Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Now, is this shit being posted to bury the white water post that none of you have replied to?

Is it an uncomfortable truth?

Feel free to answer, if you are capable
They post the porn to get guys uncomfortable to the point of leaving the thread.

It means they are uncomfortable with the thread's existence.


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Its rather funny ,these democrat supporters even think she has a chance of winning.
And to be the first women in office. Not going to happen she has just to much Dirt on her plate.

any other person with that much dirt would never of gotten this close just shows how much money can buy
she will put the chains and enslave all the Americans, yet again its the democratic way.

i would vote for this person well before Hillary and funny thing is if she was on the pole she would probably beat Hilary
Least she set slaves free and has 3 dragons :) View attachment 3805829
Heartless bitch vs compassionate strong and independent woman with a strong moral compass?

Khaleesi would win in a landslide.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I don't know, i think ?? many Hillary supporters will re think when the time comes to actually vote

This is a scandal in the makings as it is and many do not even see it .
you ever wonder why Obama endorsed Hillary ??? he is also on the chopping blocks

When you think about it FBI is run by the president Right ?? he appoints a director kinda obvious how Hillary got off ..

How important is it for Hillary to win well when trump goes into office in about a months time .

Obama will be investigated for handing Iran 141 million dollars not in US currency but in Euro and french funds what terrorists, ISIS , mafia and gangs prefer
Obama was emailing Hillary's private server. The state dept and DOJ were contacting Hillary's staff while her and her staff were under investigation to warn her of coming events in the investigation.

Hillary's staff emailed eachother over which emails to turn over and if they could hold back the ones from obama.

#podestaemails #podestaemails2 #podestaemails3 #podestaemails4

All the way to most recent #podestaemails8 and #podestaemails9 tomorrow.
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