@ruwtz !
thanks for sharing your adventure with us, i just got over hear after reading the build thread, cool stuff.
Everyone seems to be a master grower in this thread giving u advise so ill give you some too, take it with a a grain of salt as I have only had around 3 Mj grows, but I've worked in horticulture and on an aquaponic chilli farm for some years so hopefully i know a lil bit about growing plants in controlled environments?
1 RO water=biggest scam ever! you got enough other stuff to work on here before needing to throw money at this, instead get your tap water into that drum and bubble it for 2 days, this will remove chlorine, chloramine and cloradioxide or whatever type of chlorine your city uses to kill bacteria, you will be left with the salts only, those salts are usually calcium and magnesium which we like to add anyway, and sure you will still be getting 10ppm of like metals but hey.
alas if you are not doing any organics stuff i.e. beanies and whatever then a bit of chlorine is just what you want to help with killing off any pythium ect a lot of ppl use tap water in their cloners for this reason.... as long as its safe for humans to drink I'm sure the plants will not complain
2 ditch that rock wool, it is the shittiest medium and when you start to treat it like hydro(as you have over watering and stuff) nothing grows in it. switch to coco and change nothing else because your set up and grow style seems to suit this medium.
also your humidity is highly irrelevant at this stage, the real cause of your high humidity problems is those big wet sponges all over the grow room, the rock wool