Hillary Supporters Want To Repeal 2nd Amendment


Well-Known Member
Would those crime have happened without guns? Could someone use a bomb to achieve the same or better results? How about a vehicle or setting
fire to property?

Will outlawing guns restrict access to guns for criminals?

The US border is permeable to all sorta of smuggling. Do you think that more or less guns will be smuggled in the case of a ban?
An outright ban on guns will make ownership illegal.

You'd be able to arrest those that own guns (if aware) before gun crime is committed.

If I wanted a gun (in uk) I could get one, easy.

Given the consequences of ownership I'd have to be a total knob to carry it without intent to use, so at the very least gets rid of all gun crime except premeditated gun crime and surely that is a positive


Well-Known Member
Thank you for being open minded.

People have guns for lots of reasons, but I'd say the main one for many people is to exert defensive force if someone else is attempting to use offensive force on them. Everybody should be able to defend themselves from aggressors.

I'd say the main reason unreasonable people have guns is because their ideas suck and a gun allows them to gain what they couldn't, by using offensive force (or threats of it) . Government as an entity fits into that category.

I sure hope you consider every time you ask government to enforce your wishes against people who aren't doing anything to you, you are in a sense asking for gun violence to be initiated.

It is an indisputable fact that government's persuasion tool is not reason, instead it is violent threats for noncompliance... using a gun.
Can you please give an example of how I might ask a government to enforce my wishes?

It could be my post pub head but I can't think of an example

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
no, I live in a civilised area where no one owns guns.

Neither have I felt the need to own one to defend myself...I'm rather good at that

It's good you possess the means to defend yourself.

I think granny ought to be able to defend herself too though, and a gun in the hands of granny can stop a more powerful intruder intent on using offensive force dead in his tracks or serve as a powerful deterrent.

You said no one owns guns where you live, so the gov't agents there don't have any guns ?


Well-Known Member
An outright ban on guns will make ownership illegal.

You'd be able to arrest those that own guns (if aware) before gun crime is committed.

If I wanted a gun (in uk) I could get one, easy.

Given the consequences of ownership I'd have to be a total knob to carry it without intent to use, so at the very least gets rid of all gun crime except premeditated gun crime and surely that is a positive
First off, most of our gun deaths are suidice.

Secondly, you're from England right?

Stab stab stab...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Can you please give an example of how I might ask a government to enforce my wishes?

It could be my post pub head but I can't think of an example

Certainly, and thank you for asking politely.

Here's an excerpt from one of your posts, I added the bold.

I will attempt to answer but first, why do people feel the need to own or want guns? I don't understand this, genuinely

I think, unfortunately, it's probably inevitable that those who's job it is to remove guns from society would have to be armed equally as those they are taking them from.

Guns should never have been allowed, made legal, that simple.

As that genie is out of the bag I guess the best way forward is to a) make ownership illegal AFTER a certain date, all firearms to be handed in.
B) compensate ALL those who comply before that date
C) criminalise those who don't comply and then enforce



Well-Known Member
a gun in the hands of granny can stop a more powerful intruder intent on using offensive force dead in his tracks or serve as a powerful deterrent.
it is about ten times more likely that granny or her family gets killed by that gun than an intruder.

but hey, you go on deluding yourself that someone is coming to rip you off. you are too poor to own a refrigerator.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I preface this by saying I haven't read any of this thread here. I just saw the topic and rolled my eyes..

I have a question, in my new home of Colorado, I see a lot of these billboards. They say "Never Again!" and have dallas and baton rouge listed on the bottom..

So let's expand this out to the logical end, we give everyone guns.. Every mother fucker walking around has guns. Then how do we decide who the bad guy with the gun is? We all just start randomly shooting each other? Someone looks at me strange so I pop off? That guy has a middle eastern look about him, better shoot him first before he goes full terrorist?

Less extreme, version. Let's give all black men age 18 guns.. Everyone that all these scared ass ignorant white people (my family members, so I'm free to talk) thinks are coming for them and the cops, let's get them strapped and packing too. So now all these scared white people, and all the 'scary' black people have guns. Then we'll have no problems any more?

This is just ludicrous.

I will likely vote Hillary now that Bernie is not an option, and I don't want to take your guns. I just don't want you able to purchase more if you're mentally unstable, or have a history of violence.. Or I don't know, on the fucking no fly list??

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Okay, I preface this by saying I haven't read any of this thread here. I just saw the topic and rolled my eyes..

I have a question, in my new home of Colorado, I see a lot of these billboards. They say "Never Again!" and have dallas and baton rouge listed on the bottom..

So let's expand this out to the logical end, we give everyone guns.. Every mother fucker walking around has guns. Then how do we decide who the bad guy with the gun is? We all just start randomly shooting each other? Someone looks at me strange so I pop off? That guy has a middle eastern look about him, better shoot him first before he goes full terrorist?

Less extreme, version. Let's give all black men age 18 guns.. Everyone that all these scared ass ignorant white people (my family members, so I'm free to talk) thinks are coming for them and the cops, let's get them strapped and packing too. So now all these scared white people, and all the 'scary' black people have guns. Then we'll have no problems any more?

This is just ludicrous.

I will likely vote Hillary now that Bernie is not an option, and I don't want to take your guns. I just don't want you able to purchase more if you're mentally unstable, or have a history of violence.. Or I don't know, on the fucking no fly list??
