Trump's back to wishing death on Hillary


Well-Known Member
and 90% of Americans for that matter, since they are with her in wanting universal background checks.

"Guns, gun, guns, right? I think what we should do is -- she goes around with armed guards like you have never seen before. I think that her armed bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm, right? Immediately -- what do you think? Yes? Yes? Take their guns away! She doesn't want guns. Let's see what happens to her."

let's see ya defend this one, pie.
and 90% of Americans for that matter, since they are with her in wanting universal background checks.

"Guns, gun, guns, right? I think what we should do is -- she goes around with armed guards like you have never seen before. I think that her armed bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm, right? Immediately -- what do you think? Yes? Yes? Take their guns away! She doesn't want guns. Let's see what happens to her."

let's see ya defend this one, pie.
Any bets on whether the "liberal" media will call him on on it?
Any bets on whether the "liberal" media will call him on on it?

i'm still waiting for the "liberal media" to discuss how orange fascist wants to start WWIII over gestures.

almost better that they don't. it'll all shake out at the debates with hillary confronting him face to face, where he has no "safe space" to retreat to.
I see his statement more about guns than death threats. Like she can have them, but the deplorables can't...

hillary does not want to ban guns, you fake black retard. she wants universal background checks and a ban military style rifles. the secret service does not use those.

you are dumb, you fake black retard.

Buck's not running for the office of the POTUS...Or is he???

No he prolly isn`t But he is discussing what he does daily as something no other can do. The typical ...."if Democrats do it, then it`s OK. Example, the Presidents wife just told a Hillary crowd the a President shouldn`t just .."pop off" wild statements and immediately I thought of the cambridge police.

Shit like that. And he even got called out on it. To think, they`re both Black Lives that Matter !!
hillary does not want to ban guns, you fake black retard. she wants universal background checks and a ban military style rifles. the secret service does not use those.

you are dumb, you fake black retard.

Anyone with common sense wants more gun control and I agree with what youve said; but you need to more accurately define military style rifles.

If you mean full auto, you need to jump through Federal hoops for that anyway.

If you mean high capacity magazines, there'll be so many grandfathered in that it won't even matter.

If you mean semi-auto, it's just blatantly not going to happen...

But to be honest, a credible background/mental health check system would remove the need to restrict "types" of firearms at all.
and 90% of Americans for that matter, since they are with her in wanting universal background checks.

"Guns, gun, guns, right? I think what we should do is -- she goes around with armed guards like you have never seen before. I think that her armed bodyguards should drop all weapons. They should disarm, right? Immediately -- what do you think? Yes? Yes? Take their guns away! She doesn't want guns. Let's see what happens to her."

let's see ya defend this one, pie.

You know the point he made which was brilliant but I'll spell it out while you ponder your next spin. Since Hillary is so against guns and self protection then she should practice what she preaches - disarm her body guards. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Any other libtards need an explanation? Most of us got the message regarding the 2nd amendment and Billary's hypocrisy.

Me thinks Hillary, potroast's RIU Safe Spacecadets and the lieing mass media are getting a little desperate these days. :mrgreen:
