Fat man sinking - The Chris Christie Story

There is no evidence that he knew what was going on. You make all these assumptions in life.

A black woman would lie about her husband about having a gun during a domestic issue because that is what black people do. However, the same black woman would never lie that her husband had a gun which she may or may not have known about concealed in an ankle holster. However, Chris Christie knew everything that was going on in his department.

Good thing you know all the facts all the time. Maybe you should be president instead of Hillary... You dont lie, you are simply clueless...
i understand you not liking trump. i don't care for him myself. neither do i care for hillary. they're both lying pieces of crap, like most politicians. it used to be that the good politicians were the ones who could tell the best lie, because it was impossible to discover whether or not they were lying.
now the media has nothing better to do than uncover birthday party video, text messages, and cell phone camera footage to show us they're all liars. i suggest we start looking for the politicians we DON'T see on the news. i think they're still lying pieces of crap, they're just good enough to not get caught at it
i understand you not liking trump. i don't care for him myself. neither do i care for hillary. they're both lying pieces of crap, like most politicians. it used to be that the good politicians were the ones who could tell the best lie, because it was impossible to discover whether or not they were lying.
now the media has nothing better to do than uncover birthday party video, text messages, and cell phone camera footage to show us they're all liars. i suggest we start looking for the politicians we DON'T see on the news. i think they're still lying pieces of crap, they're just good enough to not get caught at it
But if we find a politician that is not on the news... how will we let other people know about them? Its a viscous circle.

Did you really just type this?

Do you understand the definition of racism, or?

Would you happen to be near any major highways or possibly a wood chipper? Just curious...

It is clear that you do not understand the definition of racism, you are going under the politically correct one.
It is clear that you do not understand the definition of racism, you are going under the politically correct one.

When you were born, was your umbilical cord wrapped around your neck by any chance? Just trying to gauge the level of potential mental/cognitive damage....

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
      "a program to combat racism"
      synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry,casteism
      "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
When you were born, was your umbilical cord wrapped around your neck by any chance? Just trying to gauge the level of potential mental/cognitive damage....

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
      "a program to combat racism"
      synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry,casteism
      "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"

I do not see black people as inferior therefore I am not racist. See?

Now, you can call me prejudiced, you can accuse me of discrimination, etc... But there is no inferior race.

Can we move on?
i was raised in the south, by racist, and i do my best to overcome it. i sincerely try to look at people on a person by person basis. i don't always succeed, but i don't always fail, either. it sounds like some of you have exactly the opposite problem, you were raised by liberal radical hippies who embraced political correctness out of the crib. the real problem is that most of you don't try to overcome that handicap, you embrace it and look down on anyone who doesn't.
I do not see black people as inferior therefore I am not racist. See?
Now, you can call me prejudiced, you can accuse me of discrimination, etc..

This clears up everything. Retardation confirmed.

"I'm not a rapist but I do sometimes force myself on women...see the difference??"

This clears up everything. Retardation confirmed.

"I'm not a rapist but I do sometimes force myself on women...see the difference??"


No, I dont. Occasionally I use the word black to describe a person, in this case in reference to Schuylarr's Assumptions about people.

You can choose to be offended or not but I am not going to be extorted by the politically correct crowd. I dont discriminate against people based on their skin color nor do I think anyone is inferior.

You can choose to call me a racist but it is just a lazy way of avoiding most discussions and we both know that.
When you were born, was your umbilical cord wrapped around your neck by any chance? Just trying to gauge the level of potential mental/cognitive damage....

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
      "a program to combat racism"
      synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry,casteism
      "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"

Judging people by their behavior, whether it`s a pattern or not, is not racism, but idiots and morons believe it is. It`s not in your definition example, is it ?
There is no evidence that he knew what was going on. You make all these assumptions in life.

A black woman would lie about her husband about having a gun during a domestic issue because that is what black people do. However, the same black woman would never lie that her husband had a gun which she may or may not have known about concealed in an ankle holster. However, Chris Christie knew everything that was going on in his department.

Good thing you know all the facts all the time. Maybe you should be president instead of Hillary... You dont lie, you are simply clueless...
you type the dumbest shit. Your mother should have swallowed the night you were conceived.
alright, back to the political thing, whether he knew or not, its his responsibility to know what his staff is doing, and anything cleared by his office is his responsibility. he shouldn't sign off on anything if he doesn't know what hes signing. the entirety of his job is checking that other people are doing what he told them to, and he did not do that.
i do have to admit i don't think a woman being black would have anything to do with her lying about a gun. some women seem to like an abusive relationship, as well as some men. if a womans going to lie about her husband having a weapon, i thinks its much more likely to do with her personal psychological problems than her race
alright, back to the political thing, whether he knew or not, its his responsibility to know what his staff is doing, and anything cleared by his office is his responsibility. he shouldn't sign off on anything if he doesn't know what hes signing. the entirety of his job is checking that other people are doing what he told them to, and he did not do that.

Yes but that has been investigated and Christy was cleared. I was interested in the thread because it appeared to offer new information which it does not.