email from Jerry at kingbrite about 3590's

Who the is this doz character? what a complete douche bag prick. Get's angry because people want to make a business out of selling grow shit? Why not.. there is so much money in it.. look at the nutrient companies, talk about a rip off, lets sell 150 dollar bottle of water like advance nutrients does. And no, I do not have a business selling anything grow related.. except flower that I grow to my patients.
Thanks for sharing @linky. I'm not sure why anybody is defending shady behind-Cree's-back practices while people who play by the rules get fucked. Cheap cobs aren't worth pissing off the people who actually make them.

Although I doubt any of this conspiracy crap is true, it just makes people feel like they are getting a deal. Robin is openly selling Crees for $36 each, same as Jerry, ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB!! *faint* So, um, yeah.
get em wile you can, thats a below-cost blowout.
Robin makes nice stuff. Very nice. He is also a big fan of Jerry. My only point is that if your business model relies on secrecy because it's shady as shit, you can't blame honest people when they share an email trying to be helpful, let alone scream at them like they did something wrong or broke an unwritten rule of Jerry club. Chill.
I know the op is new but everyone got that email and it didn't need to be posted.
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I know the op is new but everyone got that email and it didn't need to be posted.

Not really lol "jerry club" members got it,but alot of us wont buy from him.its good to get those numbers out in the open imo.when gavita first came out to the us public suppliers were getting 550 to 600 per fixture, i happened to find mine for 415.00 and it was because someone posted monster gardens prices on the net,competition started and now its the norm to find them around 400.
Of course the cd bin cobs will go down as the next gen cobs come to market,which seems to be very soon based on all these dif vendors selling cd bins for 35 -37 bucks.
No way its below cost blow out... According to Jorge, only Jerry sells below cost and is a shady character............ Only shady characters sell below cost............
I must be real shady too lol because I have to sell at that price now and I'll be forced too sell now lights just so I don't lose on the stock I paid more than what they are selling for now lol. Cutter did a great job lowering the price I didn't do it nor Jerry lol. What I see happening I'm in the US and @JorgeGonzales Jerry is already gonna give me a better deal so I can match his price but I will have lower shipping cost you don't want to know the price of shipping for 20 heat sinks and 10 drivers ouch

Not really lol "jerry club" members got it,but alot of us wont buy from him.its good to get those numbers out in the open imo.when gavita first came out to the us public suppliers were getting 550 to 600 per fixture, i happened to find mine for 415.00 and it was because someone posted monster gardens prices on the net,competition started and now its the norm to find them around 400.
Of course the cd bin cobs will go down as the next gen cobs come to market,which seems to be very soon based on all these dif vendors selling cd bins for 35 -37 bucks.
you are exactly right about the price drop but damn not that low funny thing is the 90 CRI are the same price.
Thanks for sharing @linky. I'm not sure why anybody is defending shady behind-Cree's-back practices while people who play by the rules get fucked. Cheap cobs aren't worth pissing off the people who actually make them.

Although I doubt any of this conspiracy crap is true, it just makes people feel like they are getting a deal. Robin is openly selling Crees for $36 each, same as Jerry, ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB!! *faint* So, um, yeah.
the comment you just started applies to Cutter as well please know the whole story. I'm not trying to start anything at all but that was fucked up on what you said so I'm a shady character? Me who has helped and I'm sure people will back me on this. That's why I say Skype and it's not for talking about growing pot but making lights. I see what is written on here people read it the wrong way and that's how forum fights start and threads get closed. Just ask a few guys who have spoken with me over the phone like Johnson lighting, timber, suncloak I've even spoken with Growmau5 and you I speak with Supra a lot.
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@REALSTYLES sorry, if your business model requires you to circumvent manufacturer imposed requirements while legitimate retailers play by the rules, you are shady as fuck. However, I didn't accuse you of anything, doubt there are any such requirements, and you can stop playing the victim.

Editing to add: reading comprehension would go a long way towards avoiding misunderstandings around here. My point, to be clear, is that secret email prices are pretty stupid when there are retailers selling for the same price on public websites, no secret handshakes or special club memberships required. I did NOT say anybody selling Crees for a good price is shady. That would be dumb, and I am not dumb.
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@REALSTYLES sorry, if your business model requires you to circumvent manufacturer imposed requirements while legitimate retailers play by the rules, you are shady as fuck. However, I didn't accuse you of anything, doubt there are any such requirements, and you can stop playing the victim.

