Settle For Nothing

this thread didnt get jacked, i am the starter and i am still here making the majority of the posts and responding to all.

this thread did however steer away from the topic because of republican assholes forcing their sadistic beliefs on everyone in hopes they will vot McCain,,, yes, this is how low these pieces of shit are
Great for you Stoney, but out of curiosity (and cause I'm sick of trying to debate with some one that has shown that they are clearly incapable of making any kind of intelligent arguments)

Why are you voting for Obama?

What part of his political stance appeals to you? (almost put a period instead of a question mark, don't want to piss off the post grader.)
I think he's a sincere man.I personally believe that we cannot withstand another four years of republican government.I like that he comes from humble beginning s and can relate.I like his stance on reducing healthcare costs, because my medications costs so much, I often forego it.He thinks before he speaks, and is intelligent.I like the way he's going to put a little more money in lower income taxpayer's pockets.I like that he isn't trying to force me as a woman to accept his views on what I should do with my body.I like that he's mentioned decriminalizing marijuana.He's a DEm, I'm a Dem...we agree on a lot of issues.He's opposed to the death penalty in general, but believes that some circumstances qualify it.He simply cannot do any worse on education than Bush.No child left behind is a joke.He wants to raise the minimum wage.Social security should not be privatized....and we should figure out a way to get the hell out of Iraq.Now, there are other issues, but these are the ones I could think of right now.
Great for you Stoney, but out of curiosity (and cause I'm sick of trying to debate with some one that has shown that they are clearly incapable of making any kind of intelligent arguments)

Why are you voting for Obama?

What part of his political stance appeals to you? (almost put a period instead of a question mark, don't want to piss off the post grader.)
FOR THE RECORD.....I'm a registered Democrat, and I'm voting Obama.:peace:

FOR THE RECORD..... i do not follow any party as i can make my own opinions. this isnt about obama, and this isnt about mccain, this was suposed to be about a good change, and you are not going to get that with either candidate
im not here to make friends, im here to vent my anger. and who better to vent my anger on than idiots? its a fucking goldmine on here,, and its even better because they just keep responding,, like they think they are making progress...

lets hear some more shit brutal,, but lets try to stay on topic why dont we
...cause I'm sick of trying to debate with some one that has shown that they are clearly incapable of making any kind of intelligent arguments...

i dont need to make "intelligent arguments" or what you call intelligent arguments. I have already said what i wanted to say in the past 20 pages. I dont need to say anything more except :finger:
Obama all the way, just saying, so don't attack with any sarcastic rhetoric or rascist hate mongering. He is the best candidate in the race. Eeny meeney miney moe pick a candidate with a VP named Joe.
med, you have a good mind and i like your views,,, but this is not about that... obama IS the better choice but no president will ever make the changes that need to be made.

im talking about a complete revamp of our governmental system and that needs to be undertaken by the people, we are the ones that have to live here

republicans dont like the idea of change,, it scares them,,,, why do you think mMcCain has been dubbed McSame?

because nothing will change and thing will keep getting worse
med, you have a good mind and i like your views,,, but this is not about that... obama IS the better choice but no president will ever make the changes that need to be made.

im talking about a complete revamp of our governmental system and that needs to be undertaken by the people, we are the ones that have to live here

republicans dont like the idea of change,, it scares them,,,, why do you think mMcCain has been dubbed McSame?

because nothing will change and thing will keep getting worse
Look chuck, I know this. There is nothing I can do to change the minds of 50-70 Million people, the people that actually vote. I wish we could give a guy like Ron Paul a try, like a Ron Paul lite, light on privatization, but heavy on most of the rest of his agenda like stop the war, remove our troops from foriegn lands, secure our borders, do away with lobbyists, oust the federal reserve, all good and just attributes, but privatizing my SS and the schools, the roads, Everything to do with everyday life, Just doesn't cut it. We have seen what corporate America has done to our country and the world, shameful!
privatization of necessities blows my mind. what are you paying your government for? you dont even have public health care and even the idea of having to pay tolls for highways (we have one in canada) and all schools makes me sick.

we pay our government a lot of money to make our life easier and now all of a sudden we have to pay for it because the money isnt there anymore.

thats bullshit, people are still paying taxes, they are just prioritizing the money differently now. all the bullshit money being funnelled into a bullshit war is ruining the quality of life

this is what i have been trying over and over to get through to people.

they are doing you wrong and you are doing nothing about it.
You Know chuck, the government that is supposed to look out for us is looking out for themselves. Privatizing things such as roads and state parks, prisons, etc are all about getting paid, not about providing better service as the libertarians would have you believe. The government can do a wondefful job providing these services, they have for years, but now comes the greed of modernity, and everyone wants to get paid. It's atrocious. All in the name of providing better service, Bullshit!!!
You Know chuck, the government that is supposed to look out for us is looking out for themselves. Privatizing things such as roads and state parks, prisons, etc are all about getting paid, not about providing better service as the libertarians would have you believe. The government can do a wondefful job providing these services, they have for years, but now comes the greed of modernity, and everyone wants to get paid. It's atrocious. All in the name of providing better service, Bullshit!!!
Yes I Know Med,

it all comes down to greed

and i also know everybody here thinks low of me because of the shit i say to people,, but im just getting sick of this shit,,, i should have posted this after the election so i wouldnt have gotten all these (not you) republican creepers posting hate and making me look bad.

i was provoked to be made out as the bad guy and it worked, good job

i will never give up

"So much pain we
Dont know how to be but angry
Feel infected like weve got gangrene
Please dont let anybody try to change me...

...Whats in your alleyway
Recycling bins or bullet cases
Its not equal
Its not fair
Were different people
But were not scared
We aint never scared
To pave a new path
Make a new street
Build a new bridge..."
