The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Refusing food cos there's too much in the medium already and they're burning when you try to put more in.
Still flowering for the same reason, plenty in the medium as it is.

You don't feed the plant, you feed the medium.
The plant will take from the medium as it needs to, not when you want it to.

If you don't EC and just chuck it in then how do you know when you've given too much?
When it's too late and they burn is the answer.

If you don't correct the medium PH either (?) then that makes the matter worse because without correct PH then they can't take up nutes as needed and the medium just sits hot as fuck as you pile more feed in when they don't need it or can't use it.

It's simple, if your medium PH is on point and your plants are burning you're feeding too much.
If your medium PH is off and your plants are burning then it's a bit of both, burning because you're maybe feeding too much but also because of lockout creating that over fert/ratio problem.
If the PH is on point and you don't fed too much your plants won't burn, ever.

There is nothing more than that, those are your options done.

This is basic stuff mate.
Excellent synopsis of how to grow in coco, if you check pH and ec in the run off u can see how much they use in 24 hrs, for gg4 the ec going in is 3.0 coming out its 2.0, the pH is the same in the run off as in the feed

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
for gg4 the ec going in is 3.0 coming out its 2.0,
Kin'ell that's high, I rarely go above 1.0, 1.5 usually being the most but I've had the Exo/Psycho at 2.0 but only interval feeds as I make my own ratio/regime so it depends on what's going in.

Early flip they'll get a blast like that and towards mid flower another couple maybe but it depends on the strain and what's going on with em at the time.
I don't set my regime in stone but the nute ratios are pretty much rock solid and reading the plant is were the variation comes in.

If it's going in at 3.0 and coming out at 2.0 that says it only needs to be about 1.2-1.3 or so on the regular, still depending on where they are/what's going on.


Well-Known Member
Kin'ell that's high, I rarely go above 1.0, 1.5 usually being the most but I've had the Exo/Psycho at 2.0 but only interval feeds as I make my own ratio/regime so it depends on what's going in.

Early flip they'll get a blast like that and towards mid flower another couple maybe but it depends on the strain and what's going on with em at the time.
I don't set my regime in stone but the nute ratios are pretty much rock solid and reading the plant is were the variation comes in.

If it's going in at 3.0 and coming out at 2.0 that says it only needs to be about 1.2-1.3 or so on the regular, still depending on where they are/what's going on.
I have tried lower ec with this bastard but it complains, never come across such a feeder must be the outrageous stretch coupled with the stupid amounts of resin, but yeah I take your point about the science but the plants don't lie and I get practically no tip burn or taco and feeding daily with run off


Well-Known Member
I would love to know your formulations man I am tempted to make my own nutes but can't afford any disasters so am holding back, was thinking powdered macros and canna trace

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I would love to know your formulations man I am tempted to make my own nutes but can't afford any disasters so am holding back, was thinking powdered macros and canna trace
I'll put pen to paper at some point and give you a rough idea.

It's nothing geeky as fuck, just parts of this to parts of that.
After that it's reading the plant to see what needs tweaking, which is strain and environment dependent for any given time.

The basic ratios are about right though.

I think the next big bit of effort I need to do is work out the exact EC/ppm of each nute in the equation at any given time rather than parts of this to parts of that.

Simplify it so it works to a certain standard across the board then bottle the cunt and sell it. lol

Powdered macros are a lot harder to judge than liquid, Greenhouse Seeds have bagged up powdered macros but the ratios are all wrong.

It's basically powdered Hoagland which is not optimal for ganja, not by a long chalk I don't think.

Canna Mono liquids is the way man, if you can read a plant then they're your best bet.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
It boggles me that the Hoagland solution has been around like forever and pretty much all commercial agro uses it and nearly all ganja A-B regimes are based on it and yet nobody has really tailored it for specific applications.

One size does not fit all.

That's why we see professional establishments like GW Pharmaceuticals rocking warehouses full of weed with obvious Cal/Mag defs ffs.