How does "Fucking Jew Bastard" sit with you?
These morons are in the street not because of what Trump said or did but because of you, people like you, and your media blasting them with "isms" wrongly characterizing Trump and people who voted for him. Your party lost because these were your only fucking arguments. Democrats need to learn how to explain their ideas instead of relying on generating hate. They are good at the latter but they poked the bear once too often with their/YOUR contrived bullshit.
I'll say I'm NOT a Dumbocrat OR a Repulsivelican !
YOU morons WOULD be in the street
screaming that it was "rigged" if Trump lost.
The people who voted for him are basically uneducated lower middle class who actually
believe he will do everything he says...yeah, right!
As far as either side being able to explain their ideas. I have seen exercises by experts who have attempted to make this exact thing happen between groups of people, that are equally spread over Dem - rep and ind/undecided. What you say you need the Dems to do was started. the rep side jumped in, interupting and screaming about how the dems were wrong. BEFORE they even had a chance to line out their thought.
This happened the other way too, in fact it degraded into an argument about each being wrong before anything was explained each time it happened.
The blame is not democrats OR republicans! It's the fault of Newt Gringrich and his absolute as far right intolerance of anything left of his beliefs! This all began back in the Reagan administration as Reagan paved the way for the war between the parties.
Gerald R Ford HATED Reagan and new this would happen if he (Reagan) was elected. No one listened, because they did not believe that any kind of division or hate that big would happen.....It took time but, it did. And here we are today, blaming everyone els for the problem that each had an equal hand in causing!
It used to be that when someone was elected. Everybody sat back down at their desk and worked together to get things done for the PEOPLE and THE COUNTRY......Now it's all about stopping the "other side" from getting anything they would like done. And almost nothing does!
BY THE WAY right wingers....Did you know that your NIXON was less then 2 weeks away from signing in a national healthcare bill? Yup, that's right! Congress was poised to vote on it and it was said to be going to pass at almost a unanimous vote! Nixon was one of the one's who help put it together and was going to sign it! he resigned and that was it!
Remember that you poke the other bear as much!
YOU want contrived bullshit? Tune your beloved FOXnews back on and see what "contrived bullshit"
really is!!!