Obama is the man

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Let us count the ways that makes Obama great!

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If you have a problem with this.. PM Seamaiden and you 2 can make an orgy of hate...



Well-Known Member
If he's willing to end the federal raids on medical marijuana patients and doctors in states that have approved it, he gets my vote.(which he said he would)


Well-Known Member
he said that a long time ago he hasn't said it recently... unless im mistaken, and i would like to be... but hey, at least he can give a good speech


Well-Known Member
he said that a long time ago he hasn't said it recently... unless im mistaken, and i would like to be... but hey, at least he can give a good speech
yes, but at least he HAS said it, unlike McSame who says he knows of no expert who believes it have any medical efficacy and that it's a gateway drug.
by the way, love the Buddy Christ avatar, reps+

Big P

Well-Known Member
Let us count the ways that makes Obama great!

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Any posts that don't stay on topic will be erased...

If you have a problem with this.. PM Seamaiden and you 2 can make an orgy of hate...


I think one of the reasons he is great is because he seems to be behind in the poles which for me is one of his best features he has had so far


Well-Known Member
I know of a white man who had an affinity for the white powder too. In fact, he now lives in a big White House. Let's make it a tradition! Heh.

What makes Obama great is that he has excellent judgment and doesn't rush to decisions without first considering the ramifications. I'm not sure any of his opponents can either spell or pronounce the word 'ramifications', much less consider them.


New Member
Let us count the ways that makes Obama great!

Any false posts in this thread will be erased...

Any posts that don't stay on topic will be erased...

If you have a problem with this.. PM Seamaiden and you 2 can make an orgy of hate...

Being the original poster, you should have started at 1. You couldn't, could you?:clap:

PS- Magic Ink?


Well-Known Member
What is going on in that picture? Is he getting a spontaneous blowjob from a chicken or something? Put on the Barry White music!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
What makes Obama great is that he has excellent judgment and doesn't rush to decisions
funny HOW McCain sees this as a weakness
they were pointing out how Obama has advisors he tals to before he makes decisions.. they made fun of him for that...

WTF is wrong with the GOP?


Well-Known Member
Obama will be an outstanding president. One that will be remembered all through out the world( i mean this in a positive way). Lets hope he becomes the next POTUS. Because we sure dont want 4 more years of whats going on now.

the rich stay richer... and the poor wipes the rich guys ass... screw that...


Well-Known Member
Obama made it to where he is under his own steam, without relying on his parents' connections (they had none) or his wife's money (she had none).

He is smart, articulate, he knows how to bring out the best in people, and he has a history of seeking out people who disagree with him in order to help work out his positions.

The contrast between him and his opponent and the current incumbent couldn't be greater, IMHO.

The only downside to Obama is that he is not superman and it might take even him (with Democratic majorities in the house and senate) longer than eight years to clean up the disgusting mess the current incumbent leaves behind him.