Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Active Member
Baby Boomers 420! Yes, remember Thai sticks coming in Honolulu in the 70's....crossing the Rio Grand with Mexican bricks on our backs! I have to laugh, I remember some of that musty smashed stuff tasted awful....but that is what I thought weed was suppose to be........Until I moved to Calif...I saw my first green pot, first sinsemilla bud...and asked "what is that?" reply "where you from boy?....I'm 60, finally started growing last year and found a new passion! I want to just say thank you for all the expert advice and info that you all share!

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Thai stick, honey oil, Acapulco Gold, Columbian Gold, Panama Red, that was the smoke in the 70's that you grabbed up when it was around so you wouldn't have to smoke that mexi brick weed full of seeds, good thing we had album covers (anyone remember that?) to de-seed that crap ;)
i remember dee seeding mexican weed,, lol,, we used to save the seeds thinking we were going to be bad asses and grow plants someplace,, but we all lived at home then and had no place to grow,,

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Wasn't thai stick dipped in opium?
i didnt know my bottom from my top back then,, but i do remember some of the thai stick i got was covered or dipped,, it was so long ago its a bit hard to remember,, the stuff would really get you ripped,, I also remember the tie method ,, someone said it was hemp string,, so cool, ,it had a wonderful smell


Well-Known Member
Thai stick, honey oil, Acapulco Gold, Columbian Gold, Panama Red, that was the smoke in the 70's that you grabbed up when it was around so you wouldn't have to smoke that mexi brick weed full of seeds, good thing we had album covers (anyone remember that?) to de-seed that crap ;)
or the FRISBEE (freakin' designed for de-seeding)

(man, I teleported with that one! ;0)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I remember in S Fla in the early 70's sitting on several very large coolers packed to the brim with Acapulco Gold - the stuff was the color of hay.
The boys gave me a couple of hundred bucks & 6 or 8 oz of product for watching it.

This thread is like time travel. :cool:
If it was '81 I had some lol, The boys brought some up from there and it was great smoke :).

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
when i was 18 in Southern California there was this large park, and at the far end the road ended with a looping turn around and the locals called it the keyhole, and in the parking lot down there guys would park and sale dime bags out of thier cars and vans,, i used to pull in VW bug and turn off the motor and 4 or 5 guys would be handing thier arms in your window showing you the dime bags for sale, and I would point,, this one, that one, and that one over there,, and this went on for a long time, it was a bummer when the cops shut that one down,
thing was it was like a smorgasborg you never knew what was going to be there, i knew nothing of strains back then, only the thai and the mexican, but the other colors or types were a mystery back then to me

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
Thai stick, honey oil, Acapulco Gold, Columbian Gold, Panama Red, that was the smoke in the 70's that you grabbed up when it was around so you wouldn't have to smoke that mexi brick weed full of seeds, good thing we had album covers (anyone remember that?) to de-seed that crap ;)
Lived where the street swag was Mexican brick. Moved where the swag was Jamaican bale. Kinda like going from rancid to only putrid.