Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

I think collectively we should make a mental note that it seems like most MMAR people that I am talking to are getting screwed big time when they try to go into the new system. Many are blackmailed - you want me to sign, well then I am only prepared to give you 5 grams a day says the doctor - and I want $500 to do it - don't care what your MMAR amount is. Or even worse than that. Give me $1000 and I'll give you half of your MMAR prescription says another. Fuck that noise! Collectively I think it's a good idea to start talking to john conroy and kirk tousaw (lawyers) and get them to fight for us. My one letter to them won't be enough. You guys have to send them in too. If enough people start shouting red flag red flag, they might help us. Don't forget that in the Allard decision, these lawyers got costs returned. That $300,000k that Jason Wilcox and friends raised is still there in trust if I am not mistaken - waiting to be used to wage war on the federal government. The Feds have said there will be mistakes, and this is going to be one of them if we start fighting back. I have made the decision not to go into the new system as a result of me calling those 19 cannabis prescription places and learning what I learned. What I would like to see is these lawyers take our names and copies of our MMAR and get them to say to the feds, you're screwing the MMAR holders over through the gatekeepers and we think there must be a better way for them to keep their prescription amounts than this BS system that you and your medical associations and yourselves (health Canada) have concocted.
I think collectively we should make a mental note that it seems like most MMAR people that I am talking to are getting screwed big time when they try to go into the new system. Many are blackmailed - you want me to sign, well then I am only prepared to give you 5 grams a day says the doctor - and I want $500 to do it - don't care what your MMAR amount is. Or even worse than that. Give me $1000 and I'll give you half of your MMAR prescription says another. Fuck that noise! Collectively I think it's a good idea to start talking to john conroy and kirk tousaw (lawyers) and get them to fight for us. My one letter to them won't be enough. You guys have to send them in too. If enough people start shouting red flag red flag, they might help us. Don't forget that in the Allard decision, these lawyers got costs returned. That $300,000k that Jason Wilcox and friends raised is still there in trust if I am not mistaken - waiting to be used to wage war on the federal government. The Feds have said there will be mistakes, and this is going to be one of them if we start fighting back. I have made the decision not to go into the new system as a result of me calling those 19 cannabis prescription places and learning what I learned. What I would like to see is these lawyers take our names and copies of our MMAR and get them to say to the feds, you're screwing the MMAR holders over through the gatekeepers and we think there must be a better way for them to keep their prescription amounts than this BS system that you and your medical associations and yourselves (health Canada) have concocted.
They should not charge but if they do $20 is more like it

Not sure if these guys are anymore generous with the g/day but at least they don't charge anyone for their service. Natural Health Services they re in Alberta and I'm sure they get kickbacks from lp to cover costs. Don't go by their on line booking as I did cause that is for in peso service you need to phone them fo Skype appointment. Whic will take at least a month to get
hi, bucket . Can you please Pm me the doc info please . Thanks a lot !
I found one cannabis prescription place that wants between $1000-$2000 for a 20 gram a day to 40 gram a day script. So that's the highest price I have found. I have heard of MMAR permit holders being told that the doctor will reduce their prescription in the new program but has anyone heard of any doctors anywhere in Canada who are willing to increase an MMAR amount? I haven't found one doctor yet that will and I have emailed dozens of places.

The lawyer Kirk _____ I forget his last name has asked for anyone hearing about doctors advising patients that Health Canada has sent them a letter saying 3-5 grams a day is a normal script. Kirk wants to hear about it. He has his own website and facebook page if you want to send him a message. He'd love to hear from you.
My appointment was disappointing to say the least. Specialist/Clinic would not sign me up to continue growing, therefore I am after a new doctor. Is there a skype doc who has a license for Ontario that I would be able to get a hold of or another I could visit in office? Thanks for any feedback, I am frustrated with this after being sold the same load of manure from two clinics/specialists.

I am still injunctioned but I need some changes to my situation direly

PM's are also very much welcome

Have a good day of pain free bliss
My appointment was disappointing to say the least. Specialist/Clinic would not sign me up to continue growing, therefore I am after a new doctor. Is there a skype doc who has a license for Ontario that I would be able to get a hold of or another I could visit in office? Thanks for any feedback, I am frustrated with this after being sold the same load of manure from two clinics/specialists.

I am still injunctioned but I need some changes to my situation direly

PM's are also very much welcome

Have a good day of pain free bliss
How the hell do these clinic decide for patient that they can't grow.
Does nobody else see this for what it is. forcing folks to buy from lousy producers.
BOYCOTT ALL LP transactions or be a fool. NEVER BUY LP schwagg
sorry to hear that medipuffs....
Clinics do not have the right to do this....someone should slam dunk these arseholes in court....
you are getting a licence from health Can...not a canna clinic....
Seems these LP want to pervert the system into something where they get to decide who can grow or not..
Say NO to LP weeds....period.
sorry to hear that medipuffs....
Clinics do not have the right to do this....someone should slam dunk these arseholes in court....
you are getting a licence from health Can...not a canna clinic....
Seems these LP want to pervert the system into something where they get to decide who can grow or not..
Say NO to LP weeds....period.
If they all would have Boycotted things would be radically different right now. People got no backbone. imo.
Natural Health Services

looks like these guys are a lousy producer front for tweed and the like;

Natural Health Services

Compassionate Access to cannabis

Natural Health Services is changing the way Canadians access cannabis. Working with Canada’s top federally regulated licensed producers we provide our patients with free access to experienced medical professionals and the widest selection of cannabis available.

