The Time Has Come, You Got Balls,Or are you a pussy, cuz Im callin you out!


Well-Known Member
I personally do not believe that marijuana will ever be legal in this country. Tolerated in certain areas yes but legal, never. There will always be those that are pro-mary and anti-mary. I think the most you could ever do would be get medical in ever state and have marijuana treated the same as alcohol.


Well-Known Member
In my MASSES thread there is more on the subject of legalization... and the methods it would use to get there.... I am also a strong advocate for a huge Johnny Potseed movement!


Well-Known Member
I dont know if your country is anything like mine, England but we were to walk into our workplaces and tell them we are resigning until weed is legalized, they would say okie dokie, and fill our position within minutes with some imagrent for half the pay, like they do with all our houses over here. Goodluck over there but ill stay put
Even tho my state legalized it on the state level. They won't legalize it nationally because the are older people who just don't get it. They would say okie dokie and then we wouldn't have jobs. Especially when they see all the people who are using "drugs" and doing jobs that you should be " sober" doing. So if a heart surgeon went in and said I quit because of the MMJ law they would say you should have never worked on it and all those malpractice suits were ligit! Even if they never even smoked while on shift. Also they would tax the shitout of it and make us pay like they do for smokes. I think a big part is them thinking it was a gateway drug. Thye also contend that smoking weed has a lot more carcinogens than smokes so why would they let us smoke it? Hahaha because there are no lobbiest out there to push for it. They push for smokes and they actually kill millions a year and they still let it go. I say the less of a crime they make it the better, we don't need to be paying for some guy or gal sitting in prison for some plants.


Well-Known Member
I personally do not believe that marijuana will ever be legal in this country. Tolerated in certain areas yes but legal, never. There will always be those that are pro-mary and anti-mary. I think the most you could ever do would be get medical in ever state and have marijuana treated the same as alcohol.
I respectfully disagree... and I also firmly believe that medical marijuana got us the foot in the door, but will take us no farther until things change drastically on the federal level, and as long as the DEA keeps doing what it is doing, then even medical patients will be put into prison, as they already are. If things go that route, than there will be serious issues between the states and the fed and a constitutional amendment would have to be made for medical marijuana, and if that was done then the government would probably also decriminalize marijuana to the point that it would be rescheduled in the drug classes, and people without recommendations/prescriptions would still be fined etc. or recreational use would be attempted to be controlled, as alcohol is now (so I agree with all that part) accept it wouldn't work because of the amount of difference there is between the two substances...


Well-Known Member
There is only one form of taxation that makes sense to me that seems realistically practical, and I really haven't seen it suggested anywhere... but most of the normal forms of taxation wouldn't work (besides one that I know of).... older people die more and more every day... being replaced with more active younger people (such as myself)....


Well-Known Member
I do not know nearly as much about mushrooms and poppy's as I do about Cannabis... what I know and/or believe would lead me to categorize them as completely different from cannabis... so I think my answer to your question is no.


Well-Known Member
well marijuana is a natural plant. and if you happen to smoke it itll get you high. what im saying is, would mushrooms and poppy plants, both naturally grown and both inducing highs, also be decriminalized using the same argument, that being, that its unconstitutional to prohibit the use in recreation or cultivation of said plants.


Well-Known Member
As much as I would like to say no to that.... my answer would have to be yes in all fairness... people have the right to choose what they do with themselves, and I would really only think of it as a crime if they are hurting other people (especially with intent). Despite the negative beliefs that I have about both mushrooms and poppy products (even though I eat mushrooms occasionally), and I classify them completely different, I am going to have to agree with Ron Paul on this one and say that it comes down to personal freedoms, the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and that they should be legalized based on those principles alone.... so if a junkie breaks into my car the get into trouble for breaking into my car, not being a junkie....


Well-Known Member
I do not know nearly as much about mushrooms and poppy's as I do about Cannabis... what I know and/or believe would lead me to categorize them as completely different from cannabis... so I think my answer to your question is no.
What meant in saying this is that I wouldn't bundle them together when trying to push an initiative to legalize marijuana. I Hate heroin with a passion, but I must concede that people have the god given born right to choose to use it. :(
Edit: And it isn't the governments right to make the decision for them, nor to punish a person for making that decision either way


Well-Known Member
As much as I would like to say no to that.... my answer would have to be yes in all fairness... people have the right to choose what they do with themselves, and I would really only think of it as a crime if they are hurting other people (especially with intent). Despite the negative beliefs that I have about both mushrooms and poppy products (even though I eat mushrooms occasionally), and I classify them completely different, I am going to have to agree with Ron Paul on this one and say that it comes down to personal freedoms, the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness... and that they should be legalized based on those principles alone.... so if a junkie breaks into my car the get into trouble for breaking into my car, not being a junkie....

no no no i believe that all things like such should be treated like alcohol and more then likely will be. Do whatever you want when your home and at a "cafe" or bar, but public intoxication will be punishable by law, the same as alcohol more then likely.


Well-Known Member
well yeah... I see what you mean now... that part I agree with almost completely (though there are issues that I have with it...)... as far as how it is manufactured and distributed, that is a completely different arena... and I don't see commercial pot as really working out in the U.S. or anywhere really...


Well-Known Member
Wow, you would have thought that he would have noticed that both Organize and Anarchy were capitalized... they are opposites (supposedly), why would I say that in organizing something I am practicing anarchy? If I capitalize a word it is for a reason... highlighting these two Antonyms was also helped by the use of the word "definitely" strictly being defined as an adverb meaning: "unequivocally; positively."
Adverb- Any member of a class of words that in many languages are distinguished in form, as partly in English by the ending -ly, or by functioning as modifiers of verbs or clauses, and in some languages, as Latin and English, also as modifiers of adjectives or other adverbs or adverbial phrases, as very, well, quickly. Adverbs typically express some relation of place, time, manner, attendant circumstance, degree, cause, inference, result, condition, exception, concession, purpose, or means.
With the attendant circumstances being that Organize and Anarchy are Antonyms and attendant meaning "in the presence of"


Well-Known Member
true...there are alot of weed advocates out there fighting for our rights....
Me i dont give a fuck really.....
I smokes anyways.....
Thats just how it is man..... we all need rules to govern are life by.... We could be cynical and say the governments an evil beast that take away all our liberties....
But the truth is we need government and laws.... or else everything would be corrupt and people would be robbed, woman raped, etc....



Well-Known Member
I don't think that the government is an evil beast that should be taken away, but I do think that it has gone very far away from what it was intended, designed, and supposed to be.


Well-Known Member
LOL,... Jonny O is the first person to negative rep me...
Edit:So I gave him some positive rep, and a compliment... never meant to hurt his feelings... oh well...