What did you accomplish today?

Ok, so I have a wheel barrel loaded up with a bunch of bricks. Where exactly am I supposed to start building this god damned wall? And as I build, do I make sure to be on the south side of ito_O
I wonder if there is a quota/limit on how many beaners that I, a respected and reputable old not really fat white male can vouch for? I hope at least 5 cuz you and Sunshine take up 2 and there are a few more I wish to keep around ;)
From what I can see there's around 110 mag's there or roughly 3300 rounds.

I keep a half dozen 30's charged, other than that I'll load more as required.
Fuck, if I can't do it with 200 rounds I'm screwed anyway.
Yep, having been around for over 60+ years, I've seen mag. fatigue. It's not a myth kids, and I suspect newer made mags are even worse due the demise of quality manufacturing
Yep, having been around for over 60+ years, I've seen mag. fatigue. It's not a myth kids, and I suspect newer made mags are even worse due the demise of quality manufacturing

Altho my money says spring steel has evolved to probably not retain memory as quickly as the older stuff.
But still, what's the point of that many unless you're attacking HAARP?. :wink:
So I just bought a double wide mobile home for $2500. Ill have it here in a few days. The roof is trashed. It has ruined some places in the ceiling. The roof frame is in good shape. The first thing I am doing after it is setup is tearing that all out and put a metal roof.

I figure all said and done I will have 10 grand, maybe a little more and can rent it for $5-600 a month.

There were like 10 mobile homes here at one time. All the hook ups and septic are still here. The double wide puts me at 3 rentals. If I can get 10 back and then rent this house will be 12. $5-6000 income a month sounds good to me.

That will be enough with my VA pension to buy my dream farm.