Openly supporting donald trump got me banned from the 3ma

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Reducing corporate taxes has always shownn to increase jobs. All of this is just like the screaming we heard the night of the election when the stock markets looked to be reacting badly to the Trump win. And then what happened?
companies hire people to meet customer demand.lowering corporate taxes and reducing benefits to pay for those tax cuts reduce customer boss never gave me a raise or hired more people because his taxes went down. supply side economics does nothing except increase gambling and speculation on wall street
No it hasn't. In fact the opposite is true. Besides, after FORTY YEARS of tax cuts, shouldn't we be fucking swimming in jobs?

Tax breaks for millionaires and the corporations they own are the express ticket to aristocracy... which means poverty for everyone else. Is that not a better description for what's actually been going on for the last 40 years?
give it time. we have only been waiting 40 years for the wealth to "trickle down" to the working class :):):)
Did someone really say its time for socialism? What we have been experiencing is basically socialism. Under a capitalist system, those banks would of never been bailed out, we would not have federally gaurantee student loans, of which is to blame for the ridicolous cost associated with higher education here, compared to other first world countries, we would not have all these tightly regulated markets with uncle sam looking over everyones shoulder. All of that is beside the point, what we have now is bad, does not work and will never work, which is why we have a president elect trump and not a hillary. His win has nothing to do with rascism or sexism, if you notice lately, all of these news outlets are fucking apologizing now for there clear biasedness..the new york times even just came out and said "from now on, we will report honestly" know why i voted trump...NAFTA. Enough said.

By the way, my op was in now way about the election, that is just what everyone here has turned the thread into. My op was about a 501c non profit, banning people for nothing other than expressing opposing political views of the 3ma administration.
Did someone really say its time for socialism? What we have been experiencing is basically socialism. Under a capitalist system, those banks would of never been bailed out, we would not have federally gaurantee student loans, of which is to blame for the ridicolous cost associated with higher education here, compared to other first world countries, we would not have all these tightly regulated markets with uncle sam looking over everyones shoulder. All of that is beside the point, what we have now is bad, does not work and will never work, which is why we have a president elect trump and not a hillary. His win has nothing to do with rascism or sexism, if you notice lately, all of these news outlets are fucking apologizing now for there clear biasedness..the new york times even just came out and said "from now on, we will report honestly" know why i voted trump...NAFTA. Enough said.

By the way, my op was in now way about the election, that is just what everyone here has turned the thread into. My op was about a 501c non profit, banning people for nothing other than expressing opposing political views of the 3ma administration.
what you are describing is fascism.have you ever read Rousseau,Locke or Jefferson ?
Did someone really say its time for socialism? What we have been experiencing is basically socialism. Under a capitalist system, those banks would of never been bailed out, we would not have federally gaurantee student loans, of which is to blame for the ridicolous cost associated with higher education here, compared to other first world countries, we would not have all these tightly regulated markets with uncle sam looking over everyones shoulder. All of that is beside the point, what we have now is bad, does not work and will never work, which is why we have a president elect trump and not a hillary. His win has nothing to do with rascism or sexism, if you notice lately, all of these news outlets are fucking apologizing now for there clear biasedness..the new york times even just came out and said "from now on, we will report honestly" know why i voted trump...NAFTA. Enough said.

By the way, my op was in now way about the election, that is just what everyone here has turned the thread into. My op was about a 501c non profit, banning people for nothing other than expressing opposing political views of the 3ma administration.

Socialism does work. Unfettered capitalism does not. Look no further than the clusterfuck we call health care here. The Canadian system (which I participated in for 21 years) yields better results, at half the price per capita. There are certain things that just shouldn't have a profit motive behind them. Delivering health care, education, and prisons come to mind.

Right wing politicians have done a great job convincing the working class (that would benefit the most from social programs) that its an evil boogeyman. How many seniors do you know that hate their Medicare?
Mr Stowandgrow first said it worked. Perhaps it's best he, or yourself in his defense, give an example since he made the initial claim. Unless you "no-prove your own assertions" because "I'm not doing your homework for you", sir.
Mr Stowandgrow first said it worked. Perhaps it's best he, or yourself in his defense, give an example since he made the initial claim. Unless you "no-prove your own assertions" because "I'm not doing your homework for you", sir.

Our nation's roads. Airports. Water, power and natural gas networks. schools. All examples of socialistic approaches to solving problems.
I'm sorry. I meant to say dirty shit stain of a human. And Hillary is only slightly less awful IMHO

Someone that voted for either Hillary or trump to block the other candidate that they view as the leader of two evils I can appreciate. They both sucked.

trump is a hateful racist crotch grabbing asshole and a lotta "uneducated white males" according to NPR resonated with this awful message and voted for him. Not so much to block Hillary - they dug the animus he congured I avoid people like that, personally

it really wasn't overwhelming amounts of 'racist white dudes' that elected trump, it was the incredibly low turnout for clinton, that and more democrats voted for trump than republicans for hillary.

npr sucks btw, i listen everyday but it's as garbage as everyone else.
I would just like to point out the obvious.

The international community was calling this the intelligent test for the American people (yes, we were). U guys failed.
Dont despair u can resit the test in 4 years time.
I would just like to point out the obvious.

The international community was calling this the intelligent test for the American people (yes, we were). U guys failed.
Dont despair u can resit the test in 4 years time.

We failed the test; we're stupid, self absorbed dunces- and we're sullenly carrying by far the biggest nastiest stick in the schoolyard and just daring someone to say something.

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