first time growing mushrooms and confused

Scratching doesn't much work with this species.

You can case still and recover most of your yield.
I think I have a problem there's yellow stuff on some of the mushrooms now and of course this site is deciding not to let me upload pics
Sorry to jump into this thread but i have a few questions. New to shroom growing.

Im getting a PC from amazon.
Probably doing grains (corn,rye or wbs)
Should i get PINT jars or bigger?
After doing more reading i think i want to do bulk in a mono tub.
So after the jars are colonized, I mix them in a bulk? What kind of bulk? I've read horse poop, coco coir, straw.
Thats where i got confused.
And also, after you mix the bulk and substrate you let it sit? Do you put a casing on top?
Sorry for all the questions, ive been to shroomery and everyones got a different opinion and its hard to navigate through all that info.
Sorry to jump into this thread but i have a few questions. New to shroom growing.

Im getting a PC from amazon.
Probably doing grains (corn,rye or wbs)
Should i get PINT jars or bigger?
After doing more reading i think i want to do bulk in a mono tub.
So after the jars are colonized, I mix them in a bulk? What kind of bulk? I've read horse poop, coco coir, straw.
Thats where i got confused.
And also, after you mix the bulk and substrate you let it sit? Do you put a casing on top?
Sorry for all the questions, ive been to shroomery and everyones got a different opinion and its hard to navigate through all that info.
If you're gettin the $30 pc get pints. The BIG pc get quarts. For your first mono use the coco verm recipe. No poo. Maybe worm casings, calc carb. Dont case it just dial it in to get used to doing it.
If you're gettin the $30 pc get pints. The BIG pc get quarts. For your first mono use the coco verm recipe. No poo. Maybe worm casings, calc carb. Dont case it just dial it in to get used to doing it.
Im willing to spend $80 on a PC. But the coco verm needs to be sterilized too right? I heard i can do that in a 5g bucket with hot water. I can use the same coco i grow trees in instead of that brick stuff.
Im willing to spend $80 on a PC. But the coco verm needs to be sterilized too right? I heard i can do that in a 5g bucket with hot water. I can use the same coco i grow trees in instead of that brick stuff.
The cocoverm only needs pasteurization. You are right 5g bucket. Same coco as tree coco. Get the yard brick for inder $20.
I don't think you should reuse your spent tree coco though.
No i mean start with fresh but the same type.
So after you have your jars done and the coco/verm mix (sterilized?), mix them 70%-30? And let colonize for another week or so, right?
No i mean start with fresh but the same type.
So after you have your jars done and the coco/verm mix (sterilized?), mix them 70%-30? And let colonize for another week or so, right?
You can follow any bulk coco/verm tek. They're basically all the same.
Like they said, Pick a tek you like and follow it, they all work. Personally I use 4qt cow manuer 6qt vermiculite & 1/2 brick coco coir. Put it in a over bag and boil it a while. Mix ur jars in cover and wait till its all colonized. Growing mushrooms is super easy and fast.
Like they said, Pick a tek you like and follow it, they all work. Personally I use 4qt cow manuer 6qt vermiculite & 1/2 brick coco coir. Put it in a over bag and boil it a while. Mix ur jars in cover and wait till its all colonized. Growing mushrooms is super easy and fast.
That's a good one.
Heh heh.