Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the opposite would've happened if Hillary won. With the possibility of violence.

Um yeah, Hillary supporters have already turned violent after a day. But you can speculate about what Trump supporters would have done all you want.

Im sure it will blow over cause wtf is protesting/being violent going to do when all those who agree with you are already protesting? Might as well go into your own back yard and stomp your feet.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So essentially you're saying we don't have a Democratic system of Government?
What i am saying is like it or not Trump is the closest person to you or me sure he may have used the loop holes , in which the democrats made law
Trump took 0 money from corporations he did it himself 50 million compared to Hillaries 509 million ?
does that not ring any alarms in your head ?? look at the contributors and there Agenda or what they see as America

Are we that Blind seriously

Its about time someone goes into office and plays by the rules think of it this way The day Obama took office the debt was 10.626 trillion. It's now at 18.150 trillion. And while he has added 70.2% WTF has he done but BS people into thinking he lowered it by 2/3'rds lol

add it up 1 trillion more per year in debt has this helped us in any way ???

Lets see what it is in 4 years from now then one can judge

If it any indictation how trump beat Hillary lets see if the 1 trillion or more per year happens or if it drops under

My guess is he would school Obama and Hillary together when it comes to business i mean he will know how much he can write a check for and keep a balance which the other 2 meatheads could never do
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Well-Known Member
What i am saying is like it or not Trump is the closest person to you or me sure he may have used the loop holes , in which the democrats made law
Trump took 0 money from corporations he did it himself 50 million compared to Hillaries 509 million ?
does that not ring any alarms in your head ?? look at the contributors and there Agenda or what they see as America

Are we that Blind seriously

Its about time someone goes into office and plays by the rules think of it this way The day Obama took office the debt was 10.626 trillion. It's now at 18.150 trillion. And while he has added 70.2% WTF has he done but BS people into thinking he lowered it by 2/3'rds lol

add it up 1 trillion more per year in debt has this helped us in any way ???

Lets see what it is in 4 years from now then one can judge

If it any indictation how trump beat Hillary lets see if the 1 trillion or more per year happens or if it drops under

My guess is he would school Obama and Hillary together when it comes to business i mean he will know how much he can write a check for and keep a balance which the other 2 meatheads could never do

So you're admitting that by the popular vote not mattering to the outcome that we don't live in a Democratic system of Government.

Thanks for clarifying.

And Trump can suck my ballsack.

The people didn't vote for Trump, we don't want Trump.


Well-Known Member
Unless you are Trump and you never had to worry about money. He was the scammer, including retired people. He used lawsuits to bully people. He refused to pay thousands of people who have fruitlessly filed liens against him. Some of those went out of business because they trusted Benedict Donald.

But hey, that's just crazy talk. He's going to be the saviour of the middle class. He said so himself.
Again a moot point Donald trump and his businesses are not one single identity he is incorporated big difference there 2 completely different identities all together


Well-Known Member
I watched Donald walking off his plane today at Ronny Regan Airport on tv and was just hoping for someone to take him out...

Didn't happen sadly.


Well-Known Member
lonely ?? i worked off shore there years back have friends there.
its a beautiful place maybe not for some but it will provide me a life style of a king with my assets right that is what its all about retirement and enjoying life if a person is to stay put . your saved money will soon seep into the governments hands
I say Fuck em have friends all ready buying land else where panama etc

I am not running away from here i am utilizing my dollar to benifit be not the Gov
I was talking about another gentleman. I own a farm. I have no reason to leave. It will be ok.


Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to realize that the right simply weren't listening to what was said before the election. Trump and his supporters were pretty honest and open about protesting the result of the election if they didn't win.
They won so you dont have to worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Easy to make things up in your head that are obviously unsubstantiated. We have found out that at leas a portion of the violence at the trump rallies was bought and paid for by the DNC. Not surprising you would expect the same shitty behavior from the other side.
What ever man. You know damn well people would be out in the masses just the same way if Hillary won.

As I have said I didn't care for either one. Both are crooked.

Just saying if she won this thread would be just the reversed mirror image. People would still be crying and bitching.

Nothing but a bunch of back and forth bitterness from both sides.

I have not much more to say about it.


Well-Known Member
Um yeah, Hillary supporters have already turned violent after a day. But you can speculate about what Trump supporters would have done all you want.

Im sure it will blow over cause wtf is protesting/being violent going to do when all those who agree with you are already protesting? Might as well go into your own back yard and stomp your feet.
Nope. I don't throw tantrums. I accept things for what they are and adapt and overcome.

Don't take my post as support for Hillary because they are not. We didn't have much of a choice this election.


Well-Known Member
What ever man. You know damn well people would be out in the masses just the same way if Hillary won.

As I have said I didn't care for either one. Both are crooked.

Just saying if she won this thread would be just the reversed mirror image. People would still be crying and bitching.

Nothing but a bunch of back and forth bitterness from both sides.

I have not much more to say about it.
i doubt it seriously may be next day but not carry on like these democratic clowns are doing


Well-Known Member
Unless you are Trump and you never had to worry about money. He was the scammer, including retired people. He used lawsuits to bully people. He refused to pay thousands of people who have fruitlessly filed liens against him. Some of those went out of business because they trusted Benedict Donald.

But hey, that's just crazy talk. He's going to be the saviour of the middle class. He said so himself.
there trying to get more people into the middle class group that is a win win right


Well-Known Member
there trying to get more people into the middle class group that is a win win right
He's said this and said that. He's the darling of the white pride movement. I don't know what the fuck he's going to do. His tax cut and increase spending plan, if one can call it a plan, I same old shit that has been dragging this country down including the middle class for the past 40 years. Also ballooning the national debt. So, I'm not optimistic with Trump. Not now and not for the future.

I was out voted at least from the electoral college standpoint, so I accept he's my president. But I'm not happy with many of his proposals. I think most women and minorities of this country have every right to be outright angry and fearful based upon what he said he's going to do. He has four years to change our minds.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Were there street protests like this when Obama got elected? I don't recall any. There have been endless accusations of racism any time anybody expressed any displeasure with the president.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
He's said this and said that. He's the darling of the white pride movement. I don't know what the fuck he's going to do. His tax cut and increase spending plan, if one can call it a plan, I same old shit that has been dragging this country down including the middle class for the past 40 years. Also ballooning the national debt. So, I'm not optimistic with Trump. Not now and not for the future.

I was out voted at least from the electoral college standpoint, so I accept he's my president. But I'm not happy with many of his proposals. I think most women and minorities of this country have every right to be outright angry and fearful based upon what he said he's going to do. He has four years to change our minds.
Does that make him part of the white pride movement? What exactly is the white pride movement? The only place I have ever heard about it is here on RIU.