Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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I am sorry to hear of the ban.I do hope it wasn't just for offering an opposing view.Their is a Famous Quote that came out of the Debates for the Free Speech Amendment Attributed to Patrick Henry,it seems He and another Representative where arguing over the Amendment,When he Stood and Shouted,"I may not Support what you have to Say Sir,But I will Defend to the Death,Your Right to Say It"
We should remember that sentiment now.
That's a false equivalency. Did Obama brag about grabbing women by their pussy? Did he threaten to deport 15 million people? Did he threaten to stop people from coming to this country due to their chosen religion? Did a dozen women come forward accusing him of sexual assault? Did he get accused of raping a 13 year old girl?

No he didn't. He was guilty of having a Muslim sounding name, and conservatives ran around for 8 years with their hair on fire because they were just positive he was a Muslim born in Kenya without a valid birth certificate (Trump leading the charge). If we take Trumps campaign promises at face value then there is good deal of shit to be concerned about.
Come now. Private conversation between 2 men saved in the archives to be used as fodder for hate over a decade later. Yes, he talked about deporting people present here ILLEGALLY and that has been "softened" . I have not heard much about the women who came forward since it was determined that some were paid handsomely and many of the stories were benign and none of them carried the weight of Bill Clinton's 3 very-plausible rape accusers...not to mention Hillary's attempt at intimidation and bimboizing them. The rape charge has gone away after being rejected in a couple other courts and funny it lost its luster when it was discovered that Gloria Aldred's, the financier of the other accusers, daughter was leading the charge. Not to mention that Bill and Hillary themselves had a closer relationship with Epstein than Donald did. Dude, you are an excuse maker. These imbeciles are not rioting because any of this they are rioting because they lost and their puny little minds could not accept it.
As for Obama, your list is also more than short-sighted. First, the left continually paints the right as racist. Unless that is bullshit (it is) would that not be enough? But lets not forget about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezco, His unethical methods of gaining his state office...first castigating the other Democratic candidate with lies (a woman). And then gaining the Senate by getting a liberal judge to open sealed court documents about his opponents divorce. Yeah, stay classy Barack Obama. Add to that sealed transcripts, his fostering the birther debate himself as he tried to use it to his advantage and more.
Sorry, your arguments are weak and the reason conservatives did not protest is because they think like adults and not like the petulant children of the left we see in the streets (and signing petitions crying about a legal election that did not go their way)
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I do have to say FUCK THE MMMA!

They took in how fucking many millions in donations to get the legalization proposal on the ballet ?
They didn't get it on and pissed away the chance too in the first place!
The leader is a dick and his hang around buddy (the editor of high Times) had his hand in the till too!
So were did all that money go? Why can't they say?
I fucking testified in the hearings on the new bills taking effect on Dec 20! I was against them (except for the edibles and concentrates one)!

All I got outa that was raided and shut down! Bill Schutte don't like folks who testify against his side.
I get signed off of probation on Monday for that one.

Thank you for testifying. I am sorry for what happened and am happy to hear you will be off probation.
Come now. Private conversation between 2 men saved in the archives to be used as fodder for hate over a decade later. Yes, he talked about deporting people present here ILLEGALLY and that has been "softened" . I have not heard much about the women who came forward since it was determined that some were paid handsomely and many of the stories were benign and none of them carried the weight of Bill Clinton's 3 very-plausible rape accusers...not to mention Hillary's attempt at intimidation and bimboizing them. The rape charge has gone away after being rejected in a couple other courts and funny it lost its luster when it was discovered that Gloria Aldred's, the financier of the other accusers, daughter was leading the charge. Not to mention that Bill and Hillary themselves had a closer relationship with Epstein than Donald did. Dude, you are an excuse maker. These imbeciles are not rioting because any of this they are rioting because they lost and their puny little minds could not accept it.
As for Obama, your list is also more than short-sighted. First, the left continually paints the right as racist. Unless that is bullshit (it is) would that not be enough? But lets not forget about Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezco, His unethical methods of gaining his state office...first castigating the other Democratic candidate with lies (a woman). And then gaining the Senate by getting a liberal judge to open sealed court documents about his opponents divorce. Yeah, stay classy Barack Obama. Add to that sealed transcripts, his fostering the birther debate himself as he tried to use it to his advantage and more.
Sorry, your arguments are weak and the reason conservatives did not protest is because they think like adults and not like the petulant children of the left we see in the streets (and signing petitions crying about a legal election that did not go their way)

I dont give a single shit when, where, and between whom the conversation happened. When you brag about grabbing women's pussies and then run for president it might come back to bite you in the ass. It shows just what kind of an arrogant, chauvinistic douche bag he really is. I could sit here all day and rattle off degrading quotes about women that Trump has spouted off. Obama has more class in his pinky finger than trump will ever have.

So if this is all just whiny liberals without substance, and has nothing to do with trumps character or what he has said, show me protests of this magnitude when other Republican presidents have won office. You won't find any. You're just making excuses for him.
I dont give a single shit when, where, and between whom the conversation happened. When you brag about grabbing women's pussies and then run for president it might come back to bite you in the ass. It shows just what kind of an arrogant, chauvinistic douche bag he really is. I could sit here all day and rattle off degrading quotes about women that Trump has spouted off. Obama has more class in his pinky finger than trump will ever have.

So if this is all just whiny liberals without substance, and has nothing to do with trumps character or what he has said, show me protests of this magnitude when other Republican presidents have won office. You won't find any. You're just making excuses for him.
How does "Fucking Jew Bastard" sit with you?
These morons are in the street not because of what Trump said or did but because of you, people like you, and your media blasting them with "isms" wrongly characterizing Trump and people who voted for him. Your party lost because these were your only fucking arguments. Democrats need to learn how to explain their ideas instead of relying on generating hate. They are good at the latter but they poked the bear once too often with their/YOUR contrived bullshit.
St0w- you're a good man. This dude is a complete loser. There's no telling him otherwise and we all see that. This is his life problem

Life's too short to dance with douche bags
Ahhh, you think poor St0w needs your help. How sweet. Yeah, I have been watching you puke all over the place here for awhile. Please read above where I point out that you leftists need to actually come up with arguments. These puny little swipes at everyone you disagree with are laughable.
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How does "Fucking Jew Bastard" sit with you?
These morons are in the street not because of what Trump said or did but because of you, people like you, and your media blasting them with "isms" wrongly characterizing Trump and people who voted for him. Your party lost because these were your only fucking arguments. Democrats need to learn how to explain their ideas instead of relying on generating hate. They are good at the latter but they poked the bear once too often with their/YOUR contrived bullshit.

I'll say I'm NOT a Dumbocrat OR a Repulsivelican !
YOU morons WOULD be in the street screaming that it was "rigged" if Trump lost.
The people who voted for him are basically uneducated lower middle class who actually believe he will do everything he says...yeah, right!
As far as either side being able to explain their ideas. I have seen exercises by experts who have attempted to make this exact thing happen between groups of people, that are equally spread over Dem - rep and ind/undecided. What you say you need the Dems to do was started. the rep side jumped in, interupting and screaming about how the dems were wrong. BEFORE they even had a chance to line out their thought.
This happened the other way too, in fact it degraded into an argument about each being wrong before anything was explained each time it happened.
The blame is not democrats OR republicans! It's the fault of Newt Gringrich and his absolute as far right intolerance of anything left of his beliefs! This all began back in the Reagan administration as Reagan paved the way for the war between the parties.

Gerald R Ford HATED Reagan and new this would happen if he (Reagan) was elected. No one listened, because they did not believe that any kind of division or hate that big would happen.....It took time but, it did. And here we are today, blaming everyone els for the problem that each had an equal hand in causing!

It used to be that when someone was elected. Everybody sat back down at their desk and worked together to get things done for the PEOPLE and THE COUNTRY......Now it's all about stopping the "other side" from getting anything they would like done. And almost nothing does!

BY THE WAY right wingers....Did you know that your NIXON was less then 2 weeks away from signing in a national healthcare bill? Yup, that's right! Congress was poised to vote on it and it was said to be going to pass at almost a unanimous vote! Nixon was one of the one's who help put it together and was going to sign it! he resigned and that was it!

Remember that you poke the other bear as much!
YOU want contrived bullshit? Tune your beloved FOXnews back on and see what "contrived bullshit" really is!!!
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Ahhh, you think poor St0w needs your help. How sweet. Yeah, I have been watching you puke all over the place here for awhile. Please read above where I point out that you leftists need to actually come up with arguments. These puny little swipes at everyone you disagree with are laughable.

That's equally reflected in your mirror.....

