White Nationalist Warns of Multicultural Bloodbath if Trump Loses


Well-Known Member
My point here is that anyone who advocates violence against one another or our democratic system, 'leader' or not, because they didn't win the election or get their way is committing a crime against the social compact we have all pledged to uphold. If we don't treat it as such we are holding the door open for totalitarianism.

Leaders, sure, but ANYONE who thinks this is acceptable behavior and encourages others to act this way, let alone aids them or commits the acts themselves.

Sorry if this sounds legalistic but I feel it's important to clearly define the boundaries between discourse and discussion- and insurrection.
It was your post and I'm completely in agreement. I think a leadership that first uses then undermines this democracy should occupy a special and worse place in hell but they should all be end up in the Hell's fires.

I hope that @choomer doesn't get upset and think that I was including him in my hopes and wishes. Then again, maybe I am. It's all rhetorical because I'm an atheist. But if there ever were a hell, it was meant to include him and his phony patriots.


Well-Known Member
OK Immigrant

I was waiting for this. I'm not an immigrant. I was born in Canada to not just one, but two American parents. I became an adult American citizen with all rights and privileges when I signed my Selective Service card.

That's right. I CHOSE to be an American. What's your excuse? Just another accident?

Put another way, I'm my parents' Canadian anchor baby.



Well-Known Member
Then why didn't you just say..'I met a nice lady yesterday'..if color doesn't matter to you?
I am accused of being a racist yet I treat people of all races equally.

If I had just said I had met a nice lady, how would that have supported the evidence that their accusations are false?

I met a nice man today... Of course Schuylarr has no idea why I might say his race... Clueless....


Well-Known Member
No one respects ignorance more than you
Which part did you think was ignorant?

I stated that race relations are worse than 8 years ago despite Obama saying he would make them better. IS that false? Is that ignorant? I think most people would agree with the statement so most people are ignorant?

Was I ignorant to believe what Obama said?

I think you just like to post slogans that sound cool with no merit to them at all.


Well-Known Member
Those who would commit violence when an election doesn't go their way are especially dangerous to a free society, almost as much as those who encourage them to do it.
Gee, most of us would say that when a trial does not go a certain way...

But i guess THOSE people are not especially dangerous. Right? LOL!!!


Well-Known Member

Ohhhhh, ANALEXCESS, tsk tsk tsk......I've wished you dead on so many occasions....
Well, that is one of the differences between us. You are a shitty person and I am not.

Also proves wishing for shit doesnt work....