Hillary busted agan by Weiner's hacked phone

Looks like she is in deep shit, and the timing is about as bad as it could be for her. lol Let's get used to the idea of President Trump. I hope he is cool with weed.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Weiner was the final nail on Hillary's criminal reign. No one would ever forgive himon the Dem side. What a slime aka Carlos Danger. The dumb a*s Weiner might end up in Fort Marcy Park.

I am sure Hillary will blame Putin and the Russians. What an evil clown show.

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this latest "scandal" lasted all of two hours.

i don't think anthony weiner's dick pics are a matter of national security.
is there any possible scenario in which Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned where you or FogDog don't LEAP to defend Hillary's honor within seconds :lol:

If this thread continues the topic will be reframed to talking about Donald Trump ,your a pathetically obvious paid troll & a known snitch .
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Weiner was the final nail on Hillary's criminal reign. No one would ever forgive himon the Dem side. What a slime aka Carlos Danger. The dumb a*s Weiner might end up in Fort Marcy Park.

I am sure Hillary will blame Putin and the Russians. What an evil clown show.

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How dare you talk about the actual content of hacked emails proving Hillary to be a career criminal despot,the real issue is that the emails were hacked ! ( sarcasm ) lol.

If you hack a Clinton email its an attack on america ,were not supposed to be angry Hillary bribed the FBI,were supposed to be mad she got caught by Russia :lol:

Anthony Weiner mobile fits right in with the pack of rapists & pedophiles both Clinton's are head of .
looks like Russian and Putin furiously working overtime to throw the US election.

Ha ha. Keep telling yourself that. The only thing greater than the Clintons/Huma/Weiner corruption is their stupidity.

Huma using a Yahoo email acct, Weiner using his phone with his weiner pictures and Hillary having an open mail server in he closet. A child could hack these evil idiots.

Thousand of people worldwide respect Assange and Kim.com. Hillary and Obomba f**ked with Assange and Kim.com. Big mistake.

I bet hundreds of hackers could have easily grabbed this info. Man these evil people are stupid. Enjoy.


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Team troll at rollitup is gonna be working triple overtime trying to whitewash the latest Clinton email crimes,thanks Tony Weiner ,I can't help but think Humas husband did this on purpose to get back at Hillary .

MSM is actually covering it & its not looking good for Hillary .
Over $116 million in Hillary's pay to play deeply exposed :bigjoint:

oh my gawd its faux news say the trolls :lol: