Help with Deficiency


Well-Known Member
received_662813853874866.jpeg Ok guys I have a bit of a prob going on In my room just now.I've been growing for over 3 years now in soil(allmix)and decided to give coco a go far I've been pretty happy with it but in the last week one plant has been giving me probs.....the leaves r curling and Browning from the middle in.........I've been feeding the canna coco range (most of it)and things have been fine until last week.....I'll post a few pics so you c wot I'm on about and add more feedback as the thread continues..........any help will be welcomed.....



Well-Known Member
Hard to say if you are feeding them all the same and they are all clones. Is that plant closer to a fan or something?


Well-Known Member
Hard to say if you are feeding them all the same and they are all clones. Is that plant closer to a fan or something?
Yes......but a couple on the outher side r starting to Brown from the middle(like rusty Brown)like the outhers .........imo it's a food prob because my climate is as good as its ever been.......thx for the reply ....I no wot ur on about with the fan ......but it's not's wots not or is in the coco that's the prob I would say....


Well-Known Member
Food........canna A+B,cannazyme,cal/mag(cannamag NEW)pk,13/14 canna on which has just been applied 3 times in10 day(when probs started)......and I've been using green fuse bloom which I'm assured is the same ingredients as cannaboost so apart from food error I've not got much to go on.......any ideas guy's getting close to harvest (few weeks)


Well-Known Member
I'm a coco grower but I use GO nutes. I usually flush with 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tsp molasses per gallon if I'm worried about lockout/salts. Also, make sure you are getting 20 percent drainage with each watering to prevent problems.


Well-Known Member
That's wot I'm thinking .......underwatering.....I never water till runoff.... although I make sure I'm giving them enuff....I do a test every couple of weeks of giving one plant enuff water until it bleeds thus telling me how much to give the rest.....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you need that run off with coco, all the nutes you give that plant are bonded with chemical salts that the plant can't absorb, if you don't get run off when you water, those salts build up in the bottom of your pot and slowly cook your roots, not a good situation

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You need to leech coco every cpl a weeks or so, to get ride of build-ups. Many do simply a water to run off. I was always rather partial to leaching at least once every 3 weeks....

Send some phed water through the pots, say 1.5 the pot size. let it dry to watering point and restart nutrient use.

So yeah - locking out and @Roger is right again!


Well-Known Member
I do a test every couple of weeks of giving one plant enuff water until it bleeds thus telling me how much to give the rest.....
This may not be a good method. I'm always surprised at how much variation there is in water consumption between plants even when they are in the same room and clones. You should be checking the weight of the pot. That's the only reliable method for coco, IMO.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
got a white widow and a jack herer going right now, both starting week 6, both roughly the same size, WW drinks twice what the jack does, and the jack has more foliage


Well-Known Member
You need to leech coco every cpl a weeks or so, to get ride of build-ups. Many do simply a water to run off. I was always rather partial to leaching at least once every 3 weeks....

Send some phed water through the pots, say 1.5 the pot size. let it dry to watering point and restart nutrient use.

So yeah - locking out and @Roger is right again!
the only reason i know all this shit is i've made all these mistakes, and expect to make more
Finally some helpful info........cheers roger and as always thx again doc I've patiently been waiting on the General opinion is give a flush and water till runoff.......been waiting fkn 3weeks on these pens(ph-tds) meters coming......I don't no wot to do next doc .......soil(allmix)minimal hassle............or...........coco(everything canna)I c differences in coco some better some worse,wot do u reckon.I'll be using a bigger space soon and obviously doing more plant's(in steps)16 in flower(i do 8 the now with another 8 ready to go as soon as I've cropped with around 6 week vev..........basically my plan is to have the 16 in flower with 8 being nearly ready and the outher 8would just be 4 weeks in flower allowing me to crop 8 plants every 4weeks........Wot would you guys do(doc ad Rodger) if this was your decision.....????

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i like coco myself, you're more in control, you can almost immediately see the results of what you're feeding, and if you have to flush something out, its out.
some people say you get a better final product in soil, maybe you do, but i think any small improvement you might see are outweighed by the advantages, the quicker growth and how easily and quickly you can change whats going on in it


Well-Known Member
i like coco myself, you're more in control, you can almost immediately see the results of what you're feeding, and if you have to flush something out, its out.
some people say you get a better final product in soil, maybe you do, but i think any small improvement you might see are outweighed by the advantages, the quicker growth and how easily and quickly you can change whats going on in it
Yea I've gotta agree with you their rodg everything seems to happen quicker with the coco and I'm defo getting really good vibes from it.....once I have it dialled in I reckon I will be more than happy with it.......