Doctors are saying NO way to higher dosages - what do we do about it?


Well-Known Member
I've been calling around all over Canada trying to find a doctor who is willing to give me the same dosage that I had on the MMAR pink slip for the new regulations after August 24th. What I have been finding and I wanted to report this back to the community, is that they are using the excuse that because there is a 150gram limit they will not prescribe dosages that are considered larger than the norm. It was health Canada who started telling doctors a short while ago that only 5 grams a day was enough for people. So anything above that these doctors are starting to use the 150grams limit as an excuse. I know that some of you will say that the 150 gram limit as how much you could travel with but I don't think they're stopping there. I believe John Conroy the lawyer just said that HC hasn't made a separate statement as to how much you can safely store at home and that this 150 gram limit also applies to how much you have stored away. If this 150 gram limit is basing doctors prescription amounts isn't that HC working through the grey area to ensure that they do in fact have a say in dosage amounts even though allard said that they didn't? I know this will need to be addressed and that usually means a court action.

Just be prepared if you have a script in the MMAR that was above 5 grams a day that these doctors are using the 150 gram limit to warrant low dosage prescriptions. Don't accept that. Fight it in court through a class action and if anyone does experience this, please comment below.

On the flip side, if anyone finds a doctor who is willing to give a prescription above 5 grams a day please send me a PM so I can let other members know where to go. Thank you kindly.
if a doctors is on the up and up..there's no amount he wont sign for.
If someone is sick and needs it. Its simple shit.
Get off the idea of not having a script to cover an illness everyone needs different amounts
this worry over not having what you need isnt an issue if you are very sick and need it.

MMAR can store more than 150 grams..simple shit as well....that wont ever change.
Cancer is cancer...if you need to swallow 5 or 10 grams a day in oil be it!!
best part is you don't have to make anyone rich while you are trying to get better.
nobody is going to come and check the freezer to see what you have in there but i understand that it is frustrating and a touch ridiculous that you cannot get the help you require from a medical professional...the more things change, the more they stay the same in regards to cannabis at the doctors office eh (always a fight to get what is your right as a patient)
Anyone see what conroy posted on his site? Almost sounds if you were covered by the injunction then it stays. If you want to move then one would need to apply to acmpr. Idk that's what I got from it.
Attached is a link to my thoughts about last weeks announcement about the new Regs due August 24th.
On further reflection I think this was a hasty move by the government to meet the deadline they were otherwise not going to meet and a way to avoid having to appear before Justice Phelan to seek an extension and enabling us to seek some changes and in particular not consent to an extension unless changes of address were permitted. This is indeed an interim measure and you can expect the final Regs will come maybe in the spring with the 'legalization' proposed and whatever form that will take.
Consequently as soon as the new regs are in place all those who need to move or make other changes to their MMAR should apply to be registered under the ACMPR at their new address etc. We will see what happens and maybe all those not covered by the injunction who had MMAR permits before should apply as well before the final Regs come in.
Also it is very important that all of you affected by the 150 gm limit for example write the Task Force explaining the problems so they will take that into account in their recommendations. Individual statements as to the problems whether with that issue or others of concern.

As they say "It ain't over until it's over"

John Conroy htm. The Allard injunction that grandfathered some 28,000 patients under the MMAR continues until "further order of the court" and it's my understanding that the Federal government is not going to seek to have it discontinued until they are satisfied that all transitioning has taken place that is going to take place and it may be that they will allow it to continue forever if the new regulations would prejudice the MMAR permit holders situation.
Join my fight. you have a right to autonomy of your body and health. Having to ask permission from anyone to use a legal natural health product is absurd. I will not give up my privacy or dignity in order to treat myself. No doctor, no HC.

That's exactly right. Do what you need to do to help yourself. There's very little to no risk now, to have your own sustainable source of cannabis. Patient have won, Things are basically back to the Mmar with an option to buy from an LP. The way it should have been in the first place. MMAR and MMPR can exist together, funny thing is some people are still complaining, did I miss something? registered in the new program or not I wouldn't hesitate to grow under medical. Just don't get greedy and sell your meds and everything should be hunkie dorie.....

I'm going to be renewing under the new program since my Production date is valid but my possession date was before March 21st. I'm gonna try the last two doctors if not I do have access to another doctors that was signing before but he was charging 2x what others were. I'll reply once I know more.

I'm gonna get everyone I know that has some kinf of an medical issue to sing up and Hack the Planet!!!!
I've been calling around all over Canada trying to find a doctor who is willing to give me the same dosage that I had on the MMAR pink slip for the new regulations after August 24th. What I have been finding and I wanted to report this back to the community, is that they are using the excuse that because there is a 150gram limit they will not prescribe dosages that are considered larger than the norm. It was health Canada who started telling doctors a short while ago that only 5 grams a day was enough for people. So anything above that these doctors are starting to use the 150grams limit as an excuse. I know that some of you will say that the 150 gram limit as how much you could travel with but I don't think they're stopping there. I believe John Conroy the lawyer just said that HC hasn't made a separate statement as to how much you can safely store at home and that this 150 gram limit also applies to how much you have stored away. If this 150 gram limit is basing doctors prescription amounts isn't that HC working through the grey area to ensure that they do in fact have a say in dosage amounts even though allard said that they didn't? I know this will need to be addressed and that usually means a court action.

Just be prepared if you have a script in the MMAR that was above 5 grams a day that these doctors are using the 150 gram limit to warrant low dosage prescriptions. Don't accept that. Fight it in court through a class action and if anyone does experience this, please comment below.

On the flip side, if anyone finds a doctor who is willing to give a prescription above 5 grams a day please send me a PM so I can let other members know where to go. Thank you kindly.
Just out of curiosity are those Doctors ones who sign for free, money or both?
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I would go to talk to my doctor and show them the health care practitioners section on HC website. It says some bullshit about the average use of 1-3 grams, but then goes on to state there is no limit to the daily prescription.
Doctors are saying NO way to higher dosages - that is just because they have not been explain as to how cannabis is grown......

Just explain how you will be growing in a "perpetual harvest system" and you will harvest "various sized" phenol types on a weekly basis that will keep you well below the 150 gram limit while providing a continuous supply of fresh cannabis, all the time ensuring that the entourage effect of the various cannabinoids and terpene continue to provide maximum relief from said symptoms........ This will allow you to receive maximum results while safely operating within existing HC guidelines..
The above BS will also work as a compost accelerator. Lets face it doc knows pills - but doc don't know squat about Hippy shit like growing..... that is because this is our area of expertise.
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Do we have a confirmation of the max 5gpd consolidating with the 150g possession? Or may we go higher gpd and still only possess 150g?