it worked!


Well-Known Member
nice that stuff is crazy.... lots of controversial stuff about matter and anti matter

WTF IS DARK MATTER!!!!! we will know soon

for those of you that dont understand what goes on in a large hadron collider

heres a nice little rap to help you understand

YouTube - Large Hadron Rap

the widowman

Well-Known Member
well whatever happens il be well stoned. must say making black holes sounds risky. considering they dont even know what black holes really do in space. :?:


Well-Known Member
and i thought i found the best youtube vids. lol, very nice. :clap: :clap:

im about to drop some particle physics in this club

Lhc is super fly

just trying to help these young'ns understand the difference between matter and anti matter while still relating to them :hump:

the best part is those are real workers at CERN they must get bored out there


Active Member
damm thats shit is crazy and i bet some of our taxes went to this and it LOOKS EXPENSIVE but it reminds me of the startrek but i cant wait to here the updates on it

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
American isn't even a non-member state in CERN.

I am going to be in Europe around the time of the first collisions in October.

I should just drop the bucks and go knock on their door since I am in the neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I heard it cost around $8 BILLION over 14 years, or about the same cost as a month in Iraq. Much better use of the $$$ in my opinion.

With regards to creating black holes, when they first tested the atom bomb in 1945, some scientists were not certain that the atomic chain reaction that they were about to unleash would stop.


Well-Known Member
do you think you would hear it? feel it maybe? or one minute your there and the next ............................................

I dunno I think maybe we'd hear SOMETHING for at least long enough to know something was about to blow us or implode us into oblivion.


Well-Known Member
I think its funny because if you rearrange Large Hadron can get...

wait for it....

large HARD ON Collider! hahahaha