ACMPR hahahahahaha

That is no one business but mine. Why would you ask what i suffer from.

Whatever it is the Dr saw fit o_O..

Why would you want to know someones "Personal Business"???

Im above 50 grams per day thats it!

People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return.

Sounds harsh the tone above, after reading it, but its not.

it's ok. I got the answer.
You're not here to help other in the same situation...
That is no one business but mine. Why would you ask what i suffer from.

Whatever it is the Dr saw fit o_O..

Why would you want to know someones "Personal Business"???

Im above 50 grams per day thats it!

People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return.

Sounds harsh the tone above, after reading it, but its not.

"People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return."

10% of 50g/day is 5g of concentrates a day? That's a lot. I have a hard time believing that that much cannabis is nessesarry unless a person is in hospice. How do you pay your overhead to cultivate that much cannabis. Most paitents that I work with can produce enough meds off of 50 plants let alone 200. 1lbs a month is usually more than enough for them. Your needing 3+ pounds a month? That's crazy.

If HC allowed plant adjustments without gram per day being raised i think it would be more transparent. I dont even like buying seeds because of plant counts.
"People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return."

10% of 50g/day is 5g of concentrates a day? That's a lot. I have a hard time believing that that much cannabis is nessesarry unless a person is in hospice. How do you pay your overhead to cultivate that much cannabis. Most paitents that I work with can produce enough meds off of 50 plants let alone 200. 1lbs a month is usually more than enough for them. Your needing 3+ pounds a month? That's crazy.


eat two to three grams of oil.(for cancer of course) Vape another 1/2 or so and dab the rest or cook with it too..
The 50 grams can be justified...Its just the ones that cant, tell the true story.
No it isn't....I go to a doctor for a script it shouldn't cost me a fucking thing.

that AND if you are can grow your own and make your own meds for less than

pennies on the dollar!!!!!!! the more you grow the less it will cost you!!!. 8)

if folks want to eat mega doses of thc-a (and not get high) they should have that option. if they want to grow 2 years worth of meds in one crop they should have that option. folks who complain about other folks growing over their limit should mind their own business IMHO.
"People make concentrates leave it at that, avg 10%-15% Return."

10% of 50g/day is 5g of concentrates a day? That's a lot. I have a hard time believing that that much cannabis is nessesarry unless a person is in hospice. How do you pay your overhead to cultivate that much cannabis. Most paitents that I work with can produce enough meds off of 50 plants let alone 200. 1lbs a month is usually more than enough for them. Your needing 3+ pounds a month? That's crazy.


If I had a 200 script
If i had a 400 script

What does it matter.

Keep your script whatever it is..

Why do people have to justify anything?

That's the thing people want you to prove something.

HOLD UP F THAT!!! Prove too who Hold up . 8-):cool::peace:


Another note been apart of the program for awhile..
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it's ok. I got the answer.
You're not here to help other in the same situation...
No you asked me what im really good at and my condition.

Im here to help... Im not here to say what my condition is.

I have already said that drs are charging a fee. Others have stated there are no daily limits in stone.

So if I were reading this I would think I could get a 20-40 script.

this is from MMAR days all this knowlege has been posted for years..
you bragged about convincing doctors or paying them to have a script for what every you wish.
You then said "you were good" inferring just that.
Now you state you are here to help.
My question to you about your illness was sincere but again you take it as an ulterior motive.
Try helping the next person who suffers from what ever you do. Give examples.
To come here and brag about how much you grow is a rather sad state of affairs seeing as some people just cant without facing the law...(like that matters really)
So spout off about what ails you and how to go about having a script for such an illness and how you go about treating yourself.

again... .. (:

cheers big ears!
you bragged about convincing doctors or paying them to have a script for what every you wish.
You then said "you were good" inferring just that.
Now you state you are here to help.
My question to you about your illness was sincere but again you take it as an ulterior motive.
Try helping the next person who suffers from what ever you do. Give examples.
To come here and brag about how much you grow is a rather sad state of affairs seeing as some people just cant without facing the law...(like that matters really)
So spout off about what ails you and how to go about having a script for such an illness and how you go about treating yourself.

again... .. (:

cheers big ears!

Whos bragging. If you are not MMAR why does this matter. AMCPR is not even in place yet.

Theres a thing called Perspective. The way you see things is far from reality .

1st How am I really bragging. A 50 script is Nothing You Heard!

