Fact Sheet : Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations

i heard them still going on about mold and fires because some reporter asked about "is it no longer a concern" the panel didn't mention that those claims were proven false in the case but just went on as though that was still real facts
K so if a dg is only allowed 2 patients why are they allowed to rent spaces plus provide themselves? In order to open an lp you need millions in capital and no conscience about rolling in profits but this is somehow not considered organized crime

Any word yet if the coalition is in favour of any of this?
K so if a dg is only allowed 2 patients why are they allowed to rent spaces plus provide themselves? In order to open an lp you need millions in capital and no conscience about rolling in profits but this is somehow not considered organized crime

Any word yet if the coalition is in favour of any of this?
they have only ever been allowed 2 patients per DG a 4 patients per address...makes no sense
Really sucks for tweed that a few weeks ago they announced that they were only pretending to be medical - guess they will not be selling any pretend medical seeds then..... what is that,.... now they are medical again ??? What are the odds ???

Sad thing is genetics play only apart of the make up of a seeds potential growth characteristic. Things like the growing conditions that the pollinated female is in, and also the conditions that the male pollen donor was raised in. golly I bet their seeds turn out to be 90% male ( happens under poor conditions).
OK...say i want to use this new LP system( i don't!) i can use their room and stuff. i imagine this won't be free and what happens if you produce 5 LBs instead of 4 that you need. does it go to them? how do the guarantee quality? they can give me the best equipment but if i don't know how to use t or don't really care/am lazy-I'll grow crap. ironic....
so they are going to have a lot of contamination issues with pests, disease and fungal attacks. Having people show up from anywhere outside and enter the garden is a recipe for disaster.
they'd better do it right or it will faster than they will
And if you can't find a doctor due to pressure from HC and the physician's college warning them not to prescribe...then you have a right to autonomy over your body. I ain't going to any doctor and my days of informing HC about ANYTHING are over. We win!
that's exactly how I feel...my medical condition has not changed and ill be damned if I'm going to look for another doc to prescribe what I need...
so they are going to have a lot of contamination issues with pests, disease and fungal attacks. Having people show up from anywhere outside and enter the garden is a recipe for disaster.
there are many ways to keep bugs away...not using poison is one of the best!
Learning control and staging will see nearly every crop bug free!!
Its all in the process. ;)
I use integrated pest management regimens myself in my 100% organic garden, all i am saying is if you have a bunch of people who are showing up at your facility to grow and you have a minimum wage employee showing them the ropes, its going to end up with contamination issues and all sorts of problems because its not being taken seriously to the point that it needs to be. Is it basically going to be like u-brew where you pour the yeast into the liquid so they can say you grew the plants? then the patients are not really growing and if you have these individuals getting into the nuts and bolts of gardening this is going to be a shit show

there are too many variables with such a large number of people accessing a centre like this in my opinion

(the process works great but i don't think they have anybody to put the process into practice responsibly but even if you just learn the ropes and go home and do it, this could be beneficial learning tool that gets people into gardening)

Efficiency and success are matters of perspective i guess!
I use integrated pest management regimens myself in my 100% organic garden, all i am saying is if you have a bunch of people who are showing up at your facility to grow and you have a minimum wage employee showing them the ropes, its going to end up with contamination issues and all sorts of problems because its not being taken seriously to the point that it needs to be. Is it basically going to be like u-brew where you pour the yeast into the liquid so they can say you grew the plants? then the patients are not really growing and if you have these individuals getting into the nuts and bolts of gardening this is going to be a shit show

there are too many variables with such a large number of people accessing a centre like this in my opinion

(the process works great but i don't think they have anybody to put the process into practice responsibly but even if you just learn the ropes and go home and do it, this could be beneficial learning tool that gets people into gardening)

Efficiency and success are matters of perspective i guess!
so you are saying that 50 cooks might spoil the soup - you may be on to something - different finishing times, pollen issues (what is a male plant ???), why are there webs all over. what are you spraying you got some on me..... AHHHHHHHHHHH run

DG will bring help to a lot of people. growing your own at home, great day....
It sounds like Monsanto provide the idea for the seed thing which is a joke. these lps could not grow weed 12 months ago and now they have mastered plant breading
come on. They are really dreaming now.
Are we happy boys ?
Is nursy happy....lol
Are the Lp's happy...suck it Lp's...grow yer own folks
Yes, I am happy! Always said that patients need reasonable access and the new ACMPR seems to be a blend of MMAR and MMPR. Now everyone has choice to either grow their own, have a DG or buy from LPs. Dispensaries are out. All is good in the world today.
dude..one needs to have clones around,mother plants, also more than one strain..its no freakin gift
I think you missed that I was criticizing the storage/carry limit not the plant limit... I was simply stating that if one were to crop out 5 plants indoors (or 2 plants outdoors) they would have well over thier carry limit and would have to destroy a bunch per the regs.


This brings up another point, wouldn't we as patients be better served with a limit on flowering and a separate limit in vegative plants?

Also Old Mother Sativa, nice feed of perch! If you ever want to fish Simcoe through the ice let me know ;)
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they really need to kill that 150 limit. it's absolutely ridiculous
even if you had their suggested max of 5 per day-when you're done drying and it's time to take it home, you have to make a bunch of trips for no reason.
it should be based on your daily and not some made up #
Your injunctioned in? The injunction is good until its removed by the Justice. When its removed you will have to apply, until then you are injunctioned covered. HC says anyone covered from injuction can apply for ACMPR.

I'm MMPR. I was just curious. Lol. This fact sheet is very brief imo. I called broken coast and poked around a bit. They don't even have a plan for how they'll supply seeds, cuttings or anything. The guy I spoke with said he would expect a criminal background check and a home inspection from HC.
Fuck that. Lol. I don't want some government agency poking around my house. I'm already authorized to posess marijuana.
I'm MMPR. I was just curious. Lol. This fact sheet is very brief imo. I called broken coast and poked around a bit. They don't even have a plan for how they'll supply seeds, cuttings or anything. The guy I spoke with said he would expect a criminal background check and a home inspection from HC.
Fuck that. Lol. I don't want some government agency poking around my house. I'm already authorized to posess marijuana.
Only background check I've heard of is for a DG license.

ive not heard any reference to any inspections whatsoever. ic anyone can reference any literature that would be great.