A Cannabinerd's Journey

Black lime reserve - I'm keeping this thing, it's the worst plant when it's not dialed, I've had some crappy yields and small buds with it, but damn, when shes on, shes on! She stacks great, finally! Straight lime fuel :)

Mendo nice and chunky, I love this one. I decided to keep the mnf cut, she's been doing me better all a sudden than my other cut :)
It does, some more than others, I have to check pH daily or every other day and adjust. Mine will climb (just pure tap water) from 6.4-7.2. With nutes it doesn't climb as much, and sometimes it even goes down! I mix my nutes, adjust to 5.6ph, it climbs to 6.2 at the end of a week or so. Sometimes I've been having it to down from 6.2 down to 5.8. But this is in my drain to waste systems. In my f/d systems is always goes up
I had an air pump running so I disconnected it because some said that could cause a quick rise.
It does, some more than others, I have to check pH daily or every other day and adjust. Mine will climb (just pure tap water) from 6.4-7.2. With nutes it doesn't climb as much, and sometimes it even goes down! I mix my nutes, adjust to 5.6ph, it climbs to 6.2 at the end of a week or so. Sometimes I've been having it to down from 6.2 down to 5.8. But this is in my drain to waste systems. In my f/d systems is always goes up
A reservoir with nutes usually fluctuates ph in small quantities due to most nutrients having buffers.
Get a small air pump and attach the hoses to something that you can sink. I use a plastic bottle with hydroton in it. Zip tie the air lines around the bottle and drop it in your res. Never have to buy air stones again.
I use the venturi attachment for the pump, works like a boss. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone :)
A reservoir with nutes usually fluctuates ph in small quantities due to most nutrients having buffers.
For sure, I think it's the calcium in the tap. Every tap water is different, mines .1ec and drifts a little bit. Drifts up in ebb and flow with no airstone or circulation pump, drifts up or down on my dtw systems. Not sure why it goes down in the dtw sometimes, I think it's the bennies cause it doesn't go down when I use chlorine
The mendo looks nice. What was the reason you topped growing gg4?
Thanks man, I really like her too. I stopped the gg4 just due to the dudding issue. I have a glue x sherbert in veg now though that looks similar and smells really good in veg, will flower it in a little while, she's ready now but I have to wait to see if I'm moving first
Im wondering if ph fluctuations? Changed rez yesterday and set it to 5.8. Checked just now 24hrs later it's back up to 7.1.

Edit* just checked my veg and the look the same. I changed that res yesterday and just checked the pm 24hrs later and that's also back up to 6.8

Does tap naturally climb back up 24hrs later?

yes tap ph will naturally climb once it's in contact with air because of the evaporation of dissolved carbon dyoxide in your water. dont turn off your airstone its not your issue, actually it help to have an accurate reading of your ph.

when I start a new rez, I let sit my water with my airstone few hours , if you do the test you will see your ph rise. mine rise from 6.6 to 7.3! once its done, start by mixing your nutrients then add ph down. lets sit few hours again and Watch for stability, it should be stable and your ph reading will be accurate.
I'm trying my hand at really cloning with root riot plugs, tray and dome. Time to diversify!

I bought the wrong size dome for this one but I think it'll work, some leaves are smushed against the dome tho and there's no vents
drill some holes around the bottom or just stab it with an icepick lmao
for sure I'm gonna do that, I have kabob sticks on stand by lol. I was so stoned when I went shopping man, never again lol. I ended up getting a case of the rockwool mini cubes and I bought a bunch of square 1.5gal pots, I'm gonna switch to the minicubes because I can use pots and drip caps fit right in them, can't wait to see what happens :) the Hugo blocks are just too small for support, I had two mommas fall completely over because the damn blocks aren't wide enough :(
for sure I'm gonna do that, I have kabob sticks on stand by lol. I was so stoned when I went shopping man, never again lol. I ended up getting a case of the rockwool mini cubes and I bought a bunch of square 1.5gal pots, I'm gonna switch to the minicubes because I can use pots and drip caps fit right in them, can't wait to see what happens :) the Hugo blocks are just too small for support, I had two mommas fall completely over because the damn blocks aren't wide enough :(
Can you not skewer the blocks down to the table for support?
Can you not skewer the blocks down to the table for support?
I'm now sure how I could do that, I do stab 2 kabob sticks thru the 3" cubes into the Hugo's and the sticks go all the way to the bottom, but other than that there's no anchor points to attach to
I'm now sure how I could do that, I do stab 2 kabob sticks thru the 3" cubes into the Hugo's and the sticks go all the way to the bottom, but other than that there's no anchor points to attach to
Stab a couple skewers sideways through the blocks and run some twine (fishing line) over the top of table to keep them anchored to the table?