Do they tend to yield more? I've got a few different seeds that I could potentially run next batch and I don't know if I should go with my old reliable cuttings or try something else. Typically from the time I get cuttings till I'm ready to flower it's 6-8 weeks. That's establishing roots in the cloner cubes, going into solos for a few weeks, then into their big pots for a few weeks, then flower.

From seed what's standard time till flower? I know it depends on condition and preferences on plant size. I flower in 7 gallon pots and usually induce flower when they are 18-20 inches tall and bushy as hell.

Thank you for your time

Btw the seeds I have are either Banana Kush crossed with Chem dog or Bubba Berry Bling. I've got enough to do a batch of each.
IMO clones are faster than seeds (all things considered). Pheno hunting takes time and space. I clone and run my tried and true then pheno hunt with seeds.

Why not do half clones, and half seeds?

My veg from clone is around 6-7 weeks.


Well-Known Member
So if I were to germinate a seed and take a cutting the same day, the clone would be ready to flower sooner? Assuming they were both say white widow. What one would yield more? Once again assuming they were exact genetics.


Well-Known Member
So if I were to germinate a seed and take a cutting the same day, the clone would be ready to flower sooner? Assuming they were both say white widow. What one would yield more? Once again assuming they were exact genetics.
I would say the clone has an advantage because of size, stalk, leaves, etc...

The Seedlings start out tiny and have to catch up.


Well-Known Member
its kind of a chicken before the egg. I don't see seeds as a end product starting point, rarely do seeds go the distance and end up on the hanging rack.

you get seeds, grow them. grow them find a mother you like, cut the tops off and RE-VEG her (dry and test if you want). once she is RE-vegged, cut new mother clones. then that plant is discarded or flowered. since you have the new clones destined to be your new found pheno moms.

once you have the new clone mom(moms) you can start growing from clones.

after awhile you end up with to many moms, and you get to flower them: in a motley crew style grow.


Well-Known Member
its kind of a chicken before the egg. I don't see seeds as a end product starting point, rarely do seeds go the distance and end up on the hanging rack.

really? so what is the ratio 10 to 1, 20 to 1? Just trying to figure out how much money I wasted lol!


Well-Known Member
why not try both and see what works best for you. I veg for 6 weeks from seed. topping once to get the shape I want 2 weeks ago I took cuttings from 2 plants that had been in flowering for two weeks ( 8 weeks from seed) put them in a DWC cloner with just water and a very small amount of MG quick start. moved 3 to soil still waiting for the 4th to show roots. looks like cloning may save a week or two compared to growing from seeds. I do not have a mother plant. I monster clone 2 weeks into flowering. I also grow from seeds and like both methods.but still learning to clone plants. did not have much luck until I picked up a cheap DWC cloner


Well-Known Member
I enjoy growing from seed and pheno hunting because that is where something new and special can pop up. I have a tent that I run my tried and true clones and another tent I use to test strains out. There are a lot of great genetics out there but to find them is like pulling teeth sometimes. I like to get good quality seeds and then I keep mothers and clone them. If the cuts turn out good I will fill a tent with them, if they are shit they get tossed. Its a gamble but a fun one that can pay off big time if you find something special.


Well-Known Member
So if I were to germinate a seed and take a cutting the same day, the clone would be ready to flower sooner? Assuming they were both say white widow. What one would yield more? Once again assuming they were exact genetics.
It would be ready for flower sooner in theory yes, only due to once it roots it has a certain size advantage.

Yield is dependent on things like genetics, environment, nutes and PH. Assuming they are exact genetics, it comes down to you as the gardener on how well they do.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy growing from seed and pheno hunting because that is where something new and special can pop up. I have a tent that I run my tried and true clones and another tent I use to test strains out. There are a lot of great genetics out there but to find them is like pulling teeth sometimes. I like to get good quality seeds and then I keep mothers and clone them. If the cuts turn out good I will fill a tent with them, if they are shit they get tossed. Its a gamble but a fun one that can pay off big time if you find something special.
It's like scratching off a DNA lottery ticket.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well I ran a test of a side by side experiment to see. Though the clone was faster in the beginning when they were young, the seed outgrew the clone in every way possible. The seed produced 1.25 pounds while the clone did a mere 8 oz. It was the same strain and in the Same soil mix.
Yes you will know what your getting, but not only from my own experience but from reading it over and over again. Seeds have more vigor and produce more.


Well-Known Member
Well I ran a test of a side by side experiment to see. Though the clone was faster in the beginning when they were young, the seed outgrew the clone in every way possible. The seed produced 1.25 pounds while the clone did a mere 8 oz. It was the same strain and in the Same soil mix.
Yes you will know what your getting, but not only from my own experience but from reading it over and over again. Seeds have more vigor and produce more.
great information. i'm just getting into cloning but seeds are my fall back


Well-Known Member
Well I ran a test of a side by side experiment to see. Though the clone was faster in the beginning when they were young, the seed outgrew the clone in every way possible. The seed produced 1.25 pounds while the clone did a mere 8 oz. It was the same strain and in the Same soil mix.
Yes you will know what your getting, but not only from my own experience but from reading it over and over again. Seeds have more vigor and produce more.
So if you grow out a plant from seed and clone it, are you suggesting the clone could not perform better than its predecessor?


Well-Known Member
Like ganga, I grow outside and in my experience seeds greatly out perform clones. I'm sure it's a different story inside, but no contest in my yard.


Well-Known Member
So if I were to germinate a seed and take a cutting the same day, the clone would be ready to flower sooner? Assuming they were both say white widow. What one would yield more? Once again assuming they were exact genetics.
do some research a clone will out grow a seed any day lol


Well-Known Member
do some research a clone will out grow a seed any day lol
7-14 days to sprout then another 3 weeks of sugar faze then real growth kicks in at week 4 then another 3-6 weeks of veg then flower by that time im about 3 weeks into flower seeds take about 30 days to mature be4 real growth kicks in u can go 12/12 but u still will have about a 3-5 week growing fazze be4 she show pistels


Well-Known Member
7-14 days to sprout then another 3 weeks of sugar faze then real growth kicks in at week 4 then another 3-6 weeks of veg then flower by that time im about 3 weeks into flower seeds take about 30 days to mature be4 real growth kicks in u can go 12/12 but u still will have about a 3-5 week growing fazze be4 she show pistels
12/12 = more stress = more males or hermies