Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Hey Beaner, long time smoker, first time grower... The magnitude of your grow is astounding... I'm planning on planting maybe 5 plants; I'm hoping to just scrape up an ounce or 2 and have enough weed for winter... (Ya, it will take all my might to stretch 2 oz all winter... lol) I don't have the budget for the amazing projects like greenhouses and cold boxes like you do, and my plan is to germinate them in a wet paper towel (is germinate the correct term?), which I started a few hours ago, and just go to my remote spot in the woods and loosen up the soil, which i plan to mix with commercial top soil... Probably Scott's. Do you think the plan will yield the results I'm hoping for? After all, I'm guessing it had to grow in the wild at some point, before selective breeding.
All i have really spent money on so far is seeds and dirt, and i didn't even need to buy either of those, i could have used regular dirt and bagseed but the more you spend the easier it is, good topsoil means i wont have to fert till flowering hopefully. and good seeds wont finish flowering in november. anyways here is a few pics i missed.

Looks wkd man, best of luck! I'll be watching the progress on this one.

I think I've found a location to stick some plants outside this year. Going to take a drive out again tonight with a friend so we can check it out properly.

If we find a good spot, which I'm sure we will, I can get some White Widow clones and will root them in my cupboard for a few weeks, then go plant them up at our choosen location.
That in the tree is a deer skull i found, of 3 so far, lots of deer and no hunting alowed, lol something kills them.

snowwhite-thanks bud, ive been watching your grow as well, looking very nice.

I am getting suited up for another day on the front line, I like to think of myself as a lone guerilla soldier fighting the war on drugs. i look the part too in my "war on terrorism" uniform. it works both ways.hahaha thanks uncle sam for training me to help my fellow citizens in this terrible war on the innocent. got a lot of work to do today and i will keep everyone posted with plenty of pics, im also going to bring a few contaminated jars of mycelium out to my plot and make a psychedelic mushroom plot as well.
That in the tree is a deer skull i found, of 3 so far, lots of deer and no hunting alowed, lol something kills them.

snowwhite-thanks bud, ive been watching your grow as well, looking very nice.

I am getting suited up for another day on the front line, I like to think of myself as a lone guerilla soldier fighting the war on drugs. i look the part too in my "war on terrorism" uniform. it works both ways.hahaha thanks uncle sam for training me to help my fellow citizens in this terrible war on the innocent. got a lot of work to do today and i will keep everyone posted with plenty of pics, im also going to bring a few contaminated jars of mycelium out to my plot and make a psychedelic mushroom plot as well.

Damn, Beaner, you single-handedly growin yerself a hippie farmers market. You got all kinds of herbs, veggies, and some meat, too.
Fukin' "BeanerMart".

You kick ass.

I just stumbled on this thread today...thanks for all the time you put into this journal. I am growing five outdoors right now and your thread here is giving me lots of great ideas.

Please keep the posts and pics coming! I will be checking in regularly...gonna go read about your shrooms now...
oh god, i just got back from my nightmare!!!! well not really but it was bad, turns out 250 feet of this fence weighs a lot more than chicken wire, i had it bound tight and strapped to my back along with 50 feet of weed block cloth and my normal pack with a 2 liter of water and camera and whatnots.

suffice to say it was more than i have carried yet this year, the way all the straps that held everything to my back pulled on my sunburnt kneck and chest made it impossible to breath, i was taking breaks every 600 yards or so and then i decided to try a shortcut...

after 3/4ths of a mile through the woods i come to a disgusting swamp creak, solid 2 feet of mud underneath, no way i could walk across with this much gear, i would get suctioned. so i took off the pack and threw a cavalcade of dead logs and branches into one spot, took a dry run, than made it safely across with my fencing intact.

On the other side of #$*& creak i found myself in a huge meadow, dotted with wild turkeys in the distance. after half an hour of huffing and puffing and sweating my shirt completely soaked i reached the other side to find my creak splits and i am at it again, only this time i have no sticks! plus i was out of water by then, and havent even gotten within 3 miles of my base of opperations clearing. i was in trouble, i had not enough water to get the fence to my spot, and my shortcut had already wasted an hour and a half of my time....I will continue the epic saga with pics soon but i did just get home so im gonna go get some grub and water!
Holy shit, Beaner! I barely have the energy to pack my own bowl!

WTF you smoking? Steriod laced shit or something?

Fukin A. You inspire us all!!!
I havent even tried to move the fence as i just spent all day hiking probably 20 plus miles knee deep in water, with 6 big bags of soil strapped to my back. over 200 pounds on my back for 10 trips is NOT fun! i ended up with 9 deer ticks and twice as many wood ticks attatched to me by the end...

Beaner: What did you use to strap the 6 bags to your back? Some kind of makeshift backpack?

Also are you only using that scots topsoil?

I'm setting up to do 50 to 100 plants, hiking all the soil it going to be a bitch.

I'm thining about just mimiking you grow, I went to get fence today but all i found 7ft tall by 100ft long.

thanks, O
midgrade-yeah no kidding, my partner is getting a small cut, cause i have done almost all the hard work, damn those lazy non-smokers. lol

Rambler-lol steroids, i wish, i cant afford them things, hear they cost like 50 a day or a would.

blank1-i have a hiking pack that i tied them too with a 30 foot nylon strap wrapped several times, today i only used strips of canvas tarp.


okay, where was i? oh yeah, the crick, well after weighing out my options i decided to throw my back pack and fence over the creek and hike back to the entrence, to go get more water at the local walmart a few miles down the road. without the pack it only took me half an hour to make the whole trip, also i didn't have to make a bridge for the return trip. after replenishing my water i decided not to take the "short cut" and went all the way in the fast way, after 10 min of searching i found the other side of the creek and got my pack.

I want to spead this up so lets just say an hour, and 5-6 breaks later i was finally at the dreaded coldframe. i tossed my shit down and havent enjoyed a break that thourally since i can remember. After cutting a short section off i stored the rest under a fallen tree, it took me 3 hours to make the half hour trip and i had no time to prepare plots today anyway.

first i dug a little hole and cooked me up some taters and wieners, yum! I only used the driest wood to minimize smoke and smell.

While that was cooking i took down the coldframe, wrapped the plastic up to take it out with me and skattered the logs and grass about. i dug a small spot in the middle of the meadow (full sun) so i could sink the cups to the surface of the depression i hid them in, then i took a piece of the fence and made a little roof. they will handle the sun fine, and i think i may bring ten more out tomorow.

after that i went off to the really rotten decomposing part of the woods, and found a little clearing to setup my mushroom grow, for full details on how i did it check my mushroom thread!



well my food was done after that and i was covered in penecilin and other apparently deadly molds and funguses, so i had to improvise, us rich folk, we use 20's for toilet paper...

after dinner the sun was setting already so i packed up and left, on my way out i stopped under my skull tree and smoked a few bowls, listening to the owls and frogs, it was nice but i got really high and sat out there for over an hour, it was pitch black for the entire hike out of the swamp. scary lol.

unlucky man, bet you wont be going that way again. these things have to be tried, it COULD have saved you 10 mins or so. lookin sweet tho man, organised as ussual

jeez thanks guys, it's not all that special, I have hardly even started yet! I think we should see some more grow threads, i know im not the only one out there, lets see your plants!!!
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