A contradiction in thought


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Sure bro...

Sanders lost, deal with it.

The point is that Sky lies about her job.

Can't answer my point, gotta jump to another unrelated trope.

Listen, stupid, I was there and I know what really happened; the CNN reporter who was there and ready to cover the nomination process never got airtime after it became clear we were voting for a Bernie landslide.

The media lied by omission, why do you think they're giving you accurate information now?


Well-Known Member
Once the Black album came out Metallica was ruined for me. Justice was a 10 and Black was a 0.

Justice was the last album I bought. I last saw them sometime around 1999. It was their home show in SF. It was terrible. People had there kids with them. The Hells Angels were there. The sound was terrible. The show sucked. Tickets were almost $100. Everything had changed. Lars was crying about Napster. It was all really lame.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
Justice was the last album I bought. I last saw them sometime around 1999. It was their home show in SF. It was terrible. People had there kids with them. The Hells Angels were there. The sound was terrible. The show sucked. Tickets were almost $100. Everything had changed. Lars was crying about Napster. It was all really lame.
last saw them live in 94, wasn't too bad, but so loud it was sloppy. they could have had better sound control imo...

they went downhill after we lost cliff. that sucked... not a lot of lovecraft influence after his death.


Well-Known Member
last saw them live in 94, wasn't too bad, but so loud it was sloppy. they could have had better sound control imo...

they went downhill after we lost cliff. that sucked... not a lot of lovecraft influence after his death.

I lived in the East Bay back in the 80's so I saw them a lot. It was crazy up until the 90's, then it started falling off. I think the loss of Bill Graham had a lot to do with it. At least in my area.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Some conservatives claim democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because minority voters tend to vote democratic;

"Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) may have let the cat out of the bag when he confirmed the true reason behind his party’s push toward amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats." - "Rusty" - The Political Insider

Some of these same people also claim democrats support abortion because they want to eliminate black people;

"It's stunning how Democratic Party operatives and other pundits and politicians who are expressing outrage over Trump’s words seem unconcerned about the devastating impact that the reality of abortion has on Black Americans." - Frances Rice - The National Black Republican Association

Except black Americans vote democratic by wide margins

So if democrats support illegal immigration/amnesty because immigrants would likely vote democratic, doesn't it follow they would oppose abortion since black Americans are more likely to vote democratic?
do you truly want to find the answer to your questions and are you able to leave bias behind to listen ?

if so I will turn you on to where those questions are answered in depth