Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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So you think it's ok to teach children to hate? Make sure you wash your sheet for this weekends rally.

I obviously believe our children are confused by all the political rhetoric, just like so many of their parents on both the right and left. They lack the education, life experience and foresight necessary to understand these complex issues, yet feel a need to voice their opinions based upon political talking points (aka Fox or MSNBC). We really need to educate our children, not irresponsibly propagandize them IMHO

How about answering my question and becoming a productive member of this conversation? Your point of view is just as important as the next in this problem/solution/conversation ...
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putin said wwIII if clinton was elected, but trump is cool. and they are showing off those shiny new satan II rockets... is it 7 megatons? as in seven million tons of dynamite?

and you think i'm not thinking of 'policy'? brexit is a bitch, and shit's going to hit the fan. i don't want any of you nuked. i think i'm safe, less than one person per square mile in my area...

if there is a God, i hope Putin and Trump both realize that Mutually Assured Destruction is still very real.

i've got some old mine shafts within 10 miles of me where me and the fam will be safe. need to get some iodine tablets just in case
what about big lou and uncle buck? never saw any moderation or reprimands there... so, one side can, the other can't? i'm not bitching, i'm just saying there should be a standard, or there should not be rules. lawlessness is how neegans are born...
i dont mod politics as the big guy who does
Very even modding here. I post a polite request to move this conversation to the politics section because I knew it would get ugly, just didn't know it would be me losing my cool because of a very low insult was directed my way. I did notice that the vulgar response to my polite post stayed up and I'm sure he didn't get threatened with banning.
Thats all fine and dandy, but this thread is not really about politics, its about ME, after several years of membership and support, being banned for simply having and expressing a different view. It is so obvious to me now, that everything hillary supporters have claimed about me and other supporters of trump, is so very true about them. Just since this post, i have already recieved a nasty pm, calling me all kinds of stupid and racist. Apparantly, im not the only one to be banned for my open support.
I obviously believe our children are confused by all the political rhetoric, just like so many of their parents on both the right and left. They lack the education, life experience and foresight necessary to understand these complex issues, yet feel a need to voice their opinions based upon political talking points (aka Fox or MSNBC). We really need to educate our children, not irresponsibly propagandize them IMHO

How about answering my question and becoming a productive member of this conversation? Your point of view is just as important as the next in this problem/solution/conversation ...
Thats all fine and dandy, but this thread is not really about politics, its about ME, after several years of membership and support, being banned for simply having and expressing a different view. It is so obvious to me now, that everything hillary supporters have claimed about me and other supporters of trump, is so very true about them. Just since this post, i have already recieved a nasty pm, calling me all kinds of stupid and racist. Apparantly, im not the only one to be banned for my open support.

Not sure how many times I have to say this but I'm not a clinton supporter, I'm anti TRUMP. The man is pure evil and will not help anyone that he thinks is beneath him,which is pretty much everyone. You can all pray to your cheeto jesus with the bad weave but in the end you'll wake up I hope,you've been conned. I will no longer argue these false equivalences, once you wake up I'm sure most of his supporters will deny even voting for him.
What if I said this. Could we still be friends?

"Not sure how many times I have to say this but I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm anti CLINTON. The woman is pure evil and will not help anyone that she thinks is beneath her,which is pretty much everyone. You can all pray to your cheeto jesus with the bad weave but in the end you'll wake up I hope,you've been conned. I will no longer argue these false equivalences, once you wake up I'm sure most of her supporters will deny even voting for her."
Regardless, it is what it is. Its done, accept it or not, idc. This is the last you will hear about any of it from me. Since many people cant seem to understand the point of my op, or what it really means, Can we close this thread now.
I accept it but I don't have to be happy,we've survived many bad things in this country but I don't think most understand what is coming, 47% Didn't even vote, and that is disgraceful, must have been a good episode of the Kardacians on Tuesday.
It's illegal if your not State Certified to produce alcohol in specified amounts which would be a waste of time if you had no market for it, and selling it would be illegal anyway. So six of one half a dozen of another. It's politics and all about $$.
As far as far as Pearl Harbor goes it's in your histor books. Plus every war know to man has had economy and currencies involved. Sleep well rkymtnman.

