I think collectively we should make a mental note that it seems like most MMAR people that I am talking to are getting screwed big time when they try to go into the new system. Many are blackmailed - you want me to sign, well then I am only prepared to give you 5 grams a day says the doctor - and I want $500 to do it - don't care what your MMAR amount is. Or even worse than that. Give me $1000 and I'll give you half of your MMAR prescription says another. Fuck that noise! Collectively I think it's a good idea to start talking to john conroy and kirk tousaw (lawyers) and get them to fight for us. My one letter to them won't be enough. You guys have to send them in too. If enough people start shouting red flag red flag, they might help us. Don't forget that in the Allard decision, these lawyers got costs returned. That $300,000k that Jason Wilcox and friends raised is still there in trust if I am not mistaken - waiting to be used to wage war on the federal government. The Feds have said there will be mistakes, and this is going to be one of them if we start fighting back. I have made the decision not to go into the new system as a result of me calling those 19 cannabis prescription places and learning what I learned. What I would like to see is these lawyers take our names and copies of our MMAR and get them to say to the feds, you're screwing the MMAR holders over through the gatekeepers and we think there must be a better way for them to keep their prescription amounts than this BS system that you and your medical associations and yourselves (health Canada) have concocted.
I think collectively we should make a mental note that it seems like most MMAR people that I am talking to are getting screwed big time when they try to go into the new system. Many are blackmailed - you want me to sign, well then I am only prepared to give you 5 grams a day says the doctor - and I want $500 to do it - don't care what your MMAR amount is. Or even worse than that. Give me $1000 and I'll give you half of your MMAR prescription says another. Fuck that noise! Collectively I think it's a good idea to start talking to john conroy and kirk tousaw (lawyers) and get them to fight for us. My one letter to them won't be enough. You guys have to send them in too. If enough people start shouting red flag red flag, they might help us. Don't forget that in the Allard decision, these lawyers got costs returned. That $300,000k that Jason Wilcox and friends raised is still there in trust if I am not mistaken - waiting to be used to wage war on the federal government. The Feds have said there will be mistakes, and this is going to be one of them if we start fighting back. I have made the decision not to go into the new system as a result of me calling those 19 cannabis prescription places and learning what I learned. What I would like to see is these lawyers take our names and copies of our MMAR and get them to say to the feds, you're screwing the MMAR holders over through the gatekeepers and we think there must be a better way for them to keep their prescription amounts than this BS system that you and your medical associations and yourselves (health Canada) have concocted.
They should not charge but if they do $20 is more like it
Not sure if these guys are anymore generous with the g/day but at least they don't charge anyone for their service. Natural Health Services they re in Alberta and I'm sure they get kickbacks from lp to cover costs. Don't go by their on line booking as I did cause that is for in peso service you need to phone them fo Skype appointment. Whic will take at least a month to get