I actually wish the protesters would grow up and sit down and say. Ok, he was elected. I'll stand behind him for the country and what it means.
You "right wingers" wouldn't do that for any of Obama's term. or Bill's for that matter.....By doing that, can you not see why some misguided folks are doing the same back?

You get what you give into any relationship!
How does "Fucking Jew Bastard" sit with you?
These morons are in the street not because of what Trump said or did but because of you, people like you, and your media blasting them with "isms" wrongly characterizing Trump and people who voted for him. Your party lost because these were your only fucking arguments. Democrats need to learn how to explain their ideas instead of relying on generating hate. They are good at the latter but they poked the bear once too often with their/YOUR contrived bullshit.

People like me? I've blamed the DNC and the party as a whole for this. In many ways I'm glad that Trump won. Like Rrog mentioned, a huge wake up call for the Democrats. Clinton embodies everything that is wrong in Washington over the past 30+ years. Her cozy relationship with corporate America makes me sick.

None of that however takes away from the fact that Trump is a terrible human being. There is no denying that. I am however willing to give the guy a shot. I'm really hoping that someone like him, despite his obvious moral ineptitude, can still be an effective potus. Either way, the ball is in the Republicans court. They own the next four years and have complete control.
People like me? I've blamed the DNC and the party as a whole for this. In many ways I'm glad that Trump won. Like Rrog mentioned, a huge wake up call for the Democrats. Clinton embodies everything that is wrong in Washington over the past 30+ years. Her cozy relationship with corporate America makes me sick.

None of that however takes away from the fact that Trump is a terrible human being. There is no denying that. I am however willing to give the guy a shot. I'm really hoping that someone like him, despite his obvious moral ineptitude, can still be an effective potus. Either way, the ball is in the Republicans court. They own the next four years and have complete control.

The only sad part is that trump has his tax cuts lined yup for the 1%! In the end of 4 years. The rich will be richer, the poor and middle class will be closer together (and that's NOT an increase for the poor!) and the country will be even deeper in debt!
We might have some kind of wall though. That'll do nothing to help jobs and wages!
He will not have brought back jobs from overseas.....either!
I'll say I'm NOT a Dumbocrat OR a Repulsivelican !
YOU morons WOULD be in the street screaming that it was "rigged" if Trump lost.
The people who voted for him are basically uneducated lower middle class who actually believe he will do everything he says...yeah, right!
As far as either side being able to explain their ideas. I have seen exercises by experts who have attempted to make this exact thing happen between groups of people, that are equally spread over Dem - rep and ind/undecided. What you say you need the Dems to do was started. the rep side jumped in, interupting and screaming about how the dems were wrong. BEFORE they even had a chance to line out their thought.
This happened the other way too, in fact it degraded into an argument about each being wrong before anything was explained each time it happened.
The blame is not democrats OR republicans! It's the fault of Newt Gringrich and his absolute as far right intolerance of anything left of his beliefs! This all began back in the Reagan administration as Reagan paved the way for the war between the parties.

Gerald R Ford HATED Reagan and new this would happen if he (Reagan) was elected. No one listened, because they did not believe that any kind of division or hate that big would happen.....It took time but, it did. And here we are today, blaming everyone els for the problem that each had an equal hand in causing!

It used to be that when someone was elected. Everybody sat back down at their desk and worked together to get things done for the PEOPLE and THE COUNTRY......Now it's all about stopping the "other side" from getting anything they would like done. And almost nothing does!

BY THE WAY right wingers....Did you know that your NIXON was less then 2 weeks away from signing in a national healthcare bill? Yup, that's right! Congress was poised to vote on it and it was said to be going to pass at almost a unanimous vote! Nixon was one of the one's who help put it together and was going to sign it! he resigned and that was it!

Remember that you poke the other bear as much!
YOU want contrived bullshit? Tune your beloved FOXnews back on and see what "contrived bullshit" really is!!!
You are wrongly guessing about a fictitious Republican protest and without historical backup. Thus, irrelevant. Some of the history you provided was interesting, some not, and some probably needs snopes...but none of it really addresses the point here nor change the reality of it.