WRONG! We (The state dept. behind FDR's back) placed an oil embargo on them and FDR froze all their assets in US holdings
for their war in china and expansion in the Pacific. They attacked because of us NOT sending them oil!
Better reread your history books!

i need to add to my statement: when we built our still, his wife (she had no record) did apply for and get a fuel alcohol permit which does allow you to distill spirits for personal use.

but there is no restrictions on fermenting alcohol as long as you aren't caught selling it.

and i still disagree on WW2. japan invaded pearl harbor in an attempt to prevent the US from interupting their expansions into the phillipines, manchuria and other areas. boy, did that turn out to be a big mistake.

I'll give you half on that!

It was mostly oil and the movement into oil rich South east Asia.......I can't remember the name of the State dept. lawyer who crafted the paper work lining out the embargo on oil and their assets....Achorson, Achson - first name was Dean, Dean Acherson, Dean screw it...Looking it up.

AH close.....Dean Acheson! I'm big buzztime trivia and Jepordy buff...Love this stuff.
whoever won, there would be rioting. seems like the socially acceptable thing to do these days.

trump (and clinton if she won) have alot to do to re-unify this country back to the best country in the world

The protesting makes dems look like cry babies. I suppose that's better then the Rep. turning their back on Obama and giving VERY little to no cooperation in running a country. That was way worse! (Whaaa, Whaaa, we lost so we won't play the game waaaa)
The point is to accept the outcome and come together to get things done - for the people and the country!
Sadly, that's been forgotten by all!

The real fun part is that Trump will do about NONE of what he promised the poor white, disenfranchised who came out and voted for him on droves! They wanted change and saw trump as someone who spoke "their" language.......LMFAO! Now how the hell does a billionaire speak their language? How does this "Do what I want because I'm wealthy" guy, represent them?

Build a wall? Not very likely! Make Mexico pay for it? NO WAY!
Bring back American jobs from overseas? NOT going to happen! He can't and NO ONE can! Example would be the Steel industry, he actually used that as his example! How are you going to get US companies to pay UP for US made steel. Steel companies can not "lower their prices" to the level of China's or India's raw steel prices! So then, He would have to put tariff's on the steel and other competing goods to make the US steel "affordable" to US industry.

The problem with that is that going "protectionist" on foreign produced goods will only make the "foreign" governments do the same to us, so our exported goods are now costing more and job losses are next. This is an never ending downward spiral of things costing more to consumers, reducing profits, reducing employment, and finally - increasing anger at the working government!

He promised to increase the American wage for the middle class...What about the poverty level and near poverty level folks? No one can survive on the present minimum wage! You know what? I don't see him raising anything but as a "token" raise to say he did something. And that's even questionable because his party, controlled by rich corporate america. Will not like any wage raise! How about every time the talk of minimum wage increase comes out, small business and those that "say" they support or "speak" for it, cry that it'll destroy small business and reduce overall employment. Then why when it does happen,,,,,,,VERY little problems are actually seen. In other words, it's business as usual!

Closing boarders and limiting who we allow to emigrate is, well, unamerican as far as who we are as a nation! Hate and mistrust is taking over. The uneducated trailer trash and good ol boy redneck class. Should NEVER be allowed to define just who we are as a nation!

The same for the religious factions beginning to wedge their power into the political mix! Take for instance the "Abortion" issue. This is a religiously based moral issue, that has NO place in politics !!! It should be decided by what YOU believe as to if you or yours will have one! The idea that these religious zealots can force their beliefs on me and others, not of their religious belief......IS WRONG!. Our country was founded on freedom. The freedom to choose for yourself what is right and what is wrong for you!

Now don't you DARE come back with we need laws to govern so we don't have "lawlessness"! We have those and they are needed! But everything from abortion to seatbelts to choosing to smoke pot IS a personal choice that was guaranteed by the constitution as it was written. The problem is that the government has found "legal" ways around these things to make them illegal "for our own good or protection".....Many laws have been this way and many have fallen for what they were. How about interracial relationships and marriage, or Jim Crowe laws, and don't forget about what "kind" of sex you can have behind closed doors in your own home? They changed didn't they? When will we figure out that equality is meant for ALL human beings! Man, women, color, sexual preference and religious belief mean NOTHING!

We freed the slaves and later found that all colors were equal. We are now figuring it out that sexual preference has equality and we STILL have NOT defined that WOMEN are equal! Won't see that happening in Trumps (or the Republican party anytime soon) term!

Trump will get NO promise "done". The disenfranchised with get madder, the rich will get richer, the poor and lower middle and middle class will get poorer and the country will go deeper in debt. The deeper we get with the ponzi scheme way our money is valued. Will simply make it easier for those we owe (our enemies?) to collapse our country by simply saying "pay us back now"..

