Well-Known Member
Sick renderings. You should still run the 220/240 you will be able to run twice as much power with half the amps compared to 120V. It's more efficient in the sense that you can run more lights per breaker basically. Just my $0.02 anyhow. That's what I did and I ran a separate 120v outlet from the breaker to the room in 120V for the portable A/C to have for itself. Couldn't be happier, my light controller is wired direct to the panel on it's own new breaker in 240V and I can run 1K per outlet and have 4 outlets. It has a timer on it too. So as long as I wire my lights up correctly to not waste a plug for low wattage I will never run out of what this controller will let me run. I will probably never even hit half what it can do (2K watts)
Just some food for thought on the lighting.
Yeah, that'd probably work better. I thought getting rid of the HPS stuff would keep me comfortably at 120v, but I didn't realize how much stuff I'm still going to be running in the room.
Your $0.02 was worth well over $0.02, my man