Christian Leaders repel Satanic attack towards Donald Trump

instead of sitting here crying like a baby because I haven't spoke out about one issue or another wipe your white man tears n start a thread about the topic, post some examples of catholic christian predatory pedophilia in the thread & I'll comment on it & " speak out " against it .

right now I'm crushing the acts of denial only used by teary eyed white sis male gender privledged social justice warriors in this thread .

all you are doing is typing words on a computer, a computer which you probably attained by selling meth to children and traffiking child sex slaves.

prove you aren't a pedophile.
The US government funds the Saudi regime. We are directly complicit, 70%+ Christian nation

you'll get zero argument from me there because its 100% true & needs to stop now !

however I will dispelled the christian nation argument you inserted as a comparison with Islamic ruled governments with this Quote below .

The constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause place restrictions on the government concerning laws they pass or interfering with religion. No restrictions are placed on religions except perhaps that a religious denomination cannot become the state religion.

The USA has a separation of church & state doctrines,in Islamic ruled governments like the Saudis in question " church is the state doctrine ", with that said I agree the USA should sever support for the Saudi regime until it drags itself out of the swamp concerning basic human rights it oppresses .
The US government funds the Saudi regime. We are directly complicit, 70%+ Christian nation
Our corrupt politicians, silent MsM, and the biased UN are to blame on these horrible human rights violations.

The UN doesn't do shit to stop these countries from violently oppressing their women.
Everyone loses their first amendment rights at their job
That's bull. Sounds like Saudi arabia. Those people don't have the right to free speech.

Would you prefer people were beheaded for disagreement with the government? Would you prefer to be forced to worship one way or pay a tax?

The very idea of ridding the world of all religion is oppressing the free will of others. Who are you to tell peaceful christians or jews that they cannot practice their religion peacefully?
all you are doing is typing words on a computer, a computer which you probably attained by selling meth to children and traffiking child sex slaves.
prove you aren't a pedophile.

quite the froth you've worked yourself into :bigjoint:

yesterday I was the " tiny flacid penis ",today I'm a pedo :clap:

Islamic pedophiles import their sick human rights abuses of mass scale rape,sexual slavery & pedophillia with them to England,you know,when they came with love as refugees :lol:

wipe those SJW rage tears,suck in that CIS gender white male privledged chest,hop off your soap box & show me a doccementated case of American government turning a blind eye to 9 of 10 boys being victims of pedophillia,as shown here taking place in the Nuclear Super Power country of Pakistan,and exported en mass by thousands of predatory Islamic pedophiles in England,as reported by the right wingers at CNN .

QUOTE from CNN .

Director Mohammed Naqvi,and British producer Jamie Doran's film Pakistan’s Hidden Shame depicts the shocking reality of sexual abuse faced by small boys in the Northern areas of Pakistan.

The documentary premiered on September 1 on Britain's Channel 4 and shows the "dark reality of a society living in denial."

Set mainly in Peshawar, the film shows homeless boys of different ages recalling their experiences of sexual exploitation.

In an interview with CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour, the director of the documentary told her what puts children at risk in Pakistan and around the world.

"Pedophiles by their very nature are inadequate, it's about power over children."

"Where these individuals are able to use and abuse vulnerable children, Pakistan in particular because of the poverty. That's one of the other factors that really plays here."


Screengrab from the documentary
In the documentary, the narrator introduces Pakistan as 'one of the most important Muslim populations, a democracy, a nuclear power and a supporter of the Western bloc.' But it soon reveals the silence and denial on one of the most taboo topics: pedophilia.

The documentary alleges that 9 out of 10 children in Peshawar have been victims of pedophilia. It also contains interviews with truck drivers who have committed such crimes.

Shockingly, one of the drivers admits, without any remorse, to having raped 11 or 12 boys.


Screengrab from the documentary
Doran also questions Imran Khan whose party Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) formed the government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which has Peshawar as its capital.

"It's one of the most sad and shameful aspects of our society. I am totally embarrassed by this and that we have not really been able to protect them," Khan said.

Disturbing Rotherham child abuse report

The release of the documentary overlaps with the alarming revelations of a report released from Rotherham, the Northern English town where abuse, grooming and trafficking of 1,400 girls by predominantly Asian men over a 16-year period.

According to Reuters, the independent report last week exposed the scale and graphic nature of the crimes and raised difficult questions about whether timidity about confronting the racial aspects of the abuse had prompted authorities to turn a blind eye.

Some of the victims, mainly white girls in social care homes, were as young as 11 and were plied with drugs and alcohol before being trafficked to cities across northern England and gang-raped by groups of men, predominately of Pakistani heritage, the report said.

Those who tried to speak out were threatened with guns and made to watch brutal gang rapes. Their abusers said they would be next if they told anyone. One girl was doused with petrol, her rapist threatening to set her alight.

The report added that senior managers in social care "underplayed" the problem while police regarded many victims with contempt by blaming the child .

End CNN Quote .

Try not to hurt or attack anybody after finding out your beloved Muslims don't really come with love in their hearts,just looking for refuge :bigjoint:
Our corrupt politicians, silent MsM, and the biased UN are to blame on these horrible human rights violations.

