Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?


Well-Known Member
Why the United States is $19 trillion in debt, the highest in the whole world - http://bit.ly/2epAdRG

Who will help us get out of debt?
GTFO, 'blunt cunt', you aren't fooling anyone.


The staff can 'trace' this stuff through web addresses/etc., eh?

Both Trump and Clinton Would Drive the Federal Budget off a Cliff
But Trump’s Plan Would Add 26 Times as Much Debt as Clinton’s


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Driven in large part by legislation that renewed a number of expired tax breaks and made them permanent, the Congressional Budget Office says that fiscal year 2016 will be the first in which the federal deficit has risen as a share of the economy as a whole since 2009.

In a report issued Monday, the CBO predicted that the U.S. would end 2016 with a deficit of $544 billion, which is $105 billion more than the 2015 deficit and $130 billion more than CBO had forecast in August. The deficit will represent 2.9 percent of Gross Domestic Product.

Related: Why Is Congress Giving Away $500 Billion in Unfunded Tax Cuts?


Show me where in history.

Sure. do you have a credit card? Make the minimum interest payments. Look at the balance next month. Then take on a second job which will provide more credit. Use the new credit, use your new income to only service the interest. Look at the balance the next month.

If you've already done this, that is where in history.
Sure. do you have a credit card? Make the minimum interest payments. Look at the balance next month. Then take on a second job which will provide more credit. Use the new credit, use your new income to only service the interest. Look at the balance the next month.

If you've already done this, that is where in history.

I pay cash for everything and like it that way.