Ona gel or Ona block

If you have your grown in a sealed box, you don't need ona gel, you need a carbon filter setup to filter the air as it comes out.

The only time you would need ona gel is when you take everything out of the box and stink up the whole basement. Then you would use the ona gel to get rid of that odor after you had your harvest done and put back in the box to dry out or into jars to cure.

Ona gel is only used to remove odors from large areas, not grow boxes.
Ok Eddie, here's my $.02.
You have a young child, you're trying to get rid of the odor by adding chemicals into the air. Is it safe for young children to be constantly breathing ona gel in? Maybe it is but if it were my kid I'd scrub the air properly with a carbon filter. You're not some 17 yrs old growing weed in your bedroom at your parents house. Man up, do it right. Buy the lesser Mars 300 and spend the extra on a filter.
The top Quote is exactly what I'm talking about
If you have your grown in a sealed box, you don't need ona gel, you need a carbon filter setup to filter the air as it comes out.

The only time you would need ona gel is when you take everything out of the box and stink up the whole basement. Then you would use the ona gel to get rid of that odor after you had your harvest done and put back in the box to dry out or into jars to cure.

Ona gel is only used to remove odors from large areas, not grow boxes.
Ok Eddie, here's my $.02.
You have a young child, you're trying to get rid of the odor by adding chemicals into the air. Is it safe for young children to be constantly breathing ona gel in? Maybe it is but if it were my kid I'd scrub the air properly with a carbon filter. You're not some 17 yrs old growing weed in your bedroom at your parents house. Man up, do it right. Buy the lesser Mars 300 and spend the extra on a filter.
Maybe i misunderstood. My grow box is in the basement. Not inside a portioned off room. So what im reading this Ona Gel won't work?
No, no it'll work fine. I was just saying that I don't have to worry about my flower room itself stinking up the house because it has a double entrance, unless I leave both doors open I'm good. When I pull plants for any sort of maintenance like spraying, cleaning the room, trimming I pull them into the main part of the basement so similar situation to yours, that's when the Ona gel has to work for me. Both flower room doors get opened to take stuff out so some leakage there, then I trim in the middle of the basement where the smell can go wherever it wants.
Ok Eddie, here's my $.02.
You have a young child, you're trying to get rid of the odor by adding chemicals into the air. Is it safe for young children to be constantly breathing ona gel in? Maybe it is but if it were my kid I'd scrub the air properly with a carbon filter. You're not some 17 yrs old growing weed in your bedroom at your parents house. Man up, do it right. Buy the lesser Mars 300 and spend the extra on a filter.
He's not trying to skip filters, there are different scenarios where he can use something to get rid of odours. Not everyone uses their flower room to do maintenance, trim, dry or has a big enough room to have a dedicated drying/trim area.
He's not trying to skip filters, there are different scenarios where he can use something to get rid of odours. Not everyone uses their flower room to do maintenance, trim, dry or has a big enough room to have a dedicated drying/trim area.

That is exactly right. Could not have been stated better than this.
Once upon a time my homie who grows decided not to get the vented inline fan and filter I suggested and opted for Ona gel. It covered the smell to his ol ladies satisfaction but never actually got rid of it. Anyway after harvesting we traded nuggets from out respective grows as has become tradition but his shit tasted like a dryer sheet. He gave me trims to run as hash the end product of which also tasted like bounce. I even tried recycled the root ball which I ended up tossing outside because it smelled like downy fabric softener. Ona scent can flavor your bud....in close proximity it will eventually end up being in the flesh of the plant. So to make a long story short homie still ended up buying a filter, inline fan, and ducting; now his shit is dank AF the end