In truth, reality is on vacation and sadly, the bulk of the voters who got their "way". don't have a clue as to what they are doing and how our country really works!

Later Trump chumps!
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The protesting makes dems look like cry babies. I suppose that's better then the Rep. turning their back on Obama and giving VERY little to no cooperation in running a country. That was way worse! (Whaaa, Whaaa, we lost so we won't play the game waaaa)
The point is to accept the outcome and come together to get things done - for the people and the country!
Sadly, that's been forgotten by all!

The real fun part is that Trump will do about NONE of what he promised the poor white, disenfranchised who came out and voted for him on droves! They wanted change and saw trump as someone who spoke "their" language.......LMFAO! Now how the hell does a billionaire speak their language? How does this "Do what I want because I'm wealthy" guy, represent them?

Build a wall? Not very likely! Make Mexico pay for it? NO WAY!
Bring back American jobs from overseas? NOT going to happen! He can't and NO ONE can! Example would be the Steel industry, he actually used that as his example! How are you going to get US companies to pay UP for US made steel. Steel companies can not "lower their prices" to the level of China's or India's raw steel prices! So then, He would have to put tariff's on the steel and other competing goods to make the US steel "affordable" to US industry.

The problem with that is that going "protectionist" on foreign produced goods will only make the "foreign" governments do the same to us, so our exported goods are now costing more and job losses are next. This is an never ending downward spiral of things costing more to consumers, reducing profits, reducing employment, and finally - increasing anger at the working government!

He promised to increase the American wage for the middle class...What about the poverty level and near poverty level folks? No one can survive on the present minimum wage! You know what? I don't see him raising anything but as a "token" raise to say he did something. And that's even questionable because his party, controlled by the rich corporate america. Will not like any wage raise! How about every time the talk of minimum wage increase comes out, small business and those that "say" they support or "speak" for it. Cry that it'll destroy small business and reduce overall employment. Then why when it does happen,,,,,,,VERY little problems are actually seen. In other words. it's business as usual!

Closing boarders and limiting who we allow to emigrate is, well, unamerican as far as who we are as a nation! Hate and mistrust is taking over. The uneducated trailer trash and good ol boy redneck class. Should NEVER be allowed to define just who we are as a nation!

The same for the religious factions beginning to wedge their power into the political mix! Take for instance the "Abortion" issue. This is a religiously based moral issue, that has NO place in politics !!! It should be decided by what YOU believe as to if you or yours will have one! The idea that these religious zealots can force their beliefs on me and others, not of their religious belief......IS WRONG!. Our country was founded on freedom. The freedom to choose for yourself what is right and what is wrong for you!

Now don't you DARE come back with we need laws to govern so we don't have "lawlessness"! We have those and they are needed! But everything from abortion to seatbelts to choosing to smoke pot IS a personal choice that was guaranteed by the constitution as it was written. The problem is that the government has found "legal" ways around these things to make them illegal "for our own good or protection".....Many laws have been this way and many have fallen for what they were. How about interracial relationships and marriage, or Jim Crowe laws, and don't forget about what "kind" of sex you can have behind closed doors in your own home? They changed didn't they? When will we figure out that equality is meant for ALL human beings! Man, women, color, sexual preference and religious belief mean NOTHING!

We freed the slaves and later found that all colors were equal. We are now figuring it out that sexual preference has equality and we STILL have NOT defined that WOMEN are equal! Won't see that happening in Trumps (or the Republican party anytime soon) term!

Trump will get NO promise "done". The disenfranchised with get madder, the rich will get richer, the poor and lower middle and middle class will get poorer and the country will go deeper in debt. The deeper we get with the ponzi scheme way our money is valued. Will simply make it easier for those we owe (our enemies?) to collapse our country by simply saying "pay us back now"..

In truth, reality is on vacation and sadly, the bulk of the voters who got their "way". don't have a clue as to what they are doing and how our country really works!

Later Trump chumps!

Perhaps the above wall of text will keep out the Mexicans.Great thinking Dr.
Did anyone riot and loot after Obama won twice?

No one is "rioting and looting"!!! It's called protest! Open your eye's and see the truth!

When Obama won. The republican party simply voted against the vast majority of anything Obama wanted to do. His policy was ignored! That's acting like a child!

Many leading Dems have come FORWARD to Trump and said basically, "hey, what can I do to get us working together for the good of the people and the country!'' At least some one is trying to cooperate!
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