Well-Known Member
It was predictable there would be higher capacity magazines in their day.
there were no magazines back then for about a 100 years past the Rev war. kinda hard to make that leap.
It was predictable there would be higher capacity magazines in their day.
CRINGEGood idea they are meat and fur and you can eat their catfood after you run out of cats. And no one will want anything you own because it all smells like cat piss. Unless its weed. Catpiss weed is great.
Ya as credible as breitbarthttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news...pons-ban-12-years-after-the-last-one-expired/
All I could find... as for credibiltiy thats up to you lol
Thats great man thanks for adding to the discussion.
Drones are a natural progression too. Should I be able to operate one in order to secure my safety? All they said was "arms". How about nukes? Nukes are arms,This type of technology is a natural progression of the arms to which they referred and I mean specifically. It was predictable there would be higher capacity magazines in their day. And, just so you know, crazy ass morons are nothing new either. Also not new, people who don't want us to be able to bare arms.
He implies he is a racist by the demeaning things he has said about Mexicans and other groups of immigrants. TRUMP! proves he's a racist when he calls to an end of immigration on the basis of religion.
For me, "protecting America means protecting our ideas. Immigration and acceptance of all races and religions is what I consider to be a cornerstone of this country. I want to protect that. That is why I am in favor of accepting refugees - especially if we are bombing this country.
I can handle the risk without some pussy 25 round magazine. You pose as much danger to me as a refugee, probably more.
You are closer to me.Intersting you find me more of a risk...
if you as in plural you haven't stocked up on weapons and magazines at this point, that's just plain stupidity to not see the writing on the wall that this was coming.
Drones are a natural progression too. Should I be able to operate one in order to secure my safety? All they said was "arms". How about nukes? Nukes are arms,
Ya as credible as breitbart
Youre "adding to the discussion" the viewpoint and witlessness of a loutish jack ass. You are justly derided as not legit or worthy of debate.
How do we limit people from getting higher magazines and stronger weapons if they can go right around the law and legal dealers as I stated above?
You are closer to me.
Just stop selling them. It won't take them off the streets. It will keep some people from getting them. Why are we making this much mayhem so easy while simultaneously freaking out about Muslims?
What problem is that?Oh so you know how to solve this problem? I am adding more to the debate than name calling and a picture of cat with a pussy mouth has.
. Are we even generating income taxes from more than 40% of the population anymore?.
Makes sense. Stp oil filter and gorilla tape makes a great silencer also.
trump is paying for the bottom 40%Yep, only the top 1%'s are now paying taxes. We need to lower them so the economy can soar. Lmfoa ,you delusional loaf.
Yep, only the top 1%'s are now paying taxes. We need to lower them so the economy can soar. Lmfoa ,you delusional loaf.
I did not say such a thing or anything about the 1% or lowering taxes.
Well first off chill out Trump is orange and skin color should not be an issue.
Hitlary being a psycho is an issue " We came we saw he died hahahahaha" yeah I don't see the humor in murder but Hitlary does.
You seem to become more unraveled with each inane post, lol. This is fun!
Forget about Drumpf NOT being a racist (LOL) and Bill being a RAPIST (LOL) for a minute and let's talk more about those killer robots....are they stealing your medicine, as well?
you're a fucking call of duty chronic mastubator. We see this and it's why you're a laughable jack ass whose childlike drooling is less worthwhile than a funny cat pic.
What problem is that?
The problem of millions of fucking paranoid NRA numb skulls who think they can channel the thinking of the founding fathers?
JACKASS.."oil filter and gorilla tape" isnt knowing some things about guns, it's being a fucking jerk off clownnever played call of duty but I get what your implying. Because I know some things about guns I am some how insane or trigger happy? Are you that scared of guns? Do you own one? Or would owning one some how make you a militant?
I never supported the nra and never will. Your cartoons make some good points. How do you suggest limiting firepower and access to it? By the law? LMAO.
im sure lou or buck will like your post dont worry broI guess that was over your head.