Texas a blue state? Can I have some of what ur smoking? Lol man most of the posts in this forum are pretty damn hateful, from both sides. If you think whoever wins this election is going to make everything better u got ur head up ur ass! You have more power in local elections and serving jury duty, but most bitch about serving jury duty and only vote in presidential elections.

if she doesn't win it she will be within 2 points.

it's within 6 points as we speak. no new polls since all the pussy grabbing and grope victims either.

What was ours before will be ours again.

Lost after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, LBJ said, 'we lost the south for the next 20 years.'

He missed by a few decades.
you don't have to wait for trump's 13 year old rape victim, trial starts in december. multiple witnesses.
and yes, you are a bitter racist shit.

You know, if it wasn't such a ubiquitous attack from you, I could almost wear such an appraisal from you with pride.
You wouldn't care if I didn't make you look bad.

To allude to the Bard, "My lord, I think she doth protest too much."