Editing to add: reading comprehension would go a long way towards avoiding misunderstandings around here. My point, to be clear, is that secret email prices are pretty stupid when there are retailers selling for the same price on public websites, no secret handshakes or special club memberships required. I did NOT say anybody selling Crees for a good price is shady. That would be dumb, and I am not dumb.
You sir are reaching really hard he sent the emails too the people who has bought from him have you? I think not because you wouldn't saying what you are saying and if you did when and what did you buy? And I'm nobody's victim You are a try hard. Come on man really 1182 post since April? That says a lot about what you are really about and there is no secret emails Inky is a new member so how is it he gets special prices. There are so many guys buying from Jerry I'm not gonna say any names but there is no special club you just gotta buy a lot to get the lower prices. I can tell you this I still have 150 cobs and 30 drivers. So yes I get deals and as for business I had a tool company and now I'm not worried because I still have people buying COBs from me and I knew it you just called me shady lol and I was right about you. You just stuck your foot in your mouth funny shit is I'm not mad. If you were too talk too me instead of this you'd know. I've asked Supra please come back because you guys are running a mock. I've been calm and still the foolishness but when I say Skype me you guys get all scared for why? All I want is you guys get too know who I really am. I don't give a fuck what anybody says about Skyping but it calls out the trolls and the assholes. Even funnier shit is I skype with Jerry and another few from different forums. All this BS needs too stop that's why I say Skype that will end all this madness because you can hear in the voice if the person is real or not.
What about that new COB? I'd like to know more;)
Still being tested but and Jerry will be sending some out as samples and of course I'll buy all his stock up @JorgeGonzales that's how business works I'll buy all of them up lol because the supply will be limited. @alesh he doesn't even know what model it is gonna be called and not even the price lol
All you do is let other people pay the high price and catch it on the way down.
There are plenty of lights other than the newer ones and the suckers end up paying the most.
The tech is just now taking off and there will better lights for less.
Sounds like a dump is going on atm so they can get cash up.
There isn't a dump going on. The entire LED industry is becoming ultra competitive. Look around Sylvania is trying to dump osram so on so forth. Honestly the only LED company that is growing is Lumileds. That's facts. This move by Cree is one to stay relevant and believe me these prices are not below what can be obtained through "authorized" channels. They are just really good prices for small quantities. So what Jerry and others are doing is basically buying in bulk so you don't have to and making a couple bucks along the way. Jerry has done a huge service for us all and instead of giving him down the road you should thank him for making this tech accessible to us small fries to start with. I feel as though Jerry does this in hopes of selling lens/reflectors mostly as that's what his company does and that's where they make there money.

Thanks Jerry you have always been a help to me!
There isn't a dump going on. The entire LED industry is becoming ultra competitive. Look around Sylvania is trying to dump osram so on so forth. Honestly the only LED company that is growing is Lumileds. That's facts. This move by Cree is one to stay relevant and believe me these prices are not below what can be obtained through "authorized" channels. They are just really good prices for small quantities. So what Jerry and others are doing is basically buying in bulk so you don't have to and making a couple bucks along the way. Jerry has done a huge service for us all and instead of giving him down the road you should thank him for making this tech accessible to us small fries to start with. I feel as though Jerry does this in hopes of selling lens/reflectors mostly as that's what his company does and that's where they make there money.

Thanks Jerry you have always been a help to me!

Listen we all thank the people who sold stuff less than mouser K?

But the LED tech is going through the same kind of thing computers went through and I fully expect many leds with multiple options to start flooding the market as things continue to improve. It's like graphics cards or anything else......We have witnessed it for years they dump the low tech then sell you the next tech while they already have and/or are making the better tech. Pretty much standard procedure.
I just want to know when will I stop being called new? :) Been a member for ~5 years.. not super active posting but I browse. There is so much bogus shitty info around these forums (all forums). I used to want to ask lots of questions about growing and so on, you get global opposite advice and everyone thinks they know best.. when in reality most of it is just crap advice from people who think they know all but just don't.

People are bickering like mad about this post, why the need to create so much drama and get so bent out of shape about some info on a light (which is not top secret info, I am a nobody who never even purchased anything from Jerry btw). I am guessing the people all bent out of shape here must be trying to make a business of selling these or something and are mad because they can't get their costs as low as what Jerry sells them for. That is how business works.. buy in large volume and get lower costs. I am sure Cree is happy to have lots of Jerry's. They are in the business to sell their shit to whoever will buy them.