The UN doesn't do shit to stop these countries from violently oppressing their women.
No, I'd say a literal interpretation of Islam are largely to blame. Western reliance on foreign oil is also to blame. The Saudi government is no different than ISIS in practice, they get western support because they sell their oil to us
That's bull. Sounds like Saudi arabia.
That's reality right here in the US. Very few people are allowed to speak their mind 100% freely at their job because it could reflect negatively on the business. The same logic follows for politicians. The represent me, I don't believe in voodoo, so why should they be allowed to perform Christian voodoo at their job?

It is total nonsense. The only reason you do not see it this way is because you are also a Christian.
No, I'd say a literal interpretation of Islam are largely to blame. Western reliance on foreign oil is also to blame. The Saudi government is no different than ISIS in practice, they get western support because they sell their oil to us
Energy independence and a strong defense is all we can do. Literal Islam is the new nazi but to go against a religion it would set a precedent to rid the world of christianity and judaism. Something that literal islamists want.
That's reality right here in the US. Very few people are allowed to speak their mind 100% freely at their job because it could reflect negatively on the business. The same logic follows for politicians. The represent me, I don't believe in voodoo, so why should they be allowed to perform Christian voodoo at their job?

It is total nonsense. The only reason you do not see it this way is because you are also a Christian.
They were praying for him. Is prayer harmful? Why does it offend you?
I can't let this one pass without serious citation because its blatantly false .

Please cite some examples of christian governments that order citizens executed for " crimes against god " as Hillary's campaign financeers ruling Saudi Arabia do daily ?

Saudi Islamic law separates crimes into 3 catagories,with the most henious crimes being defined in the book of Quran as being "Hudud" or "against god himself",all who commit hudud have but one sentence if found guilty, and that's DEATH !,means of death to be decided consulting the book of hadith at judges discretion,capital crimes demanding execution in Saudi Arabia are as follows.

#1 being adultery = death sentence,according to Human Rights Watch well over 90% of men convicted of adultery have their sentence commuted by the judge to " lashing ",or if connected to the ruling class " House of Saud " be fined instead of lashing,nearly 100% of women convicted are executed,HRW estimates the majority of women convicted of adultery in Saudi Arabia are hung by the neck with the most severe cases of adulteresses such as prostitutes executed via public stoning.

#2 being apostacy or non belief in god,believing in the holy trinity,believing Christ to be" more" than a prophet & the true son of god,converting from Islam to the Jewish or christian faith,once found guilty even the house of Saud cannot commute the death sentence,Human Rights Watch claims Saudi ruling class has never been shown to commute a death sentence for apostacy .

#3 Homosexuality, Bisexuality & Promiscuity .

if found guilty of any of the above crimes in Saudi the judge has no option but to sentence death,even if he wants to, only an official pardon,or commution from the house of Saud can stop an execution for Hudud "after conviction", please cite evidence of a christian government following these archaic brutal laws enforced routinely in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia follows sharia law to the letter where homosexuality is a greater crime than 1st degree murder,citations needed showing christian governments " do the same thing ".

Hossein Ali Vaziri says it best:

I would also like to point out that the churches of charlotte were out among the protesters keeping the peace. Keeping people calm and focused on the goal.

Something very courageous and loving to do for the community. They were pushed and shouted at as much as the police were at first. When they started talking they agreed that peaceful protest was the path to positive change.

Civil rights were driven by the churches as well. Do not be so quick to demonize Christianity. Even the crusades were fought to protect europe from the hostile and rapidly expanding caliphate.
I would also like to point out that the churches of charlotte were out among the protesters keeping the peace. Keeping people calm and focused on the goal.

Something very courageous and loving to do for the community. They were pushed and shouted at as much as the police were at first. When they started talking they agreed that peaceful protest was the path to positive change.

Civil rights were driven by the churches as well. Do not be so quick to demonize Christianity. Even the crusades were fought to protect europe from the hostile and rapidly expanding caliphate.
That's the same excuse moderate Muslims use to justify Islam

"Hey, we're not all bad, guys.."

It misses the point

"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
What if it was a room full of Muslims praying to Allah for Hillary Clinton? Would that be harmful? Would that offend you?
I wouldnt doubt it has already happened. Hillary will weaken our military, border, and economy. She will push to remove our right to firearms for personal protection. We will be weaker and that is what literal islamists want. They want to spread the "true religion" of their god and oppress all people who dishonor their god.
I wouldnt doubt it has already happened. Hillary will weaken our military, border, and economy. She will push to remove our right to firearms for personal protection. We will be weaker and that is what literal islamists want. They want to spread the "true religion" of their god and oppress all people who dishonor their god.
See, it offends you when it's Islam but you give it a pass when its Christianity. Neither should be anywhere near government
That's the same excuse moderate Muslims use to justify Islam

"Hey, we're not all bad, guys.."

It misses the point

"With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
The history of Muslims started with conquest, slavery, kidnapping, looting and so on.

Christianity started when Jesus said follow me for everlasting life, love your neighbor( don't cast your pearl before swine tho, protect yourself), do no ill to others... and so on.

Quite different.