Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Hot damn, right after losing the election (miserably) the rancid old bastard is facing multiple charges! LOL I wonder if he'll make it to springtime? Ouch!

Published on:
31 October 2016

Donald Trump will face charges on child rape and racketeering charges after Election Day



Is this where you and buck are getting all your news from lmao.i cant believe you guys wasted the whole damn day on here spreading lies and calling people names.ya'all need to step up your door knockin game,she's slipping in the polls bigtime today


Well-Known Member
Is this where you and buck are getting all your news from lmao.i cant believe you guys wasted the whole damn day on here spreading lies and calling people names.ya'all need to step up your door knockin game,she's slipping in the polls bigtime today

You still haven't changed your avi , lol side branch...


Well-Known Member
shouldnt you be out bothering people on their porch as you tell them your sob story about the shill and how she will extend your welfare checks which will support your crack addiction ? you cant change the world one vote at a time from your pc spewing factless lies on riu .theres doors to knocked on son,giddyup !!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I got you to change your avi lol, you are a real push over, an easily manipulated trump tard.Enjoy your last week!
yeah brah,my avi doesnt define me like yours does,even though i do play guitar and grow weed,and you do sound like alot like cheech looks in yours,cumfused (:


Well-Known Member
shouldnt you be out bothering people on their porch as you tell them your sob story about the shill and how she will extend your welfare checks which will support your crack addiction ? you cant change the world one vote at a time from your pc spewing factless lies on riu .theres doors to knocked on son,giddyup !!!
we only have one admitted welfare recipient here at RIU. She supports Trump.
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