When you get a chance, pop over to inspired arts section/random writing and take a look at this summary of what I was shown. The Great Unknown. Funny thing is you're not far off, but people of your ilk are missing the simplest step.
Someone has a shroomery accountIt's 2 hours of talking to God while you die a million times and see a million possibilities from the life of every person. You see every possibility in every life. After two hours of hell and Ego Death, you hit the enlightenment stage. Everything is clear, and nothing matters.
Go do Ayahuasca then tell me you don't believe in God, though. :0"God" can't be proven to exist or not. The concept it outside of science and the bible itself says belief requires faith
You have to believe God exists, not know
There's no way to distinguish between reality and some drug induced experience. If I were to "experience God" while on ayahuasca, I would attribute it to the ayahuasca. I think if a God actually existed and it wanted me to accept its existence, an ayahuasca trip would be about the worst place to do it at, and an omnipotent God, I would hope, would know that..Go do Ayahuasca then tell me you don't believe in God, though. :0
Yeah, well, you're just a cunt. :XThere's no way to distinguish between reality and some drug induced experience. If I were to "experience God" while on ayahuasca, I would attribute it to the ayahuasca. I think if a God actually existed and it wanted me to accept its existence, an ayahuasca trip would be about the worst place to do it at, and an omnipotent God, I would hope, would know that..
Anyone ever watch ghost adventures?
Play with a Ouija board?
Dealt with sleep paralysis on the daily and have astral projected and seen what it is that chokes you in you sleep?
God does exist, 6yrs ago I was hardcore atheist anyone who believed in higher power I would deem less intelligent than myself. That is until I checked out an abandoned house that was haunted and supidly asked whatever evil entity was residing there if they wanted to be friends. It follows me to this day honestly, but at a distantce. There's a hundred things I've experienced both with light and dark. I could tell you but would you believe me? Probably not, odds are your just like I was 6yrs ago.
But hey some ppl are like me and don't believe till they see it.
Then let me be deluded. Just because you think proven someone wrong, doesn't mean you're close to being right. You've given me the science behind it, when science is an incomplete experiment. Religion isn't any better because it demands our submission. This is completely different, and unfortunately more difficult to see. I guess we're not ready to understand ALL, because we continue to ignore the 1st step. Count to 10. Did you start at 1?
Also, ayahuasca is not enjoyable until after it's over.
Haven't finished reading your post, but had to respond to your point. I'm not sayin it start from a conscious act, but a coincidence that started a ripple effect that eventually created the Big Bang. Now back to finishing your postI think that traditions from ancient times have made "God" into a man-like creature with a white beard and white robes who lives in the clouds somewhere and has a big book that he looks at as a reference for who you are and what you did and how many sins you committed and if you're soul is good enough to get you a ticket into Heaven when you die...
But modernists have made "God" into a "thing" that set the Big Bang into motion...maybe the "thing" is a proton or an electron...or some kind of atomic particle -an unconscious thing with no intentions at all.
I tend to go with scientific theories about how everything started....but I guess if you want to say creation was the act of a conscious being then no one can really "prove" otherwise.
I think of it like this:
Millions of years ago, dinosaurs were the most evolved creatures on Earth and they had "dominion"...and they held onto it for millions of years. Man, on the other hand, didn't appear until MUCH later....and only because of the extinction of the dinos due to a meteor. If there had been no meteor, then it could be argued that Earth would still be be in the "hands" of dinosaurs. Plus, mankind has only existed on Earth a relatively short time in comparison the the reign of the dinosaurs...
...so, are humans just piggy-backing on the misfortunes of the dinosaurs? Or, did "God" (the conscious bearded guy) send a meteor to destroy the dinosaurs on purpose so that man could have dominion?
Seems likely (to me) that IF God was supposed to be an all-powerful and all-knowing creator, then he would have gotten it right the first time...He wouldn't have needed to destroy his creation and start over again...right?
Also, IF there is a Heaven, then will there be dinosaurs there, too? Will all the extinct species be there?
And why is there a Hell? Why would God need a place to put dead people to punish them for the decisions they made in life? After all, none of us have a choice to be born...We just end up in the game one day!...So if some of us can't play the game according to God's rules as well as others, then why should we be sent to burn in eternal flames forever? If God is responsible for our creation and he didn't instill his omniscient powers in us, then it's his fault if we fail...Would you send your kids to the furnace if they didn't say their prayers at night? Of course not. So, IF God is real, then he wouldn't do that either.
Would you intervene if your children were about to harm themselves? Of course you would. You would take on your parental responsibilities and protect them from harm. It doesn't look like God is doing that for much of humanity, though...does it? There's lots of disease and killing and wars and abuse, etc. So, maybe there is no guy in a chair in the sky, after all...because IF there is, then he's a shitty parent to a lot of his children.
Sounds good to me!I believe God is the energy flow of life experiencing ever possibility simultaneously through us. We are like the dendrites of an ethereal nervous system. There is no man-like deity. There is no judgement or punishment. And when you die, your soul is disintegrated, reconfigured, and recycled, because energy, especially this energy, is eternal. We are all apart of the same energy flow, and different facets of a single collective consciousness.
This is what I believe.