  • 1459760679_edit_property.png

    1. Book Now, it’s 100% free
    Our service is completely free to our patients

  • 1459760670_stethoscope.png

    2. Meet your Physician
    Meet our in-house physicians

  • nhs_leaf_icon.png

    3. Choose your Provider
    Get access to top licensed producers

So much for that, and as far as access goes. the S C of Canada is a great place to make new friends, see you all soon !!!!
This sucks, f'n games and greed already happening, even at the doctor end of things. Shit I can get 2x 5g/day signed off today if I wanted, my doc will sign for both me and the GF for a $50 admin fee, then we have folks that can't get licenses or have to pay through the nose. Think I'll wait another 20 years or so to see how things develop ;)
I just got my first scrip from a doc in Vernon, BC when I was out there for the month of August helping my 89yo mom downsize.

No charge at all. He just billed my Alberta medical for 2 unspecified office visits. A regular walk-in clinic too and not specifically for pot. The day before my first visit I walked into my first ever compassion club to chat with the owner and he turned me on to the doc. Bought my first legal pot at that club too.

I went to the clinic on a Saturday morning for my initial visit then was told I had to have 2 visits to be rated as a patient and not just a walk-in. Supposedly that's the legal way to do it now. Went back the following Tuesday. We never even discussed daily amounts but I told him that I have been using pot for close to 50 years and was into hi-CBD strains as since I had a little stroke about 4 years ago I get so wasted from just a couple tiny tokes that I wasn't enjoying the buzz much anymore but wanted the medicine.

Once he understood he wasn't going to have to explain pot usage to me he quickly filled out the paper. One sheet is all it was. Then I asked about the limit and he stuck his finger on the sheet and it said 8g/day. I was happily surprised as the only pot doc anywhere around here in northern Alberta gave my friend 1 1/2g/day and she had to bitch to get the extra half gram and paid $100 for her paperwork.

I'm not applying to Hellth Canada for a permit to grow as I don't want to be on their hit list in case the new laws next year forbid home growing and they sic the Gestapo on us. I'll just keep growing as I always have but on a larger scale. Got 6 plants going since June and plans to sprout another 40 - 50 beans this week.

I could have got on the old MMAR years ago but refused to pay $400 for a scrip and another $400 for getting grow papers filled out as a matter of principle.

The papers to apply for a grow permit from Hellth Canada aren't hard to figure out so I can't see paying a clinic to that for you. Fill 'em out yourself and send them in with the original copy of your scrip. I got 4 notarized copies made of mine in case I do need to send the original somewhere. I for the glove box in the car and the rest in my safe. :)

If they all would have Boycotted things would be radically different right now. People got no backbone. imo.

I'm not supporting any LP's and don't like that I have to shop around for doctors at all. It's a real pain in the ass and if I didn't need changes to my pinks I would just stay in the background. I'm trying to get a new doctor to help me into the new program with a slightly larger prescription (not a large script by any means) so that its settled and my family doctor can get off my ass about this.
I'm not supporting any LP's and don't like that I have to shop around for doctors at all. It's a real pain in the ass and if I didn't need changes to my pinks I would just stay in the background. I'm trying to get a new doctor to help me into the new program with a slightly larger prescription (not a large script by any means) so that its settled and my family doctor can get off my ass about this.
Where ru located Medi?
I'm in Northern Ontario. Will travel anywhere in the province for this and have a doctor who will refer me to anywhere I ask but unfortunately won't sign my forms because of external pressure and doesn't want to lose her license. It's understandable on one hand and completely frustrating on the other.

Thanks for all the help everybody, it is very much appreciated!

Have a good day and enjoy a nice bowl
Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

so if the doctors knew anything about cannabis and its' medical uses, wouldn't the doctor already know that.....if in deed this amount is even true ?
perhaps HC is training the doctors as required in order to put HC's agenda forward in a covert way.

seems as HC thinks that Judge Phallen is a joke, kinda leaves a person wondering.
Doctors being told the norm is 5 grams a day by H/C

so if the doctors knew anything about cannabis and its' medical uses, wouldn't the doctor already know that.....if in deed this amount is even true ?perhaps HC is training the doctors as required in order to put HC's agenda forward in a covert way.
seems as HC thinks that Judge Phallen is a joke, kinda leaves a person wondering.
the average amount is recorded as 17.5g/d....look throught allard....all the new "patients" accepting 1-5 g for what ails them is now afftecting people who have been in the program for years....just like the way i started on morphine....60mg/day until you get to 1g/day...same with cannabis....started out smoking a joint now its one every 2 hours or so.....
I'm in Northern Ontario. Will travel anywhere in the province for this and have a doctor who will refer me to anywhere I ask but unfortunately won't sign my forms because of external pressure and doesn't want to lose her license. It's understandable on one hand and completely frustrating on the other.

Thanks for all the help everybody, it is very much appreciated!

Have a good day and enjoy a nice bowl
Are you going to grow?
I have not signed up for the amcpr as I am injunctioned and won't use the new system until our grow rights are clear and I am forced to sign up. I haven't got a new script signed yet, but I am sure that my 9 gpd will be signed for again whenever I choose to participate. Signing papers like that is all part of my treatment so there is no additional extortion charge. I do not believe my doctor would let himself be bullied by the college, and I can guarantee that my doctor has access to reams of mmj research, and the proof of its effects on illnesses and appetite and anorexia etc. The program has been going in some form since 2001. that is 15 years of data. No studies? HC is full of shit.