email from Jerry at kingbrite about 3590's

Yes that's what I said in my last sentence ...

The point is that there is a (semantic) difference between "Cree is lagging in efficiency" and "Citizen is cheaper so we can buy more, run them softer and get the same (or better) efficiency at a lower price"
The 3590 and 058 are very similar in price.
Like I said:
Which makes it cheaper to buy more of the less efficient Citizen COBs of the same size (or indeed Citizen COBs with a bigger LES) and run them a bit softer to get the same efficiency at a lower price.

You're comparing a 360W COB with a 130W COB. The fact that these cost the same is ONLY because Citizen is a cheaper brand.
Yes that's what I said in my last sentence ...

The point is that there is a (semantic) difference between "Cree is lagging in efficiency" and "Citizen is cheaper so we can buy more, run them softer and get the same (or better) efficiency at a lower price"

No, they are cheaper and more efficient 1:1, one cob vs one cob, same wattage. Search harder.

One point of interest you almost made, but didn't quite get there, is that Cree has a much lower die density than Citizen. Does that make Citizen cheap or Cree expensive? Don't know, don't care. It does mean Citizen "needs" twice as many dies to win the efficiency battle, but it also means Cree fades very early when run above 50W, and the Citizens can be run at much healthier wattages without as much droop.

The 1818 is only a 22mm LES, but by your logic we shouldn't even be comparing it to the "huge" CXB3590 with it's 30mm LES. That is completely nonsensical. I think you just like to argue. Size of the LES, number of dies, blah blah blah, doesn't matter. The only questions that matter to anybody: how much does it cost, how much light does it make? The rest is just figuring out cooling, optics, and drivers, which can be more difficult off the beaten path.

Regardless, I look forward to a higher watt chip from Cree, I think it should kick everybody's ass if they can keep the retail prices in check.
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Well, the good thing is with stiff competition Cree won't have much choice but to lower prices if they want to keep their market share. There have already been modest price drops through my distributor. Hopefully the trend will continue.
Yes that's what I said in my last sentence ...

The point is that there is a (semantic) difference between "Cree is lagging in efficiency" and "Citizen is cheaper so we can buy more, run them softer and get the same (or better) efficiency at a lower price"
well when citizen has a chip thats equal to crees flagship at 2/3 the price, and then has two more chips in its lineup that are more efficient at a given wattage across the board (one of which costs the same as a CXB), yeah im gonna go on record as saying cree is lagging in the efficiency dept. compared to the citis and new veros the cxb3590 should be about $20 retail for its efficiency curve.

not semantics. were not "settling" with a citizen when its both cheaper *and* outperforms at a given wattage
Nothing "counts" except light output, power consumption, and cost. But keep being the weird dude trolling strange corners of the internet like this one. Be the best you you can be!
I said exactly the same thing you did, but your knee jerked because I corrected your semantic mistake. I made a valid point and you don't want to get it. Fine. Not to worry, you are not alone. I mean there are still people using reflectors.

Actually I'm not interested in best efficiency at all, bot only in economic viability. Maybe an example is easier to follow. A shipping company is looking for a new vehicle for shipping goods long distance. So obviously you get the car with the best mpg ratings. Something like a Fiat panda uses only a fifth of the fuel per 100km compared to a big truck. So lets start using Fiat panda's instead. Instant savings right?

Efficiency isn't all that matters. Take a realistic time frame and add both the initial investment of the intended fixture and the total electricity bill for that period. That way you get a total amount for that period and you will see which is actually cheaper to run.

For instance, in my case (23cents per kWh) a CXB3070 @1400mA and a CXB3590 @ 1750mA are the cheapest option over a 1.5 to 2 year period. In fact running the CXB3590 @ 1400mA instead of @ 1750mA will take close to 4 years to recover the extra initial investment. Vice versa, running them harder and I will start paying more in electricty bill than I saved by bying less COBs already after a year and a half
Efficiency isn't all that matters.

It is when you are deciding between two identically priced cobs, and one of them is more efficient at all wattages. I don't have any idea what the rest of what you typed has to do with anything, sorry.

I sincerely hope the tradeoff between upfront cost and your electrical savings over time is obvious to everybody in this conversation, if not this forum. It needs no explaining, certainly not to me. It actually hurts my feelings, it's so insulting.

I have to go have a good cry now, you'll have to correct somebody else's semantic mistakes in the meantime.
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It is when you are deciding between two identically priced cobs, and one of them is more efficient at all wattages. I don't have any idea what the rest of what you typed has to do with anything, sorry.
Like I said, it's ok if you don't get it. Just keep drawing and going over charts that in reality mean nothing. At some point people will realize that you need to factor in cost in those efficiency charts.

I sincerely hope the tradeoff between upfront cost and your electrical savings over time is obvious to everybody in this conversation, if not this forum. It needs no explaining, certainly not to me. It actually hurts my feelings, it's so insulting
That is never mentioned anywhere though. If people were doing those calculations (properly) they would not be comparing CXB3590 @ 50W vs CXB3070 @ 50W.
Like I said, it's ok if you don't get it. Just keep drawing and going over charts that in reality mean nothing. At some point people will realize that you need to factor in cost in those efficiency charts..

Are you even reading what you are replying to?
Sure, perhaps in 6 months people will get it. No skin off my back.

I am 99% sure you are the one not "getting it". The other 1% is the "How high am I?" uncertainty factor. I just don't understand how think you are somehow the smartest guy in the room right now.

I mean usually you are a pretty spot on, with it dude. But this is making me rethink everything.