GroErr Grows...


Well-Known Member
Are you 100% cob with the last few pic posts or do you still have some LEC going?
Are we still using the "tilted-tastys" + LEC ?

(that was the last config I am recalling....but Gro will be along)
Yep, everything in the room has been straight up 600w of Tasty COBs, 2x T2-1400 bars w/3 COBs per and pulling 150w each, 3x T2-1400 bars w/2COBs each puling 100w each.

I pulled the combo round early due to on-going heat issues in the in-between weather, when it's warm outside but not warm enough to kick in the HVAC AC it's a bitch to manage and we had several weeks of that. I was just tired of fighting with it so pulled early and grabbed the additional 300w of Tasty's. to be able to fill the room but manage temps easier in the spring/fall.

I'll likely try some combo stuff again mid-winter but not seeing any drivers other than if I need some additional heat to maintain the room dialed in mid-winter.


Well-Known Member
Shot of the Blue Ripper x Blue Dream pheno 1, day 46. Nice and frosty, lots of smell, still has 2-3 weeks to go :)

View attachment 3827882

Cheers :bigjoint:

Say...have you noticed your pistils turning sooner under the cobs?

Mine are about 30ish days now and im starting to see them here and there. Same with a lot of other pics of bud under cob around the 35+ day mark.

Dunno if that is significant or not, just an observation... seemingly different from hps.


Well-Known Member
Say...have you noticed your pistils turning sooner under the cobs?

Mine are about 30ish days now and im starting to see them here and there. Same with a lot of other pics of bud under cob around the 35+ day mark.

Dunno if that is significant or not, just an observation... seemingly different from hps.
Yes I see it all the time, yes it's different than HPS and yes you'll likely finish as much as a full week earlier if your experience matches mine.


Well-Known Member
Yes I see it all the time, yes it's different than HPS and yes you'll likely finish as much as a full week earlier if your experience matches mine.
Yes I see it all the time, yes it's different than HPS and yes you'll likely finish as much as a full week earlier if your experience matches mine.
Ah didn't realize the cobs had a tendency to finish grows up early.
I know groErr had mention that the 315's will at times finish strains 4-5 days early

News to the newbie great info


Well-Known Member
Yes I see it all the time, yes it's different than HPS and yes you'll likely finish as much as a full week earlier if your experience matches mine.
Uh oh... i havent accounted for that. I booked my last bit of holidays to coincide with a 9ish week run to chop time... lol

Nice problem to have though


Well-Known Member
In my case they're actually taking longer but I came from CMH which always finished my strains faster. But I switched to CMH from Blurples and immediately noticed 5-7 days shorter finish times. I'll have a better confirmation of that this round as I've only had one control pheno to see the extended times moving from CMH. The JTR I have in this round is a first under COBs and I've run that pheno for 3+ years, it always finishes within 53-55 days under CMH. I'm thinking 60'sh under the COBs. Either way, I have no problem giving up a few days for the killer terps :)


Well-Known Member
Went to see Roger Hodgson (wrote the majority of Supertramp's music) last night at Casino Rama. He had like a 30 member orchestra behind him and a whole choir for some of the backup singing. Did some classics like Fool's Overture, Hide in Your Shell, and an incredible long version of Child of Vision that was worth the price of the ticket alone and highlighted his incredible music writing and skills on the keyboard, sounded f'n awesome. Not bad for a 66 year old rocker, voice is a little stressed but still kicking it pretty good.


Well-Known Member
It is always frosty in there!

Have you tried hitting them with IR in the morning for 15 minutes before lights on and Far Red for 15 minutes after lights off?

Simulates dawn and dusk and triggers certain metabolic systems that promote faster maturity.

I am getting ready to try it myself when I get the Kessil LED system up in running.


Well-Known Member
It is always frosty in there!

Have you tried hitting them with IR in the morning for 15 minutes before lights on and Far Red for 15 minutes after lights off?

Simulates dawn and dusk and triggers certain metabolic systems that promote faster maturity.

I am getting ready to try it myself when I get the Kessil LED system up in running.
Cheers Mo, brrrr :)

Yes I am, but flipped around, 730nm runs at the end of the lights-on cycle and the 630/660's run just before lights on. They overlap by 2 minutes and run for 10 minutes each.