A great big ice chest full of water works in a pinch.I prefer a good drowning. Throw the whole cage in a pond (I have one you may not) or a trash can full of water. If you prefer to be humane you'll have to shoot it.
A great big ice chest full of water works in a pinch.I prefer a good drowning. Throw the whole cage in a pond (I have one you may not) or a trash can full of water. If you prefer to be humane you'll have to shoot it.
So I'm not the only one? Thought I might catch some flack.A great big ice chest full of water works in a pinch.
That would be delicious irony to catch a critter in a haveaheart cage, only to dunk the cage and drown it after. He'll never see it coming, see if you can snap a pic of the look on its face...
Do you own or can you build a slingshot? Can you sharpen a stick? Idk man I usually try to leave most animals alone unless I'm hunting but once you're in my house, garden, trash ect you are now a pest and need to go. Alot of people will tell you to simply relocate it. Which is always an option if you wanna throw it in the truck and take him far away. I mean far.Ok, so obviously I want to shoot it in the head and end it quick but even a .22 where I live will probably bring too much heat. So drowning isn't too cruel? That crossed my mind but kinda feels like I would come back as a raccoon and get my ass drowned on the karma tip. My other thought was the old hose in the tailpipe trick. Put the cage in a contractor's bag. Man I suck at killing things.
Do you own or can you build a slingshot? Can you sharpen a stick? Idk man I usually try to leave most animals alone unless I'm hunting but once you're in my house, garden, trash ect you are now a pest and need to go. Alot of people will tell you to simply relocate it. Which is always an option if you wanna throw it in the truck and take him far away. I mean far.
Use modern small appliances, Ghatler.I've had a raccoon get into my garbage twice this week. So I set a havaheart trap up bout 30 minutes ago. Apparently kfc popcorn chicken is like crack to them cuz I already caught one. I don't think it's rabid but it's certainly a nasty fucking trash panda and fucking barked at me and probably needs to die for scaring me. I didn't know raccoons barked. How can I kill this thing? My track record with killing things is not very good. I'm somewhere between ghandi and hitler.
I surely do hope they used the other half for a ratastrophe
So I'm not the only one? Thought I might catch some flack.
If you have a tank of inert gas, that is a much gentler way of offing a feral anything than drowning or whatnot. Fill a trash can with the inert gas (I like argon, cheap and denser than air) and place cage inside. A minute or so. They don't even know they went to sleep.I saw a flyer tacked up to a neighborhood pole, some elderly lady had lost her cat & I happened to see one matching the description in the woods behind my house so I called & told her. She said she was unable to get around & wanted me to catch it for her so I got a live trap & some sardines and *viola* 2 days later I'm calling her to let her know I have her cat.
She's like, "no - my cat is right here beside me" so now I have this very pissed off wild cat that nobody has reported missing (called the doggy pound) but that they would be happy to take it off my hands for $35.00. So I ask what's to become of this cat - it literally attacks the cage if you even look at it & the lady says they don't try & re-home feral cats, they just get put down.
*sound of ice chest filling with water*
Were I you I'd go ahead and lube my grommet before trying appliance on him.
That coon is going to own you.
If you have a tank of inert gas, that is a much gentler way of offing a feral anything than drowning or whatnot. Fill a trash can with the inert gas (I like argon, cheap and denser than air) and place cage inside. A minute or so. They don't even know they went to sleep.
So uh, chlorine gas, is that a gentler one? Or is that more of a Final Solution one?