Surviving a TRUMP! loss. After the election tips.

Good idea they are meat and fur and you can eat their catfood after you run out of cats. And no one will want anything you own because it all smells like cat piss. Unless its weed. Catpiss weed is great.
Good idea they are meat and fur and you can eat their catfood after you run out of cats. And no one will want anything you own because it all smells like cat piss. Unless its weed. Catpiss weed is great.
I don't like it around the house. I had some fresh guavas recently and as they ripened they got real cat-pissy. It was gross.
Did I claim she did?
I can't recall for sure. I know that the Republicans are saying it. TRUMP!!! is saying it. Just another day of lying for them.

Washington Post story: Credible but nothing about mandatory confiscation. Did the so called assualt weapon ban take your guns away? How many did they take?

100% not credible. Even you could probably find something you can immediately identify as bullshit on these right wing sites. This is why it is important that the right attacked Snopes. Believe it or not, the truth has a well known liberal bias. Snopes stood in the way of lying. They were an obvious target.

Amazing that a few well placed memes can get you to ignore voices of reason like Snopes. If you are believing without question anything you find on redstate, you have suspended disbelief. Do you not understand that any opinion about anything can be found online with a search engine? It doesn't mean that they are equally credible. This is why I hate that "where there's smoke" shit @schuylaar
If you are believing without question anything you find on redstate, you have suspended disbelief. Do you not understand that any opinion about anything can be found online with a search engine? It doesn't mean that they are equally credible. This is why I hate that "where there's smoke" shit

But what about Breitbart and Inforwars, though? I've been getting all of my news from both sites for years...
I was a democrat my whole life. Grew up in democrat family. I was even for Obama the first run, until he showed his true colors (not meant to sound racist, Buck). My dad worships the Clintons to a point of me wanting to vomit. While a rapist, Bill sure was good with a budget.

The more I found out about the Clintons the more I hated them. Scandal after scandal after mysterious death...

Then the DNC robbed Sanders and gave it to Hillary. No one even showed up to Hillaries rallies, they had to book small venues to make it look packed. I did not agree with Sanders socialist style views, but he was a way better choice than Hillary.

The democrats did nothing about their own election being stolen by old and bogus rules that did not favor the voter. What weakness and submission... I cannot be part of it. How could anyone be a proud dem after that?

To vote anyone other than Trump is assuring Hillary the win. We cannot have that.
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Mabey not the men and women in the military so much, but in 20 or 30 years when the military is all drones and robots

Impossible to stop the progress of technology. Just have to keep fighting against having a drone/robotic military.

Robots/computers are taking over everything from production to services. Not sure how to combat that. The people with money are good at finding ways of making more of it.

I don't like it around the house. I had some fresh guavas recently and as they ripened they got real cat-pissy. It was gross.

I can't recall for sure. I know that the Republicans are saying it. TRUMP!!! is saying it. Just another day of lying for them.

Both candidates have things said about them that are just not true. Media from both sides misconstrues things in their favor.

I keep hearing Trump is racist for not wanting illegals. If anything, Trump is discriminating against criminals not a race. They are illegal because our laws make them illegal in an effort to protect America.

As that Yoda looking character suggested: change the laws if you don't like them.
Impossible to stop the progress of technology. Just have to keep fighting against having a drone/robotic military.

Robots/computers are taking over everything from production to services. Not sure how to combat that. The people with money are good at finding ways of making more of it.

Both candidates have things said about them that are just not true. Media from both sides misconstrues things in their favor.

I keep hearing Trump is racist for not wanting illegals. If anything, Trump is discriminating against criminals not a race. They are illegal because our laws make them illegal in an effort to protect America.

As that Yoda looking character suggested: change the laws if you don't like them.

You seem to become more unraveled with each inane post, lol. This is fun!

Forget about Drumpf NOT being a racist (LOL) and Bill being a RAPIST (LOL) for a minute and let's talk more about those killer robots....are they stealing your medicine, as well?
Impossible to stop the progress of technology. Just have to keep fighting against having a drone/robotic military.

Robots/computers are taking over everything from production to services. Not sure how to combat that. The people with money are good at finding ways of making more of it.

Both candidates have things said about them that are just not true. Media from both sides misconstrues things in their favor.

I keep hearing Trump is racist for not wanting illegals. If anything, Trump is discriminating against criminals not a race. They are illegal because our laws make them illegal in an effort to protect America.

As that Yoda looking character suggested: change the laws if you don't like them.

giphy (62).gif

Please, please, never quote's embarrassing and akin to Josh Duggar quoting Rumi. :roll:
Impossible to stop the progress of technology. Just have to keep fighting against having a drone/robotic military.

Robots/computers are taking over everything from production to services. Not sure how to combat that. The people with money are good at finding ways of making more of it.

Both candidates have things said about them that are just not true. Media from both sides misconstrues things in their favor.

I keep hearing Trump is racist for not wanting illegals. If anything, Trump is discriminating against criminals not a race. They are illegal because our laws make them illegal in an effort to protect America.

As that Yoda looking character suggested: change the laws if you don't like them.

You have the biggest pussy on RIU.
Washington Post story: Credible but nothing about mandatory confiscation. Did the so called assualt weapon ban take your guns away? How many did they take?

100% not credible. Even you could probably find something you can immediately identify as bullshit on these right wing sites. This is why it is important that the right attacked Snopes. Believe it or not, the truth has a well known liberal bias. Snopes stood in the way of lying. They were an obvious target.

Amazing that a few well placed memes can get you to ignore voices of reason like Snopes. If you are believing without question anything you find on redstate, you have suspended disbelief. Do you not understand that any opinion about anything can be found online with a search engine? It doesn't mean that they are equally credible. This is why I hate that "where there's smoke" shit @schuylaar

Is there a site that is completely unbiased? I haven't seen one...

That is the first time I ever heard or quoted Redstate that I can remember... I was just trying to fulfil your request for a cite lol.

I like infowars because they attack anything anticonstitutional. I understand they have a Republican bias, I understand theh are in it for a profit.

Finding a news company that doesn't want paid is as hard as finding an unbias one..