Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
If you look at most of the polls it seems a majority of people agree that Trump won the debate. My previous prognostication was a troll, sorry you missed it.

Maybe you wont look so stupid in your next post.... Oops, NM....
Yeah, well that's just like your opinion man.

We can debate this shit back and forth all morning. Just watch the numbers. Snap polls, Lol. #Boaty McBoatface


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well that's just like your opinion man.

We can debate this shit back and forth all morning. Just watch the numbers. Snap polls, Lol. #Boaty McBoatface
No, actually if you look at the polls what I stated is known as a fact.... My opinion didnt make it into any of them as I didnt vote in them.

So, we are talking about other peoples opinions and the majority clearly disagrees with YOUR opinion. Suck it up and live with it little man.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to looking, being, expressing stupid you are unquestionably the authority.

Polls say WHOAT>>>NO jackass. There is NO VALID source claiming Trump won shit. The denial about the out come of this debate is a reflection of the fucking clueless denial of many other republican shit spewing position. Racism, energy, economics, climate, you name it fucking ass hats will cling to their shit stained security blankies. Nlx you're among the worst, perhaps the dullest idiot, as brainwashed as a fucking "martyr". No go scrub out a doghouse jack ass
Every poll that I saw coming out of the debate showed Trump winning with the exception of the CNN poll, including the MSNBC poll. I am not saying anything about valid sources I am simply pointing out that out of 8-10 polls I looked at including some pretty liberal ones like MSNBC, they all showed that the majority of voters in the polls believed that Trump won the debate...

Not my opionion, it is a fact. Go look at the polls yourself if you dont believe me, reality isnt based on my opinion.

And BTW, I didnt piss in your cheerios this morning so there is no need for such intense anger.
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