it worked!


Well-Known Member
dude, it's the avatar. you've outdone yourself. stop, please. :shock::cry:

I figure thats why i've got so many neg reps calling me an idiot on every post.
Well that or i'm just an idiot...

The Avatar was chosen by Chiceh!

So don't blame me... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
im about to drop some particle physics in this club

Lhc is super fly

just trying to help these young'ns understand the difference between matter and anti matter while still relating to them :hump:

the best part is those are real workers at CERN they must get bored out there
dude i wish they woulda rapped everything in highschool ida got straight A's haha
but ya so this is gonna help us figure out about dark matter and stuff
but on the black hole note

no one knows what a black hole does
for all we know
its a gateway to another part of the universe we could be transported haha


Well-Known Member
sounds like these people are gonna open up Pandora's box and like the fairy tale they won't be able to close it. :) i hope they know what the hell they're doing. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Wow Just Wow.

So basically its an elaborate test to prove or disprove Einstein and in turn our "Known" guidelines of all physics. Man that guy was GOOD.


Well-Known Member
I heard a nice explanation for the Hadron Collider a few days ago. Every day the Earth gets hit by photons/protons etc that are smaller than the ones generated in the collider, and also by ones much larger, faster and more powerful. Millions upon millions collide all the time. The problem is, you can't study these events 'in the wild' because they happen in a trillionth of a second.

The Hadron Collider was built so that these collisions could be studied in a controlled environment, making it easier to what happens in one of these collisions. Personally, I can't see anything untoward happening because the energies involved are powerful, but minute and very short lived (millionths of a second).

Back in the 1700's, the theory was that if man tried to go faster than 35 MPH, his/her body would begin to tear apart...

Then, maybe this event had more potential for damage than The Collider does:


Well-Known Member
If our planet were actually in the line of fire of the gamma ray, yea earth would be toast.
From that link:

They determined that the source of the gamma rays was from an exploding star located 7.5 billion light years, or 75 sextillion kilometres, from earth.

The burst has allowed scientists to look back in time to when the universe was about 6 billion years old, less than half as old as it is today and before the sun and earth had formed.

No danger
If a similar gamma ray burst occurred within our own Milky Way galaxy, a few thousand light years away instead of billions of light years, it might have disrupted earth's atmosphere and caused a "nuclear winter" effect that could have threatened life on our planet, say the researchers.

Exploding star shoots gamma rays at earth (ABC News in Science)


Well-Known Member
i had heard of CERN and the anti matter stuff from reading some Dan Brown book, cant remember which one, but kinda forgot about that shit until now...

and im pretty stoned, and been drinkin a lil bit...

and this thread just blew my fuckin mind.


New Member
Well I hope they can atleast wait until my plant is done, dried, and cured. I would at least like to sample my handiwork before I'm blown up, or imploded in a black hole.

Hey, maybe it'll suck all those immature naked titty and ass pics off this site. !!!

Stoney, once again you have me laughing my ass off, especially that toilet remark!