Donald Trump

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Practically all terrorism in the US over the past decade has been perpetrated by people born here. Most perps were Christian.

Europe has the most experience with Syrian refugees. How many Syrian refugees have perpetrated terrorist actions compared to people born in Eurpean countries?

The Trumps are making hay from people's fear, poor facility with numbers and worse ability to understand risk.

What about foreign enemy terrorism ? Every Country has Domestic terrorism.
What about foreign enemy terrorism ? Every Country has Domestic terrorism.
What about foreign enemy terrorism? What's your point? Practically all US terrorists in the last decade were born in the US. Trump's campaign is all about the perception of danger from Syrian refugees and foreign born muslim people. In other words fear mongering. If we want to make our streets safe from terrorists, we should ban all domestic born Christians. That's what the numbers say. Of course I'm being ridiculous but only to make the point that Trump Jr's skittles comment has no substance. Europe isn't seeing "poisonous skittles". Practically all their terrorist events have been perpetrated by natural born citizens of Europe and not Syria.
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what about the US military involvement in other countries? they would call us terrorists and be correct.

Nope, The US Military is recognized. To be labeled terrorists, you need to play by no rules.
Yup, ..It`s real easy to understand why too.
I think the yup carries more definition and the nope is a kinda shield from the facts.
What about foreign enemy terrorism? What's your point? Practically all US terrorists in the last decade were born in the US. The fear mongering by Trump's campaign is all about the perception of danger from Syrian refugees and foreign born muslim people. In other words fear mongering. If we want to make our streets safe from terrorists, we should ban all domestic born Christians. That's what the numbers say. Of course I'm being ridiculous but only to make the point that Trump Jr's skittles comment has no substance. Europe isn't seeing "poisonous skittles". Practically all their terrorist events have been perpetrated by natural born citizens of Europe and not Syria.

Well like, How many Foreign soldiers attacked in 1995 compared to 2015 ? Again you include domestic terrorism, try to leave it out and ask yourself, How many enemy will it take to put a stop to letting them in ?
recognized? as what? murderers of innocent women and children all over the world.

As a Military with rules and do`s and don`ts,...Not so for ISIS. When was the last time the US Military executed by decapitating live people in public ?
That`s your difference dude. Sorry you fail to see it.
Well like, How many Foreign soldiers attacked in 1995 compared to 2015 ? Again you include domestic terrorism, try to leave it out and ask yourself, How many enemy will it take to put a stop to letting them in ?

the enemy is already here is my point.

until we get to that tom cruise movie where certain people can predict murders, this is how mankind has been and will always be.

kill, kill, kill
As a Military with rules and do`s and don`ts,...Not so for ISIS. When was the last time the US Military executed by decapitating live people in public ?
That`s your difference dude. Sorry you fail to see it.

sorry but isis murdering an innocent and the us military murdering an innocent is the same in my book. sorry you fail to see THAT
the enemy is already here is my point.

until we get to that tom cruise movie where certain people can predict murders, this is how mankind has been and will always be.

kill, kill, kill

But , but , vetting is done, it can`t be. If foreign enemies are coming from foreign lands, then stop them from coming seems to be a good play. Adding to our existing numbers does not.
only you and the trump team think they are enemies

who's gonna replace all the mexicans doing farm labor when donald moves them to concentration camps?

i bet a Syrian can pick a tomato just fine.
sorry but isis murdering an innocent and the us military murdering an innocent is the same in my book. sorry you fail to see THAT

Explain this US Military murdering innocents, and don`t use collateral damage/casualties. I explained ISIS.

If you see the aggressions as equal, then you are a lost cause. It`s OK you can be that, there just isn`t as many of yooose.
only you and the trump team think they are enemies

who's gonna replace all the mexicans doing farm labor when donald moves them to concentration camps?

i bet a Syrian can pick a tomato just fine.

You must be above that. The farmer has two choices, hire illegal cheap labor, or sell accordingly and profit little.
The profit little is placed onto the farmer by Government regs. and taxes from their big spending. The illegal hiring to circumvent is the result.

Mexicans are not our saviors............over.
New breaking,....Reid claims Trump faking his net worth......
Old breaking,,....Reid claims Romney faking his net worth........
Romney 1 Reid 0
Trump ? Reid ?
Explain this US Military murdering innocents, and don`t use collateral damage/casualties. I explained ISIS.

If you see the aggressions as equal, then you are a lost cause. It`s OK you can be that, there just isn`t as many of yooose.

sorry but you explained isis but i don't buy it. guess your logic is a lost cause. collateral damage is a nice way to cover up that somebody got murdered. and all the repercussions that entails to his/her family

i'm sure you haven't traveled as much as i have but the one complaint that many people all over the world have told me is that they don't understand why the US needs to be the policeman of the world.

i understand, we want to use up the oil in the middle east before we have to dip into ours. it's called a power play: the middle east has pwoer cause they control the lions share of the oil. when that runs out, all they got left is sand and they loose that power.

that started out as a white nationalist meme. skinheads and neo-nazis never were very good at math either.
But , but , vetting is done, it can`t be. If foreign enemies are coming from foreign lands, then stop them from coming seems to be a good play. Adding to our existing numbers does not.
What's all the hoo haw (or skittles) over Syrian refugees? Those people need help and Trump's political discourse is all about denying aid to some really hurting people that haven't done anything and just want a new chance at life. The typical profile of a terrorist is not foreign born. I might add that most terrorist attacks over the past 10 years have been by white christians born in the US. The Lone Wolf terror attack is especially hard to prevent. I don't understand your argument, if you have one about foreign terrorists. In this century, with the exception of 911 all the significant attacks in the US were done by US citizens, either naturalized or born in the US.

An ordinary American terrorist

Ahmad Khan Rahami, the suspect in this weekend's New York City and New Jersey terrorist attacks, is in many ways quite typical of jihadist terrorists in the United States since 9/11.

He is an American citizen, not a foreigner, a refugee or a recent immigrant.

That is overwhelmingly the profile of the approximately 360 jihadist terrorists who have been indicted or convicted in the States since 9/11 of crimes ranging in seriousness from sending small sums of money to an overseas terrorist organization to murder. According to research by New America, 80% of these militants are American citizens or legal permanent residents. They are also not the young hotheads of popular imagination. Their average age is 28, a third are married and a third have children. Rahami, age 28, is married and has a daughter.

FBI Assistant Director William Sweeney said Monday there is no evidence that Rahami was part of a cell, which also makes him also a typical American terrorist. Every lethal terrorist attack since 9/11 has been carried out by a so-called "lone wolf" or a pair of terrorists who were not part of a larger cell.

Indeed, in many ways Rahami is almost exactly like Omar Mateen, who killed 49 at an Orlando nightclub in June. Mateen was a 29-year-old married father and an American citizen of Afghan descent born in New York who carried out his plot by himself.

The bomb that went off in the Chelsea neighborhood this past weekend, injuring 29, is the first jihadist terrorist attack in Manhattan since 9/11.
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