EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Pada, if you go around carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,

you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow!

Yeah, "and it would be a terrible thing", Trump said. Was he talking about the power of the gun lobby when he said it would be terrible? Umm, no he was talking about violence perpetrated by "2nd amendment people". In this way, Trump amped up the violent rhetoric then sent his spokesperson to shout down the media. Oh, yeah, That's one fine man you support.

A few disturbed people are already on the edge of creating mayhem and causing harm. Trumps words will be a factor in their decision to act, so yes, he was irresponsible for saying what he said. Aside from the mentally ill, although I see a lot of anger in the crowds at Trump's rallies, there have been fewer incidents of violence than I originally expected. They are angry but not prone to violence. I don't think the supporters of Trump are poised for wholesale violence after the election.
You didnt listen to the part where she mentioned his next wordz after that.
You didnt listen to the part where she mentioned his next wordz after that.

There are a few ways to interpret Trump’s off-the-cuff comments:

  1. He’s referring to the assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters.
  2. He’s referring to the assassination of her Supreme Court picks.
  3. He’s referring to an armed insurrection in the event that Clinton is elected.
  4. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