Reasons to vote for Donald Trump. I'll start

The first reason is that he is not bought and paid for by the establishment. The writing is clear on the wall to me from this election. The special interests decide which 2 candidates they are going to run that will play by the special interest rules and then we get to pick one of them. The media is now an arm of the rich and the special interests and will run blocking if any other candidate should manage somehow to get in the race.

No presidential candidate before or after this in my life will be free or at least the most unencumbered by those special interests. I am not very hopeful though... Even if Trump wins and gets 4 or 8 years the next round of candidates will be back to the same bought and paid for politicians.

The second reason is that Trump understands business and would help with jobs, a reduction of regulation and red tape and possibly help the budget. Hillary will do whatever the big banks want, they have paid her tens of millions of dollars personally in bribes and given hundreds of millions of dollars to her election campaigns.

His biggest deficit is that even when he says it isnt about him, it really is about him. He lets his ego get in the way and it is always about him.

If Hillary Clinton bleach bitted all the posts where you didnt write anything relevant to the content, I wonder if your post count would have gotten to double digits yet.