2) Can you comprehend english about the drs. Those are clinics already setup to take new patients and sign them when there family drs wouldnt sign
3) Seems like you want to be spoon feed
4) I was always here to help the forum in general
5) My illness could have been cancer or aids or whatnot It's private. Why should i state my illness
You're a fool to say I'm bragging when there are huge scripts out there.
6)Show me a screen shot where I said how many plants I grow.

Again your comprehension/ perspective is different then mine.
Saying im good means, im content with what I have. "I'm good now"
Lastly if a person had a 5 gram a day script vs 40gram a day script why are you concerned again over what they have.

Lets get direcrtly to the meat of the question.

What dosage do you feel would be right for you..
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Seems to me that a jump from 7g/day to 50g/day is a significant jump. How did you approach your doctor to increase your script by 7x? Did your doctor charge you? Was it a Cana clinic ? Do you use 50grams a day?

Seems to me that a jump from 7g/day to 50g/day is a significant jump. How did you approach your doctor to increase your script by 7x? Did your doctor charge you? Was it a Cana clinic ? Do you use 50grams a day?

Simply put, been at this program from 09 to get in, It was a progression. Some people make concentrates. Plant count is nothing if you have multiple mothers.

Different strains different yeilds
Sativa can finish late.

Just have talk to your family dr. Probally ask for a 10-15 start and go from there if you are not part of the program.

Why are you not on it @itsmehigh

The program has been around since 2001.

Also again why so such the concern on what they gave me. Cannaclinic

I get it you're new to this, cannaclic is a dispensary as far as I know.

In final to this get what "YOU NEED"
The fact is if I never posted what my script was you would have been content with yours.
Probably a 20 script would have been fine, so why the worry how i use my meds kindly.

Goto your family dr and ask him. Thats the first step. Are you mmpr?
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Simply put, been at this program from 09 to get in, It was a progression. Some people make concentrates. Plant count is nothing if you have multiple mothers.

Different strains different yeilds
Sativa can finish late.

Just have talk to your family dr. Probally ask for a 10-15 start and go from there if you are not part of the program.

Why are you not on it @itsmehigh

The program has been around since 2001.

Also again why so such the concern on what they gave me. Cannaclinic

I get it you're new to this, cannaclic is a dispensary as far as I know.

In final to this get what "YOU NEED"
The fact is if I never posted what my script was you would have been content with yours.
Probably a 20 script would have been fine, so why the worry how i use my meds kindly.

Goto your family dr and ask him. Thats the first step. Are you mmpr?

I'm currently just a rec user, and have been a DG since 2009. I have had many large licences up to 292 plants. From my experience most large script users only use 20ish grams aday. Seems that the grams per day rate is inflated, and difficult to personally use 50 grams per day. Can it be done probably, is it a realistic dosage, not really. No disrespect intended just curious about the high dosage you insinuated you use. Do you sell your extra? I've been growing since the late 80's, never needed a "pink slip" to justify my cannabis consumption. I may register in the new program to get a cultivation permit, just in case medical cultivation gets grandfathered into the new rec. 25 plants would be plenty to keep me happy. Yes, I have a medical condition that my family doc of 35 years would sign, but there's never been a need. I'm going to grow no matter what my gov says.

I'm currently just a rec user, and have been a DG since 2009. I have had many large licences up to 292 plants. From my experience most large script users only use 20ish grams aday. Seems that the grams per day rate is inflated, and difficult to personally use 50 grams per day. Can it be done probably, is it a realistic dosage, not really. No disrespect intended just curious about the high dosage you insinuated you use. Do you sell your extra? I've been growing since the late 80's, never needed a "pink slip" to justify my cannabis consumption. I may register in the new program to get a cultivation permit, just in case medical cultivation gets grandfathered into the new rec. 25 plants would be plenty to keep me happy. Yes, I have a medical condition that my family doc of 35 years would sign, but there's never been a need. I'm going to grow no matter what my gov says.


You dont have to use your total plant count to achieve your monthly limits. Health canada took into the account for crop failure or if you were growing smaller plants.

If you been growing keep on growing.
Health Canada didn't know what the fuck they were doing. They are the only ones responsable for this whole mess.

People should have been free to grow anyhow for themselves. If it goes legal its hard to say why one set of people can produce it and others cant. Fair is fair.
a human with a 50g/day pink paper, if they only grew 1 crop every 2 years, could supply themselves with 6 grams/day. seems pretty reasonable and why should patients have a gun to their heads forcing them to grow 24/7/365. how fair is that to make someone repeat the same task 8x?