The reason Trump won is because the same people who voted for Obama last time did not show up or more often changed their vote to Trump and blue counties turned red. So in affect, your somewhat pompous castigation of who those voters are, kind of cuts both ways.
Oh and your Obama should be out front castigating these morons acting out their hate. I am talking about the rioters not the faux protesters (protests are about something changeable this is a cry-in) A sitting President letting riots go on without first verbally trying to quell it and if necessary physically is a dereliction of duty. You jump all over Trump and his buffoonery, yet ignore things like the young lady fearing for her life in Portland after a demostrator took a bat to her windshield and surrounded her with violence. Hard to understand your priorities.
Oh and your Obama should be out front castigating these morons acting out their hate. I am talking about the rioters not the faux protesters (protests are about something changeable this is a cry-in) A sitting President letting riots go on without first verbally trying to quell it and if necessary physically is a dereliction of duty. You jump all over Trump and his buffoonery, yet ignore things like the young lady fearing for her life in Portland after a demostrator took a bat to her windshield and surrounded her with violence. Hard to understand your priorities.

Those are most assuredly NOT my priorities!!!!

You are wrongly guessing about a fictitious Republican protest and without historical backup. Thus, irrelevant. Some of the history you provided was interesting, some not, and some probably needs snopes...but none of it really addresses the point here nor change the reality of it.

The reason Trump won is because the same people who voted for Obama last time did not show up or more often changed their vote to Trump and blue counties turned red. So in affect, your somewhat pompous castigation of who those voters are, kind of cuts both ways.


It was polled that if Trump lost - 36% of his followers stated they would go out and protest !!!
For the Hillery side 14%....

I don't think at all the 14% of how many million that voted for her have taken the streets.....It's proven that snopes is not accurate! just saying.....
1. Agreed that allowing someone to support whom they want in political threads should not get them banned, as long as they didn't cross the boundaries of the rules of discussion in such threads.

2. Agreed that the Democrats/liberals have every right to be pissed about the election, but I think they are protesting the wrong thing. instead of complaining about WHO got picked, it's time to hold those responsible for thwarting our voices in HOW people got nominated. In other words, where's the million liberal match on the DNC?

3. Agreed that it is in everyone's best interest to see what the man does on the job, supporting or opposing his policy proposals on their merits.

4. Agreed that this thread belongs in politics because it's about the national election and not specifically about MI in any way.

5. Pinworm for Penis.
Those are most assuredly NOT my priorities!!!!


It was polled that if Trump lost - 36% of his followers stated they would go out and protest !!!
For the Hillery side 14%....

I don't think at all the 14% of how many million that voted for her have taken the streets.....It's proven that snopes is not accurate! just saying.....
:) Come on Doc...a poll? Link? And while I would not doubt there might have been some who got out and demonstrated. Did the poll ask how many would take bats to cars, kick the shit out of passer-bys, start fires, and light exposives, block highways etc. etc.? Give it up, its is all speculation against the reality we have.
The only sad part is that trump has his tax cuts lined yup for the 1%! In the end of 4 years. The rich will be richer, the poor and middle class will be closer together (and that's NOT an increase for the poor!) and the country will be even deeper in debt!
We might have some kind of wall though. That'll do nothing to help jobs and wages!
He will not have brought back jobs from overseas.....either!
Reducing corporate taxes has always shownn to increase jobs. All of this is just like the screaming we heard the night of the election when the stock markets looked to be reacting badly to the Trump win. And then what happened?
The reason Trump won is because the same people who voted for Obama last time did not show up or more often changed their vote to Trump and blue counties turned red. So in affect, your somewhat pompous castigation of who those voters are, kind of cuts both ways.

I will agree on that. Of course the Republican base supported Trump. But, that's not why he won. County after county that Obama won in 08 and 12 flipped to Trump. These are disenfranchised Obama voters. They held their nose and voted for Trump despite his shortcomings as a person in hopes of some meaningful change. Wether or not he will deliver on that remains to be seen.

The dems ran the wrong horse. How they could be so tone def to support a candidate that represents everything that people on both sides of the aisle are sick of is beyond me.
Reducing corporate taxes has always shownn to increase jobs. All of this is just like the screaming we heard the night of the election when the stock markets looked to be reacting badly to the Trump win. And then what happened?

No it hasn't. In fact the opposite is true. Besides, after FORTY YEARS of tax cuts, shouldn't we be fucking swimming in jobs?

Tax breaks for millionaires and the corporations they own are the express ticket to aristocracy... which means poverty for everyone else. Is that not a better description for what's actually been going on for the last 40 years?
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